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" I can be your perfect boyfriend " I choked on my saliva while the bowl in lino's hand fell on the table spilling his food. Both of us looked at Jun who sat there innocently on the table.                    " Cough* what? Cough*" I managed to say between my coughs.

" Date me. " He repeated. " Lino, check his temperature fast! " I tapped lino's arm instructing him. Lino forcefully placed his palm on Jun's forehead while Jun was fighting back to remove his palm from his forehead. " It's normal Y/n." Lino informed bringing his hand back to the table. " Check if he's drunk"

" Stop it! I'm not drunk nor I'm sick. " Jun said with irritation. " Then why would you say that? "

" Because I like you. " He stared at me without even hesitating a bit. " You're kidding. " I laughed out loud and punched lino's shoulder. " I'm not" He scoffed instantly. " Lino? It's getting late we should go to sleep now. " I said to lino to avoid Jun. I know he's just teasing me and I'm not gonna fall for that. " And you are sleeping in my room. " I informed the prankster among us who looked offended.


I woke up with a beautiful fragrance hitting my nose. I instantly got out of the sofa and went to the living room from where the fragrance came from. I was stunned when I looked at the dish placed on the dinning table. Lino made this? " You're awake? " That familiar voice said. My eyes travelled to Jun who had a apron wrapped around his body in which he looked immensely good. I never knew I would like this look of his.

He placed the bowl on the table and arranged the spoons " You made these? " I asked, still surprised. " Of course I did. " He said, proud of his work. " Really? " I couldn't believe my eyes. I know he can cook after tasting his soup but looking at the dish placed infront of me made one thing clear that he was good at it.

" I know I can be a great husband. Wanna get married?" There was a bit of humor in his voice. " You ruined the moment. " I rolled my eyes at him. " Stop taking this as a joke I have been serious since the beginning. " " never mind. I'll go get fresh. "

After getting fresh it was just the two of us on the dinner table cause lino already left. That bitch couldn't even wait for me to wake up. What Jun said last time made things a bit awkward around us. We didn't talk much, I wanted to appreciate him for cooking but I couldn't cause he looked mad. Was he actually serious?

When I decided to push all that thoughts away and concentrate on the food my phone started ringing. It was Jisung. Don't tell me I have to go on work today.

" Y/n? What's this?! " Before I could greet Jisung burst out. " What? What's this? " I said with no enthusiasm. "You haven't seen the news? " " Jisung? I woke up few minutes ago. How can you expect me know everything? "

" Y/n-" I heard Jun say. He looked speechless looking at his phones screen. " Y/n? Who's that guy? You never told me you were dating someone. " Ignoring Jisung I gave attention to Jun who showed me his phone with a article open in it. The headlines said that a insider revealed that actress Y/n is dating someone who's a non celebrity?

" Y/n? Can you hear me? " " I-I can. " " Is that true Y/n? " "Of course no Jisung. Please tell the company to deny the rumors. " Y/n be honest with me. " Jisung's voice was stern. " I am being honest. You know I won't date anyone expect him? And when that day comes I'll reveal it myself. "

" Okay I'm convinced now. " He seemed relieved. But the real question is who's that insider? I hung up the call and put the phone aside. " Looks like even the world wants you to date me. " I could see him smirk. " How do you know it's you? " I glared at him and he chuckled.

" It just turns out like that. I'm the only guy who went to amusement park, party and is living with you and not to forget I even visited your set yesterday. " " But it never happened before. It all happened after yesterday. " I realized. It's probably someone who was present on the set.

" Is it... Mr. Kim? " I thought. " No it's not him. " He replied instantly " How do you know? " He never liked him then why is he defending? " If he wanted too he would have done it on the first day itself. Why would he wait? " He reasoned.

His reason does makes sense but I still don't trust anyone. "Do you want me to divert public's attention to something else? " He stared at me with an unreadable expression. " No. When my company releases the statement it will be back to normal. " I leaned forward with my chin resting on my hands which were linked together, still thinking about who it could be.

" Y/n? What do I lack in? " When I turned to him, he was already looking at me waiting for a reply. " Why would you ask that? " I tried to read his face but that didn't help.

" Just say it. " He looked agitated. " You lack in nothing as far as I know you. " I felt like he was insecure about something so I tried to boast his confidence. " Then why can't you date me? " This was obviously not what I was expecting.

" You said I lack in nothing. Then what makes you not fall for me? Is it that hard for you to love me? " He was composed but definitely not calm. " Why is it not me Y/n? "

"Jun-" " No! Y/n. If it's because of my memory then I promise you I'll try my best to regain it. "

" Its not like that Jun"
" Then what is it? Is it because of that guy who left you? If you think that he'll return then you're just making a fool of yourself. If he would have really loved you he wouldn't have left you in the first place. Forget him he's not returning  " Well he is just talking about himself. I'm not mad nor I'm sad I just find it interesting.

" I know he will. " I said calmly just to make him more irritated. " Seriously? Fine! Atleast tell me his name, I'll tell my intel to find him out. "

" You think I can't find him? Jun, I didn't went after him purposely. If I wanted to I'd find him out no matter where he is but then what would be the point? I want him to return on his own not because I forced him too. "

" And what if he never returns? What if he's already dating someone? "

" Good for him then. "

" It's not about him it's about you. What will you do? "

" I'm done with my breakfast. I appreciate your work Jun. " Ignoring his words I pushed the chair backwards and headed to my room.

One thing at this point is clear that he likes me but the day he gets to know the truth would be my last day on this planet. But one day or the other he'll know it. Lies can't be hidden forever. If he gets suspicious he will do everything to find the truth.

If I continue this lie he'll be mad. If I reveal it to him he'll be mad. Both the ways I have to go through hell.

It's evening now and Jun has refrained himself from communicating with me to show his outrage. In the afternoon I tried talking to him but he just ignored my presence. Y/n this is not how you were supposed to treat him. You need to help him with his stress but instead you're giving him stress.

I wanted to stay at home but it's boring at the same time. I turned on the TV and searched for a good movie to kill my time. Tomorrow I have to accompany Jun to the party and I don't know how I'm gonna do that cause he is mad at me.

I had my full concentration on the description of the movie that I didn't notice Jun sitting beside me until I felt a weight on my shoulder. " I thought you were mad at me. "

" I tried to be " He mumbled


I know this is getting boring but I'm running out of ideas😭. Next chapter would be better I promise.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now