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" So why are you here? " I looked at the suitcase with him " That too with that huge ass suitcase " I added with my wide eyes. " Uh- well" Lino scratched his head. And the next moment he was on the floor kneeling down. " Please y/n let me stay here for some days. Please " He bowed and pleaded. While I was stunned at the sudden...respect? " You want to stay here? " I asked and stepped back. He nodded desperately.

" No" I turned around and sat on the sofa with my legs crossed. " Why? If You can let him stay here then why can't your own biological best friend stay here? " He protested at my declination. " Biological? Since when? " I raised my eye brows. " Anyways, why here? You could have stayed at Yujin's place" I know this was his first option. " Her parents are at her place so I can't go there" He shrugged. " You haven't told them yet? " I was surprised cause he got in a relationship with her at the same time as me.

" Um- we will there's just something never mind please let me crash her for few days just a few" He looked at me with all his cuteness he had but sorry I have no soft place for that. " What about your house? " I kept asking questions until I'm validated. " Renovation is going on" He gave his excuse. He's renovating his house then he's surely planing something cause there's no way a person like him would do this.

" Fine then, make sure you abide by the rules I have set. " I finally let the poor one in my house cause if not me then I guess there's no one to help this temporarily homeless guy. " Rules? " He repeated. " Ask him he knows very well. " I pointed at Jun who was doing nothing but to witness our conversation.

" You'll get the room upstairs since the other room here is already taken by him. " " And! I better not see you both quaralling otherwise I'll kick you both out and then you can fight and die. I don't care. Especially you lino there's a high probability of you provoking him. "

I warned the two of them while they stood patiently listening to my warning. " Lino make yourself comfortable. I'll take my leave now " I went back to my room but I had no idea what I should be doing here. I got on my bed and layed down while staring blankly at the ceiling.

" Y/n" The voice was familiar. I looked up to see lino. " He really doesn't remembers a bit about his past? " He sat down on the couch placed a few distance away from my bed. " Shh... Talk softly he'll hear you. There are many things he shouldn't be aware of. " I told him about the situation so that he won't end up spilling something which shouldn't be spilled.

" Fine. I won't. But-" The door of my room opened and it revealed Jun who went straight to the other couch placed just beside the one lino is sitting on. Both I and lino looked oddly at the person who just entered. " What? " Jun asked when he noticed our gaze was on him. " I'm here to give you company. " He said as if it's was nothing. " Wow I'm really grateful. " Lino mocked and shifted his attention back to me.

" How have you been? " He asked. " I- "    " She's fine under my supervision" Jun replied. "Indeed" I mumbled. " How's your work going? " He striked another question. " I-" " It's going great. " He replied again. " That question wasn't meant for you Mr. Jun" Lino glared at Jun who wasn't bothered even a bit. " Whatever. Are you done with your questions? My Y/n needs rest. Why don't you go and unpack your huge ass bag and settle yourself as an uninvited guest? " He scoffed at my best friend who looked at Jun with a disgusted face.

" I'll let you go for the sake of my best friend. " Lino spat and went away with his suitcase leaving me and Jun alone. " How long will he be here? " He immediately asked as soon as lino left, horror was evident in his voice. " Not long. But why are you soo annoyed of him? " He got up and sat on the space beside me. " I don't like him. When's your next schedule?" He mumbled softly, settling beside me.

" I don't know. If there will be any he'll inform me. "  Looking at him I could say he was thinking something. I know why he's asking me. He's worried. " Stop being soo worried about me. I'm fine now. You should instead take care of yourself. " I looked at his forehead which was wrapped in a fresh new band aid. " You changed those yourself? Did it hurt? " I asked referring to his wound He hummed " Not much-" As soon as he completed the door burst open and it's obvious that it was the other new animal in my house. " Y/n, how about we go and have drinks tonight? " I bet you he was planning this in his temporary room while unpacking.

" You know I can't go out right? " I arced my eyebrow judging his sudden innocence. " I know I haven't lost my memory like the other person here" He was basically taunting Jun as if its his fault for the loss of his memory. " My friend has a restaurant I'll ask him to close it early today so that there would be no one except us. " He was so proud and confident of his idea that I had no courage to decline it. " Fine then. "

" Wait! So am I included? " Jun asked as he indeed looked confused while I and Lino chuckled. " Of course you are. " I laughed.


" Will you two stop now? " I held Jun's arm to stop him from taking another shot. Lino and Jun are having a competition to see who can hold his liquor better and none of them wanted to give up even though their were already tipsy.

" Not until he gives up. " Lino said swallowing another shot. " You think so?" Jun said in a drunk tone. And let me inform you this is the first time he's drinking after the accident. " I won't allow you both in my house if you touch that bottle. " I was still sober because I know what my tolerance is. And by any chance if I had gotten drunk along with them then I'm damn sure id be the headline for tomorrow's news. 'Actress Y/n found drunk with two Men' damn the even the imagination scares me. I called my driver to take these two drunk human beings home cause there's no possible way for me to tak them home.

Through out the whole ride they slept on their seats and frequently muttered some inhumane words, hard for me to decode. " Ma'am we are here. " My driver declared after stopping the car in front of my house. " I'm really sorry to bother you but can you help me take them inside? " I requested my driver as the past horrible memory flashed on my mind when I managed to carry Jun inside my house. " It's not a bother at all ma'am" He replied politely.

I plopped on the sofa one's my driver left after successfully bringing them inside the house. For the last time I went to check on them. I went to lino's room first and it was all fine. I made sure the switch off the light and went to Jun's room.

I opened the door and saw him huddled up on the bed. I went closure to him heard soft sniffles. What the hell?! He's crying? " Jun, what's wrong?"

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now