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Regaining my strength I looked around the room and it was soulless. No one was present in the room. For a moment when I felt I was on the soft mattress I thought it was Jun who brought me here, I was happy. But now when the room is empty it feels like someone stick a dagger in my chest.

Sitting up straight, I cultched my hair due to dizziness. I felt weak, my throat was dry and my head hurts. Gathering some power I managed to stand on my feet. Taking support of the walls I went out of my room. Looking for him. I went straight to his room hoping for him to be there but my heart sank looking at the room with no human presence. I turned around, my hands still touching the wall for the minimum support.

I took few steps when grief took over me. My legs felt weak and I couldn't anymore. I broke into tears, it was getting hard for me. Why is he not here? Negative thoughts took over me I couldn't help but cry even harder. Why do I always face so many problems? Why am I the only one suffering? Why is it always me? How am I supposed to go on if this is what I am going through.

Why does everyone whom I love always leave? First so hyun and now Jihoon. How do you expect me to live when you take way my motive for living?

" Y/n? " It was the voice I was dying to hear. I immediately looked up to the person and couldn't help but cry harder.  A cry of relief. He had a plate in his hand which was immediately placed on the table when he noticed my condition and walked towards me. I took small steps still sobbing with my arms wide open. I looked silly but that's doesn't bothers me anymore. He stood close enough for me to reach out and hug me. " I'm sorry " Was the first words I mumbled against his chest.

He didn't say anything but wrapped his arms around me and caressed my back to calm me down. " I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted so rudely with you. " His voice was trembling.

His voice comforted me. It made me believe that he won't leave me anymore.
" It's my fault I shouldn't have lied to you. I promise I won't repeat it. Please forgive me. " I looked up to him to which he just gave a faint smile.

" I will. If you promise me you won't starve yourself. " I immediately nodded.

" Come. You need rest. " He pulled back from the hug and held my hand leading me to my room.

" When did you come here? " I asked him lying down on the bed.

" Previous day. You shouldn't have starved yourself. " He spoke.

" I didn't starve myself. The moment you left few later I fainted cause I don't remember anything after. But! How's your feet? " I tried getting up and taking a quick glance at his foot but he just softly pushed me back.

" It's fine. You don't have to worry about it. Besides it happened because of my carelessness. " He sighed.

" Jun? You-" Before I could continue he stopped me.

" No more questions. Have your food and then go back to sleep. " He handed over the plate to me.

" But-"

" No. " I immediately shut my mouth. I decided to do as he says cause I don't want to do anything he doesn't wants me to.

Jun's pov

Once I was convinced that y/n has fallen asleep I looked at her for the last time. Even though I don't want to be separated from her I have to do this. There's no other way. What dal said yesterday I kept thinking about it. She was right. If y/n stays around me she'll be hurt. I don't have memories of our past, I'm not like Jihoon at all, I keep saying things which hurts her emotion.

I went out of the room, grabbing my phone I dialed lino's number and patiently waited for him to pick up.

" What's up? Has y/n regained her consciousness? " He said from the other side.

" She has. Right now she's sleeping. And I guess it's better if I leave now quietly. Once I leave please come over and make sure she's fine. If she questions my absence just tell I called you to pay her a visit and then I left. Don't tell her you know everything. " I managed to say as my voice kept cracking in between

" Jun, you don't have to do this. She's happy with you. And trust me if she breaks I'll blame you and dal. "

" That's right I'm the one to be blamed. " I said softly and hung the call.

I stood there at the same stop rethinking everything and my brains keeps telling me it's better to leave. Shaking my head I walked towards the door.

Y/n's POV

Once I was finished he took the plate and put me to sleep. But I couldn't fall asleep. There's was something that kept bugging me. I just kept my eyes closed in the hopes to fall asleep soon. But I couldn't no matter how much I try.

Jun thinks I'm sleeping because my eyes are closed but I could feel and hear everything going around.

I heard him talking, talking to someone else. I kept my eyes closed and paid attention to what he was saying " She has. Right now she's sleeping. And I guess it's better if I leave now quietly. Once I leave please come over and make sure she's fine. If she questions my absence just tell I called you to pay her a visit and then I left. Don't tell her you know everything. " My heart broke hearing him say this. He wants to leave me?

I couldn't help but stop him.

" Jun! " I ran up to him and held his arm the moment I saw him walking towards the door.

" Where the hell do you think you're going? " Tears started forming which made my vision blurry.

" Just to the convenience store. " He simply said.

" Tell the truth JUN. "

" I'm going back to states. My brother asked me to continue working there. I'm sorry I have to leave"

" Lying. Your brother would never send You back there to work. You think I didn't hear what you said on the call? You think I don't know what you're planning? is it that fun leaving me? "

" It's not fun. Trust me it's not. But I don't want to hurt you either. "

" Who said that? You can never hurt me. You never intended on hurting me Jun. Stop believing senseless things. "

" It's not senseless. Think about it you have been falling sick everytime because of my misdoings, I always say things that hurt you and I'm really sorry for that. It's better if I leave. "

" And I won't let you. You know what's better? If you just stopping leaving me every time and stay with me like we used too. I'm so tired if you leaving me. "

" Y/n-"

" Stop. You want me to be happy and tell me how am I supposed be happy if you're not around? Please, I beg you. Stop with this. " I hugged him, sobbing.

" I'm sorry for being so mean. For always blaming you without being aware of the reality. I promise I'll try my best to get my memories back. I'll try my best to be like Jihoon. I'll try my best not to hurt you anymore. I promise. " I felt my shoulder getting wet the moment he rested his head on it.

" It's okay. It doesn't matters to me anymore. I'm sorry for forcing you to change you to change yourself and always pushing you to get your memories back. "

" Then does that means we are dating now? " His question made my chuckle.

" Of course "

" What if we get caught? " He seemed worried.

" I'd love getting into a dating scandal with you. " We both ended up laughing even though few minutes ago we were a crying mess.

                                    ~ THE END


Nah. This isn't a joke anymore. This book has finally come to an end for real. Thanks for showering soo much love to my silly book. I'll forever be grateful🙏🙇‍♀️

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