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It's been 2 days since we went to amusement park. Today jisung got me the medicines asked him. I had schedule in the morning. And it's afternoon right now and I'm on my way back home.

" Jun! " I called out as I got inside the house. He came out of his room like a dead person.

" I bought medicines for you. " I kept the packet on the table and walked inside my room to get fresh.

I came to the living room and saw Jun sitting on the chair disappointment clear on his face.

" What's wrong? " I asked as I poured myself water.

" I thought you were the only one who didn't care about my memory loss but looks like it isn't " He said.

" Jun your memories are important for you, you need to get them back. " I said and drank the water. I glanced out of the window the weather is cloudy it might rain any time thank god I reached on time.

" Why?! Why should I get my memories back? What's so great did I do to get my memories back?! I'm totally fine without those memories. Why do you all want me to get my memory back? Why?!" He yelled

" Why? I should ask you why you don't want your memories back? Don't you want to get those affectionate memories back you spent with your family? friends? Ain't those important to you? "  I clenched my fists.

" No. Those memories ain't Important to me. If they were really my friends they would have been there for me." He stated bluntly

" What?! It's you who left without a word. You left without informing us! You just disappeared! How we would have known that all this happened to you?! When we were complete clueless "  I was trying my best to hold.

" That's right! How you would have known? I was all by myself once I was conscious after the accident. No one was there for me. No one! I was an idiot! I was an idiot for thinking someone would come for me. Someone who I cherished in the past would come and help me to get my memories back I spent. But all I got was loneliness."

" I was just surrounded by maids and doctors when I needed someone to console me,to tell me about the time they spent with me in the past. No one was there to help me!"

" Medicines? You think these medicines would help? Even if I will get my memories back I won't be that Jihoon again. I'll remain as Jun forever. I'll never be that bastard Jihoon again-" I slapped him on his face, my breath got heavier as I stared in his eyes, I furious. How could he say that?

He glared at me and without even saying a word he walked out of the house slaming the door after walking out. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I ran to the last room upstairs where I kept all the things that were related to Jihoon. I put all the photos of us. I locked myself in the room and sat on the floor hugging his photo and cried. It's hard to live like this. I'm losing my hope in life. I miss you.

It's been an hour since he left. I was still lying there on the floor numb. My mind was totally blank and my eyes we're hurting. I looked out of the window and noticed that it was raining. I went down stairs and heard some noise from outside I peeked from the door and found a kitten getting wet in the rain. It doesn't have any place to hide from the rain. Poor little.

I quickly carried the kitten inside my house trying my best not to get wet. I dried him with a towel and placed him down and crouched on the same level as his. " You must be homeless that why you couldn't hide from the rain. " I caressed his head softly while it licked it's little paw.

" It must have been hard for you living all by yourself. No by your side to protect you"

" I was all by my myself " What Jun said again flashed on my mind. I looked out through the window and it was still raining. I hope he would have found a place to hide from the rain. This won't do.

" Kitty stay here for a while let me go and bring my cat back. " I patted it's tiny head before grabbing an umbrella and locking the door. I searched him in the neighborhood but I found no traces of him. I passed by a Park. Wait. I saw a silhouette of someone. I walked backwards and saw someone sitting on the swing. He let the rain get him drenched in water. His eyes were fixed to the ground deep in his thoughts

" Jun " I covered him with the umbrella preventing him from not getting further wet from the rain.

" Go back. Your here because of Jihoon not Jun. " He mumbled without even caring to look at me.

" I'm here because of my friend " I spoke as rain droplets started falling on me.

" Huh? Friend? Do you even considered my feelings? You don't consider me as your friend all you care about is Jihoon that's why you slapped me. Leave you're just like others" Sadness was evident in his words.

" You're the same person Jun it's just that your personality has changed. If I never cared about you I wouldn't have been here."

" That's right my personality has changed then why ain't people accepting this personality? Why?! Why do they want me to get my memories back? For what?! Can't they accept the new me? Am I that bad? Why should I get my memories back? For whom? I have no one from my past right now?! Friends?huh? Where are they?! "

" Jun, it's not how you think. The truth is different trust me."

" I don't want to. I don't want to trust you, you'll only break my heart. How can I trust you when you can't even accept the new me? Y/n am I that bad? Why can't you care about Jun the way you care about Jihoon? "

" I never asked you to change Jun. All I'm asking you is to get your memories back for the sake of your loved ones. The ones who cherish the memories they spent with you. I already accepted the way you are long ago... Please come home with me" He looked at my direction with his sad eyes.

" You're getting wet. " He got up and held the umbrella covering me.

" It doesn't matters" I snatched it from his hand and covered him.

" It matters to me" He snatched back.

" Then forgive me " There was silence only the sound of rain falling onto the ground was audible.

" I did" He smiled not because to prove me he actually did but to show he genuinely meant.

We walked back home under the same umbrella we didn't talk much, it wasn't awkward but calming.

" Hmm? What is this? " He asked as he looked at the kitten walking around him.

" I saw it getting wet in the rain so I brought it home" I closed the main door.
I looked at him just to see him caressing the kitten.

" Hey go change you might catch cold" I told him. Shit!  I haven't locked the door upstairs. Panicked rushed into me as I ran in the speed of flash skipping few steps and taking long jump which almost made me look I was flying.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now