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My body froze. I could easily move back because he wasn't the one holding me but I couldn't.

" Y/n, have you ever loved someone?" He broke the silence. This question? This reminds me of the first time jihoon asked about my first love.

" I did. I still do."

Jihoon's pov

" I did. I still do" her words seemed soo genuine when they left her mouth

" who is he? Where is he?" I couldn't resist myself from asking this to here.
" somewhere I can't find him. Someone whose probability of returning is least." She replied calmly but her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes could tell everything about her feelings. she really loved him that much?

" what do you mean? " My eyebrow arced on hearing her reply.
" Jun, he was long gone. He left without even saying a word to me and till now he hasn't returned. "

" Was it one sided or both of you were dating? " I asked curiously.
" We both were dating since high school"

" Trust me Y/n if he really would have loved you, he'd never leave you like this. "

" No. Jun. It's nothing like how you think it is. Our bond was never like that way. I know he loved me. He knew I loved. Our love for each other never faded nor it will ever be. He stood by myside when my reputation was at stake. He never believed none of the rumors spread about me doesn't matter how strongly they were framed. He helped me get out of my worse. I know it was never that way. " Only thing that could be felt from her voice was sorrow and nothing else. I felt so bad for her condition.

" He cared about me and stay with me for 4 year and after all this I'll never believe that he never loved. Everything was evident in his affection towards me. "

" Who is he? "

She looked at me for a second as I followed her graze my vision was so clear in her eyes. But sadly I'll never be the reason for the spark in her eyes" I'll tell you some other time." I guess she isn't comfortable." Are you still waiting for him? "

" Yes " She said." If he returns will you go back to him? "  I asked as I scanned her face trying to judge her emotions. " Of course I will. "

" What if you're dating someone else and he returns. Would you still go back to him? " Her answer made me more curious.

" I'm not dating anyone if it's not him. It's either him or no one. " She replied and got down from the bed.

" What's soo special about him? " I sat up on the bed and looked at her tying her hair in a ponytail. " Why are you so interested? " She asked as she squint her eyes at me. " Just curious " I grinned

" Don't worry I won't throw you out if he returns. " She teased me. " I'll leave if he comes back." I mumbled under my breath.

2 days later ~

Y/n's pov

I walked dizzily on the streets. I was trying my best to keep my eyes open but it was way hard.

I am very tired. I have literally no energy at all. I'll fall anytime and this is because I have been overworking myself. I couldn't sleep last night because I had late night shoot and since I took off 2 days back I had to complete those schedules too making it impossible for me to rest. I didn't even eat anything since morning because of the lack of free time. But fortunately I'm free tomorrow.

My driver had some personal issues so I had insisted him on leaving early today. I took cab to reach home but it won't drive further inside due to the construction of the road so, I had to walk uptil my house from there.

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