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I looked into the mirror for the last time making sure everything is perfect.

I decided to go with this dress because this was untouched for a long time

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I decided to go with this dress because this was untouched for a long time. " I'm ready" I announced walking out of the room. He was already ready. He looked at me for a split second and turned his gaze the other direction. " You're not going with that on." There was some seriousness in his words. " Wear something comfortable." He added. " But-" " No. " He didn't look at me. " Fine." I rolled my eyes and went inside my room to find something ' COMFORTABLE'. I went through so many clothes but I had no idea what he meant from ' comfortable' " Let me help you. " I stood aside to let him go through my wardrobe.

He picked out a baggy jeans and a sweat shirt. " These are better" He said showing the clothes to me while I stood there in disbelief. " You're not serious? Are you? " He glared straight at me showing every bit of his seriousness. " You want me to wear these? THESE? " I freaked out. " Why? What's wrong? These are comfortable." He said looking at the clothes again. " Jun I'm going to a party. I'm not participating in a marathon that I need to wear something comfortable. I'm not wearing that. I'm not going to make a fool of myself in that party. I'll go with these. " I stated and I mean it.

" Fine. " He rolled his eyes and kept those clothes in its original place. " But wear this on top of it. " He handed over his blazer to me. I agreed and wore it. Looking into the mirror it didn't look that bad with the blazer on. " Button it up. " He let out. " Then what would be the point of wearing this dress? Shut up. " I walked out and he followed me. He didn't say anything looks like he has settled.

This wasn't that elegant party but a club party. Music played non stop but none of us were interested in joying the stage. We both were sitting near the bartender and trust me I was in the full mood for getting wasted. It's been soo long I haven't been drunk and attended these types of parties. We both were looking at the people dancing and jamming with the music on the stage, when I spotted Mr. Kim, I smiled and waved at him which he did notice and walked towards us. He's eyes were fixed on me but then he looked to my side and turned around in the mid way and walked elsewhere.

" Stop scaring him. " I looked at Jun who seemed like he could punch anyone on the face right now. " I didn't do anything trust me. " He said casually taking a sip of his drink. " Why are you soo cold suddenly? Enjoy the party. " Trust me he looked scary and I have absolutely have no idea why. " I am enjoying " He said looking at me. " Anyways I'm going to enjoy. " I said and turn to bartender " A neat shot of vodka please " The bartender smiled and started preparing.
" You're getting drunk? " He said with a disbelief look on his face and kept his drink on the counter.

" Of course. " I smiled. Well I was expecting him to stop me or start protesting but he didn't say anything and let me be.

Jun's POV

There she is drunk. I didn't stop her from drinking because it was the first time I saw her say that. She wants to enjoy and I don't wanna ruin that. Even though she was drunk enough, she still kept drinking. " Y/n that's enough." I snatched the new shot from her hand while she stared at me with her drunken eyes. " You?... You're Jihoon. " Her expression turned into a surprised one when she looked at me. " Park Jihoon who left me without a word. " She mumbled resting her face on the counter. I got up from the chair " Enough. we are going home. " I announced but she didn't move a bit. " Y/n? " I shook her to get a response from her but I got nothing. I leaned to look at her and couldn't help but smile looking at her sleeping peacefully even though the music is blasting.

I made sure that her exposed shoulder is covered with the blazer I gave her and then carried her in my arms to the car. I thought she'd wake up if I do so but she didn't. We finally made it out of that silly party. I never liked attending parties I just wanted to spend time with her outside that's why I asked her to partner up with me to the party. Since it would be risky to go somewhere else and this party had majority of the celebrities so it was a bit better.

I somehow managed to open the car's door and placed her in the passenger's seat. " I missed you soo much. " I heard her mumble. Is she talking about me? Nah. She's probably thinking about him.
"Jihoon? Why did you leave me? " What? She's talking about me?! But- she's drunk she could be rambling anything. I sat on the drivers seat and drove off. Throughout the ride she didn't speak anything and fell asleep on the seat.

I carried her to her room and laid her on her bed. I crouched down to her face level and tugged her hair behind her ear . " I wish you really missed me." I smiled deep down I knowing that I have no right on her and she's never going to be mine. I covered her with the blanket. I called the doctor with her phone and asked her to visit us as soon as possible.

I Opened the door when I heard the door bell ring. She was breathing heavily. Looks like she ran hundred miles just to come here. " What? Happened to her? " She said taking deep breaths in between. I let her come inside. " Nothing much. I just want you to change her clothes. She's sleeping and I don't want to wake her up and ruin her sleep. " I stated and sat down on the sofa. " You're joking right? " She look at me surprisingly. " Not even a bit. " I shook my head with no expression.

" I thought it was something serious! " She yelled at me. " It is actually serious. It would be soo uncomfortable for her to sleep with that on. I thought you cared about her. " " You got me soo worried. " " You're the one who told me to be extra careful with her and not to hurt her. That's what I'm doing. " I gave her a wide smile which made her annoyed. She balled her fists and stomped inside the room and shut the door behind her.

After sometime she walked out of the room " Next time tell on the call itself what it's about. " She walked outwards the door. " What was I to her in the past? " I questioned loud enough for her to hear. " I don't know. " She said bitterly. " You do know. No one knows better than you. "

" Why don't you try asking her? " " I did. Trust me. I did. But all I got was ' we were just friends'. That's not true is it? " She didn't reply and walked out without even bothering to close the door.


Y/n's POV

I stretched my climbs and then sat up. I looked beside me and Jun wasn't there. Strange. I went out of my room to the living room but he wasn't present their either, nor in kitchen. Where did he go? I went to his room he was not there too. I then went upstairs maybe in the guest room? Nope not even here. I closed the door of the room when my eyes travelled to that room where I kept all the photos and memoirs of us. The door was wide open and my heart skipped a bit.

I walked slowly towards that room hoping for him not to be there but he was. My breath got heavy and my heart was beating very fast.

I stood a step away from the door frame. He was looking at a photo when he noticed my presence.

" Friends? Huh? "

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