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" Jun?" I got up on the bed and sat beside him. " Jun, speak to me. " I shook his body and he finally looked up. His eyes were red and puffy, tears were still flowing down his cheeks. His drunk eyes looked tired. " What made you cry? " I wiped his tears with my thumb and waited for him to answer. " I was dead. " He spoke with a weak tone in his voice. I was disconcerted from what he said. But before I could say any further he passed out. My spinal cord locked up when his body leaned on mine, his head was resting on my chest making this posture very uncomfortable.

I looked down at him and he wasn't in his senses. Looking at his pouty face while sleeping so comfortably I couldn't help but ruffle his hair. Even though this is a very uncomfortable position I still like it. It's soo annoying that even if he is present in front of me I can't show him my affection. I have to pretend every moment. But I can't lose him either. I fe guilty because he went through all this and I wasn't even there for him. And now he's having nightmares after that incident.

When he told me that he doesn't likes anyone from his past I was afraid that he would hate me too. He would hate me for not being with him when he needed me the most. I feel guilty too but the circumstances turned out like that, it was impossible for me. If he gets to know we were in a relationship he'd leave me again. I know. That's why I want to him to get his memories back. I'm not asking him to be like Jihoon. He's still the same just a bit more annoying.

" Jun? You should lay down. " I said as I shook him lightly. " Then I won't be able to fall asleep. " He mumbled making a vibration against my neck. " Huh? Jun? " He seemed to doze off again. He pulled himself back finally and laid himself comfortably on the bed. I covered him with the blanket and closed the door of his room after walking out.


I was going through my schedule for the next week. I don't really have any work rest of this week which means I have to tolerate the two people living in my house. Jun was sitting on the couch doing something with the kitten. The day I saved it from the rain, it frequently shows up at my house. While I don't know what lino is doing I haven't seen him around since last night.

" Good morning~" Lino sang showing his wide smile. Even though it was almost noon. "Is he still drunk? " Jun asked probably shocked by lino's wide yet creepy smile. " Give him sometime. He's still not in his sense. " " Anyways I don't have work today " I announced, turning off my tablet. " Is he unemployed? " Jun pointed at lino who was sitting on the dinning table... Lost? " He-" I was about to reply on my best friend's behalf but "I work from home. " Lino said cutting me off. " Suits you. " Jun scoffed and continued playing with the kitten.

" You have no idea how much I earn. " Lino rolled his eyes at the other male. " Probably not more than me" He goggled with confidence. I was interested in witnessing this argument. " You don't even have a job. " Lino chuckled at him own reply to mock the other guy. " Ohh but I have 31.5% of Park Jewels shares, making me the second largest shareholder after my brother. " He smirked as if he knew he'd win this.

" But still your unemployed. " " But I  earn more than you even without working. " " Well I earn my money by working hard I don't depend on my father or brother. " " Looks like your losing, the topic was who earns more. I guess my net worth is enough to prove that. " " You both have soo much money but still don't have a place to stay. " I said Sympathically and shook my head at the two dumb people.

" Whatever. Y/n I'm free at night so can we watch movie at home? " He asked ignoring the fact that he just lost the argument. " I'm in. " I said since I have no other option. " I'm in too" Our heads turn to the person who just spoke. " Anyways. Can I invite Yujin too? " He what? " Fine by me but you'll have to drop her since it would get late. " " Sure." He seemed happy and cheerful. Of course she's his serotonin pill. Whenever he feels dejected go and talk to him about her you'll see a different glow in his face. He's head out heels for her while me... I looked at Jun who was busy babying the kitten. Never mind.


" You did what??! " Jun Shrieked. " I ordered caramel popcorns. " Lino stated again. " WHO THE HELL LIKES CARAMEL POPCORNS? " A disgusted look was plastered on Jun's face. " I like. " Lino replied. I sat their on the couch watching their 56th drama of the day. And trust me I'm getting better at tolerating them " Dude, Calm down I ordered normal popcorns too. " Lino tried to comfort the shocked guy who seemed somewhat relieved now.

The door bell rang. " I'll go check. " Lino was about to get up " No. No. You both can continue your argument. I'll do it." I shoved him back to his seat and opened the door. It was Yujin smiling widely. She has the most prettiest smile I have ever seen. " How are you Y/n? " She engulfed into a hug. " I'm not fine. " I said pulling back from the hug. " Why? What's wrong? " She looked worried. I eyed her towards where lino and Jun were sitting. " They have been Quaralling since morning. Save me. " I indeed needed someone's help. And she was the best person to help me out. " I'll handle mine. You handle yours." She smiled and walked towards her boyfriend who ran like a puppy and immediately hugged her.

While Jun expression was the most interesting. He had that disgusted expression on his face looking at lino's action. " Never knew he could fall in love." He mumbled which was loud enough for us to hear. " I missed you soo much. " Lino clearly ignored what Jun said. While Jun already had his mouth open to pass another comment, I glared at him and he immediately shut up.

" Thriller. "I said and snatched the remote from lino's hand who was busy fighting with Jun about whether we should watch rom-com or horror. Horror was lino's idea but Jun is a scaredy cat. So no horror. And rom-com.... Well I'm not in the mood of watching one. I played 'CALL' and set the remote aside.

The couch in which we all were sitting on had enough capacity for all four of us to adjust. I was sitting beside Jun and Yujin while Yujin was sitting beside me and lino. Almost like pairs.

The movie was very interesting. We all were very much indulged into the movie with popcorns. Lino shared his caramel popcorn with Yujin while Jun shared his normal popcorns with me. We made sure that no lights were on in the living room to make a suitable atmosphere.

We were almost half way through the movie when I heard Jun whisper " I feel sleepy. " I turned my head to look at him and his eyes were red by now which made me shocked cause it's around 11 at night and he isn't the type to fall asleep so early. I have many times seen his room's light being on during mid night whenever I'd wake up to drink water. " You want to go to your room? You should sleep your eyes are turning red. " The room was dark but his face could be seen thanks to the bare minimum light from the TV. He shook his head and turned his attention to the movie playing.

Fifteen minutes later I felt something heavy on my shoulder and I immediately knew what it was. It's him. He feel asleep. I saw this coming. I didn't bother waking him up cause he indeed looked sleepy.

The movie finally ended and here I am sitting here without even moving a muscle. " Woah!! He's asleep? " Lino said after turning the lights on. " Talk softly you'll wake him up. " I glared at lino who looked ready to tease me. " Ohh..Y/n is soft for him. " He had his that annoying smirk on his face that was irritating to me. " You two look good like this. " Yujin complimented softly being careful of what I said.

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