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Y/n's POV

" But? " I glanced at Mr. Kim who smiled awkwardly at me. " Let's go " Jun hooked his arm around mine and pulled me along with him. I couldn't protest as he had more energy than me.

He let go of my arm once we were out of their sight and was back in his cold aura. " What did you say to him? " I looked at him whose gaze was fixed to the front. " None of your business. " Seriously? Once he's all sweet and the next moment his being so rude. " Fine then I'm willing to stay here longer" I stopped on my track while he stopped too. " As I said do whatever you want I won't say anything just make sure you don't faint at the doorstep again. I don't care " He rolled his eyes and continued his walk. " Ju-" I felt a sharp pain in my head, it was so strong that I immediately held my head and shut my eyes. The sudden pain was unbearable " Are you okay? " I felt his hands cupping my face, on opening my eyes I meet with a pair of worried eyes. " See you care" I smiled cheekily at him while his expression changed from being worried to mad and instantly let go of my face.

" I hate you. " He turned around to walk away but I held his wrist to stop him. " I'm sorry. I truly am. " He didn't seem to protest the grip of my hand. " Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry for interfering in your matter. " He rolled his eyes and looked the other way. " Please? I couldn't deny his request he has helped me alot in the past" Explained my reason to him. " Do you even know he was hitting on you? He liked you. Did you even notice you're the only model here from our company? He only invited you because he had a liking for you. " I was stunned at what he spoke " You can't go around trusting everyone around you, Y/n." His voice was more soft this time. " I-"

" I'm not mad at you because you were around him. That's totally your choice who you want to be with. But I'm mad at you because you prioritized this party more than your health. " Even though he was enraged he still seemed calm. "I promise I won't do it again. I'll take care of my health please stop being this cold to me"

" We'll talk about that later let's just go home for now. " He waited for me to catch up with him. Even though he's hands were not touching my waist I could feel his hand guarding me from not falling due to my weakness.

On reaching my car I called my driver to drive us home and within an hour we were back in our house. After reaching he didn't speak much and just stayed in his room while I was trying to sleep on my bed cause it's almost time. But then it hit me he hasn't eaten his medicines yet. I climbed down my bed and walked out of the room and was surprised to see him sitting on the sofa. " I have eaten my medicines go back to bed" He spoke immediately once he noticed my presence. He knew why I came outside was something that caught me off guard. He seems to know me well even though it hasn't been that long since he started staying here.

I didn't protest and did just what he told I can't make him more mad.


It morning I was sitting on my room's couch scrolling through my social media as that was only thing I can do because the guy living in my house won't let me do anything. I'm not that fragile. ( Anti-ti-ti-ti fragile, fragile, anyways) I had no idea what he was doing alone nor I have the guts to talk to him when he's in his cold aura. That's one of the personality of he's that I would least want to encounter. Even though he has lost his memory his cold aura is still the same.

I heard the door bell ring. I got up " I'm opening it. " I heard jun say and with that I sat back down letting out a sigh.

Jihoon's pov

" I'm opening it" I yelled so that she could hear. I had no idea so could it be since it's the first time someone has visited her house. Just to make sure I peaked through the doorhole and saw a guy around my age standing at the door step. I opened the door wide to ask why is he here but I was greeted by a Quesnably weird look. " Who are you? " I asked still guarding the way from him. " What are you doing here? Where's       Y/n?" His weird expression turned into a worried look. Wait no. Don't tell me. Is?.. Is he the one whom Y/n loves? My heart started beating fast. No please. " Where's my Y/n? " He asked again but this time with a bit harshness. " Wrong house" I immediately closed the door shut on his face and leaned on it.

That can't be him. Why? Why did he show up out of the blue? Jun. It's finally time for you to leave. He will kick you out of the house. And Y/n being blinded by love wouldn't care about you. All these thoughts terrified me. The door bell rang again and my heart started beating even fastered. He knows I'm telling lie he's sure y/n lives here because he dated her. The door rang again and this time y/n walked out of her room which made me even more terrified " Why ain't you opening the door? " She said softly but was worried. I gulped and turned around to open it. This might be the last time I'm hearing her voice.

" Can't we just ignore the bell ring? " I asked her while I held the door handle she shook her head declining my request. And with that I opened the door wide and stepped out of the way to let y/n see that the one she loves has finally arrived. I looked at her and her eyes went wide on seeing that guy. It's him jun. It's him. You're over now. This is your last day in this house.

The guy had a suitcase along with him. That's it he came prepared with a plan to kick you out. That guy dropped the suitcase and ran towards y/n and engulfed her into a hug. Tears started forming in my eyes I can't see this nooo.

Y/n's pov

Lino hugged as soon as he saw me. " What are you doing here? " I asked him as he broke the hug. " To finally meet you" He smiled at me but I heard some sniffles around myself I looked at Jun who was silently... Crying? What the hell? " Jun what wrong? " I went to him and pulled his hand away from his eyes. He shook his heading denying answering me. " He said you don't live here. As if I don't know where you live " Lino crossed his hands around his chest and stared at the crying Jun. I turned my attention back to Jun " What's wrong Jun? Tell me? " I asked again hoping for him to answer this time.

" Is he the one you love? " He said between his whimpers. I looked at lino and immediately made a grossed out face. " Oh yes I'm the one Y/n loves the most. " Lino teased him. " Shut up lino " I glared at him and he immediately gave me a innocent look. " Jun it's not him. Stop crying. He's Lee min ho my best friend and there's nothing else between us. " I clarified and wiped his tears. He seemed zoned out for a moment and then came back. " He's not the one? " He asked again. I shook my head and smiled at him.

I sighed in relief. " But why will that make you cry? " I interrogated. " Cause I thought he'll kick me out. " He simply said. While lino burst out laughing " He's still the same " He chuckled. " He knows me? " Jun asked me instead of that guy who was busy laughing his ass out. " Yeah we three were classmates. " I explained. " And I was her best friend and I still am. " Lino said confidently. " Don't tell me I was friends with this guy" There was panick in Jun's voice. " Nah. You were not" I walked to lino and hit his shoulder to make him stop laughing. " Thank god. " Jun was indeed grateful

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