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I woke up and went straight to the bathroom to get fresh. I came to the living room and there was no hint of Jihoon anywhere in the living room. I searched for him in the kitchen but he wasn't there too. Usually he'd wake up early than me. What's wrong with him today?

I went to his room and found him lying on the bed. Woah he's still asleep. His face was fluffy making him look too cute. I really have to hold myself back from even touching him. I sat on the edge of the bed and Carressd his forehead. Wait?! Why is it so hot? I placed my other hand on my forehead to compare the temperature and his was way higher than my. Is he having fever?
I placed my hand on he's neck and it felt hot too.

Jihoon's Pov

I felt tired though I just woke up.

" I know but please cancel all my plans for today I'll do them the other day my cat is sick I need to take care of him. " I heard Y/N say on her call.

" Jisung I know but help me this time. I know I have other schedules too but please my cat is important to me. I swear I'll cover everything the next day." Is she talking about the kitten?

" Thank you So much. Bye " She ended the call. I was still lying on the bed. I tried my best to get up but I failed.

" You're awake? " She said as she sat beside me with a thermometer.

" Let me check your temperature. " She said before putting the thermometer inside my mouth. She waited was some minutes until the thermometer made a beep sound.

" I told you not to get yourself wet in the rain. Now you're sick" She was disappointed looking at the numbers. I pouted looking at her.

" So I'm that cat who is important to you? " I smirked looking at her.

" Don't look at me like that I can't tell him I'm living with a boy. " She waited for me to open my mouth

" Why? Is he your boyfriend? " I asked.

" My manager " She said plainly.

" I'm sorry "I felt like a burden to her cause she does everything for me and I do nothing for her I only create more and more problems for her. She never forgets to give me medicine on time, easily gets worried about me. Why is she taking care of me so much without even asking anything in return? Why? Were we really friends in the past?

" What are you sorry for? " She asked.

" For being a burden to you. " I gave her a faint smile." Wait? Jun, are you still mad at me? " She looked at me, worried.
" No. I- I just keep creating problems for you. Like now you had to cancel all your plans for today because of me. Also if your agency or public finds out about me your carrier will be at stake. "

" It's not like that Jun. I'm not that popular nor I have that huge fan following even if people find out it won't effect them that much. I'm just a side character whom people easily forget. Besides it's not like we are dating, we're just friends." She patted my head assuring me. That's right we are not dating, we're just friends. But what about me? What about my feelings for you?

" Now tell me will you be able to take bath? " I nodded and tried to get up even though I was too weak but still gave my all to get up and succeeded, once I was on my feet I stumbled as drowsiness took over me. Y/n immediately held my hand preventing me from falling.

I heard her sigh. " You don't have to push yourself Jun, it's alright " She made me sit on the bed again. Stop making me fall for you more aarghhhhhh. I mentally screamed.

Y/n's pov

He looks so weak I want to hug him aishhh.. Stop it Y/n. I shook my thoughts away. I heard someone knocking at the door. I know who it is. It's my doctor whom I called a while ago because of jun.

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