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Lino went to drop Yujin back home and here I am still sitting on the sofa not even moving an inch. Not that I don't want to wake him but there's just something I find weird about him. I side eyed at him, and finally made up my mind to wake him. " Jun? " I whispered closely. " Jun? " I spoke a bit louder this time.

" Hmm? " He let out. " You should go to bed. " He pulled himself back from my shoulder and looked around. " Movie's over? " He squinted his eyes before speaking which made him look adorable but I was fighting to hold my smile. " Yeah. You fell asleep. " " Y/n? Can you please shift a bit that side? "

I did what he said and looked at him cluelessly. He laid his head on my lap and stretched his body on the sofa. This is not what I meant. "Jun? Go to bed if you're sleepy. " " Fifteen minutes please? I won't be able to sleep in my room. " He begged. Why won't he able to sleep? I am tired too but I have no option left after what he said so I let him be.


I looked around my room. The sunlight breaking in through the windows was hurting my eyes. As far as I remember I dozed off last night on the sofa. How did I get here? Or did I just walk here by myself but I can't remember it?

" Where's Jun?" As soon as I entered the living room I asked lino who was smiling like an idiot on his phone. " In his room I guess" He said still being all smiley. Is he talking to Yujin? Probably cause that's the only reason that can make him smile so wide.

I went to his room and saw him sitting on the bed with his phone in his hands. Seeing him on phone is rare sight. " How dare you?! " I yelled at him to which the guy flinched and lost his grip around the phone making the phone fall and bounce on the mattress.

" What? What did I do now? " There was a clear panick in his voice. " Seriously Jun? " I crossed my arms around my chest and stood at the door frame of his room. " If you're mad that I carried you to your room then I won't do it again. I promise. " I sighed, that's not what I was mad about. " Why are you hiding it from me? " " Hiding what?" He looked baffled.

" That you face problem while sleeping "

" What? I don't. "

" You do. "

" I don't. "

" Who are you trying to convince? I have seen your room's light being on during mid night. You always manage to wake up early than me, doesn't matter how late you sleep. Last night too you said you won't be able to sleep in your room. What should I take this as? "


" Y/n I am-"

" You're not fine. " She walked closure to the bed and stood a distance with her arms crossed around her chest. " If you want to get rid of those problems you need to tell me." Her jaw was tensed and she looked outraged.

" I don't want to keep bothering. You already had enough of me and tolerating my problems, I don't want to burden you anymore. I'll try to figure a way out myself. " I had no audacity to look into her eyes. I know she'd get even more mad after this but at the end of the day that's what I am to her. A burden. She gets tensed, stressed because of whom? Me.

" Figure a way out? Of course. But I'm going to do that. You're going with me to the psychiatrist. " She was utterly pissed at me. Any protest against her right now would threaten my whole life. After glaring at me for about 30 seconds she dropped her arms from her chest and turned to walk away. But she stopped halfway " And. If you are soo guilty then please throw that mentality of yours that you're a burden to me. I would be highly obliged to you for doing so" It was practically a threat. When she left I realised that all this while I was holding my breath.


" It's been a long time Ms. Y/n. " She bowed to me with a pleasant smile spread across her face. " Good to see you. And stop being so formal with me. " I took a seat opposite to her and so did Jun. " Nice to meet you Mr. Park. " She cheerfully welcomed the one seated beside me.

" Jun would be fine. " He must have felt some sort of discomfort with her way of her adressing him or maybe because of his disliking towards doctors. " I heard you face hard time sleeping. Is it because you don't feel sleepy or is it because don't feel like sleeping i.e there might be things which you think about alot and it keeps you stressed. " She started with her interrogation with him.

" I do feel sleepy but... " He glanced at me with terror evident in his eyes which surely didn't go unnoticed by the psychiatrist. " Y/n I think you should wait outside he might be-" " No. Let her stay here I'll tell you." I was almost prepared to go out because I understood what she meant and I totally agree with her cause that's how things are. There might be things he is not comfortable sharing with me.

He took a deep breath and continued " But I see nightmares. Nightmares or visions of my car accident or sometimes I see some people trying to kill me. This might not be something serious but that scares me. I'm afraid of going through the same thing again. Doesn't matter how much I try to overcome that fear I can't help but wake up immediately from that nightmare. I don't want to experience those times again I really don't want to but everytime. Everytime I see the same visions." I was stunned after he spilled everything. He didn't bother to tell me even once.

" You always see the same type of nightmares? " She continued further with her questioning while I was trying to calm myself internally. " I-I sometimes hear voice of a girl but I have never seen her face. " " What do you hear? What does her voice sounds like?"

" Her voice sounds familiar but when I wake up everything I saw fades away. I tried numerous times to recall it but no use. " " Jun. Stop thinking about your past. Whatever happened happened, it was in your faith but now you need to understand that your safe. I know you feel afraid of going through the same thing. I know you don't want to be alone but trust me your not. No one is going to leave you alone, no one will hurt here, your safe. Now tell me do you see those everytime you try to sleep? "

" It's strange but... When she's around while I'm sleeping, I don't see those visions. That's the only time I get to sleep peacefully. " All this while he didn't look at me and continued talking to her. I don't know what to say but all I feel is hatred towards myself. Even if I try my best it always lacks on some point.

" All right. Now Jun, can you please wait outside I need to consult with Y/n?" He nodded and left trying his best not to lock eyes with me.

" Y/n, I won't say it's something serious but I can neither say its something normal. Even if he says he doesn't cares about his past, he's still stuck there. Why do you think he always gets those nightmares? Why not when you're around? It's because he's still scared. He won't say but he's traumatized after he's accident. None of us can feel how he felt when he was all alone in that hospital room. He keeps thinking about how he felt after that accident that's why he sees those nightmares. "

" He can fall asleep when he's around someone he thinks can protect him and can keep him safe. If you say I'll prescribe some medicines which can help him sleep but unfortunately those medicines won't help him with his trauma. You need to help him. I know it would be hard for you but try to spent time with him as much as possible don't let his mind to be vacant otherwise he'll keep having those same thoughts. "

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now