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Jun's POV

It's been two days. Two days since I left her house. Past two days I haven't received any message or calls from her. Even though I miss her I don't want to call her. She doesn't feels the same for me there's no point in having feelings for her. I need to move on and let her go.

I couldn't sleep these days well it's nothing new. I feel empty inside just like I used to feel before meeting Y/n. Living by myself is lonely. I decided not to go back to my brother so I shifted to an apartment. Trying my best to settle in this new environment.

I was buying groceries since I have none at the place I am currently living. I can't even call it home that place doesn't feels like home. I was going through the racks of cereals when I felt someone tap my back. Turing around I met with some unfamiliar.

" Jihoon? It's you?! " He said it soo loud that the people around us were staring at us weirdly.

" No. " I scoffed and pushed my trolley to get away from this guy.

" Of course you are Jihoon. Where were you these past years? Do you know how worried we were? And now that you're back you didn't bother visiting us?" He started walking beside me.

" Look. I don't care who you are. Just continue living like how you did before meeting me. " A wave of rage swept over me.

" Jihoon, why are you been like this? " He did seemed hurt by my words.

" I'm not Jihoon. Get out of here. " I scowled.

" Fine! Then who are you? " One thing about this person is very much clear is that he is irritating.

" I'm Jun. Now if that answers your question can I leave? " I rolled my eyes but the guy looked confused.

" Nah. You're Jihoon" I'll beat the shit out of him now.

" I'm not. "
" Prove it. "
"I don't have to validate you. "
" Then you're Jihoon. "

" Arghh. Fine! I'll tell you but after that you have to leave me alone. " He narrowed his eyes and then agreed.

" I was Jihoon. I mean I am Jihoon but not anymore. I lost my memory 1 year ago so I don't remember anything. Now I'm Jun. It wasn't nice meeting you. Bye"

" Wait! Wait! What? " He had his mouth open wide and looked at me doubtingly

" So you're telling me you lost you're memory and now you're Jun. How? Even if you did. How could you just decide to let go of your past? Did we mean nothing to you? "

He's testing my patience now. " Yes. You mean nothing to me. Specially not when you all didn't bother showing up at the hospital when I was sick. "

" Wait Jun. That's not how it was. You don't know the truth you need to hear me. " He turned silent.

" I had already enough of you people giving me explanation. All you all do is lie to me. "

" You met someone before? "

" Yeah"

" Who? "


" You met her? " He seemed tensed
" Yes. I did. "
" Then what happened? "
I sighed. I really don't wanna talk about this at all. I'm trying to move on and that seems impossible for me.

" Tell me? "
" It's a long story. " I felt my battery draining. " Tell me. Wait come with me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him that I had to leave my grocery trolley there.

" Now tell me. " He said indicating me to sit on the chair placed just outside the store. " I don't want to talk about this. "

" No. You have to. The way you seem uneased says that it didn't go well with her. Am I right? " With no guts to reply I just nodded.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now