1 | bruises

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"This tastes different than usual," Hinata said, chewing on his food.

"Yeah, it's gross! What did you put in this, Hanamura?" Saionji laughed.

Komaeda sighed. "Hanamura-kun isn't at fault at all. He told me wasn't feeling well yesterday evening so I offered to make breakfast. Of course trash like me would mess it up. I'm sorry, Saionji-san,"

"You better be!" She laughed. "You're a huge loser, you know that?"

"I do..." He frowned.

Saionji got up and left. "Don't forget to clean my plate, Komaeda!"

Everyone eventually finished eating and Komaeda collected their plates and went into the kitchen. He began doing the dishes and put them back where they belonged.

After he was done with that, he decided to take a break and go to the beach. Maybe he could hang out with someone there. Usami did tell them to collect hope fragments.

"Komaeda-kun!" A voice called out. He turned around and saw Nanami walking towards him.

"Can I help you?"

"Depends. Are you good at cleaning?"

"It's one of my very few talents, actually!" He smiled.

"Can you clean the diner then? I don't know the exact story, but Souda-kun made it all dirty,"

Komaeda nodded. "I'll check it out,"

"Thanks." She yawned. "I think I'll take a nap now,"

Komaeda said goodbye and made his way to the diner. It was true that it was dirty. There was oil everywhere. What the heck had happened?

Komaeda sighed and began cleaning. First, he got supplies from the supermarket. Then, he put on gloves and began. It took him two hours just to get the walls done. He began scrubbing the floor. He had to go on all fours in order to do that, which made his pants completely covered in oil. When he got up to clean his sponge, he slipped and fell right into the oil.

"Oww..." He rubbed his head and found that there was oil in his hair.

"Crap!" He yelped and ran to the sink to clean it. It took him a while to do that and he still had to clean the floor.

"I'll just put my hair in a ponytail for now..."

After he did that, he went back to cleaning. The whole thing took him five hours and he was extremely exhausted. A body that had just recovered from cancer should be resting, not scrubbing oil off of walls. His doctor had said that it would probably take around six to twelve months until he was fully recovered from the aftereffects of chemotherapy.

When he left to go to his cottage to take a nap, he encountered Mioda and Koizumi.

"Nagito-chan!" Mioda ran towards him. "We're all going to the beach! Wanna come along?"

"I'm not a huge fan of swimming..."

Koizumi huffed. "Don't ruin the fun now, just go get your swimsuit!"

"A-alright..." Komaeda walked to his cottage and got his swimming trunks. He also grabbed a jacket to cover up the fact that he was wearing a binder. When he took off his pants, he noticed that his knees were completely bruised from scrubbing the floor. That was part of the aftereffects too, he bruised very easily now.

Komaeda didn't want to go to the beach. He felt insecure about his bruises and he wanted to sleep. He sighed. He'd just have to sit in a way that would cover his knees. Komaeda arrived at the beach and quickly sat down when no one was looking at him.

"You're not gonna swim?" Hinata asked. Komaeda jumped at the sudden voice. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,"

"That's okay. I won't swim. I don't like it,"

Hinata sat down next to him. He was just wearing swimming trunks, which meant his upper body was naked. Komaeda looked away to hide his blush.

"I'm not a huge fan either," Hinata chuckled. "Wanna just sit here together and watch instead?"

"Don't stay here because you pity me, Hinata-kun. You should go have fun!" He smiled.

"Well, this will probably be more fun than getting my hair wet,"

Komaeda stayed silent. His knees hurt and he wanted to take a nap. That was normal. His doctor had told him that. Often times, people feel anxious or depressed after beating cancer. Komaeda didn't want to show it, but he was affected by that as well.

Suddenly, a ball was thrown hard at Komaeda's arm.

"Shit! Sorry, dude! You okay?" Souda asked.

Komaeda gave a small nod and threw the ball back. That wasn't true though. He was bleeding. His body was still fragile and he got wounded easily. His sleeve began turning red from the blood, but Komaeda didn't notice it.

"K-Komaeda!" Hinata gasped.

"What's wrong?"

"You're bleeding!" He grabbed Komaeda's wrist and dragged him away from the beach.

"You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself," Komaeda promised. He couldn't deny that it felt nice to have someone worry about him though.

Hinata grabbed bandages. "Take off your jacket,"

Komaeda simply pulled up the sleeve and Hinata wrapped the bandages around it.

"Does it hurt?"

He shook his head. "Thank you, Hinata-kun,"

Hinata smiled. "No problem." He absentmindedly pat Komaeda's head. The other boy turned bright red.


Hinata's eyes widened as he realized what he was doing. "S-sorry!" He pulled his hand away.

Komaeda's cheeks heated up even more when he felt himself missing the gentle contact. "I-it's alright..."

After a few seconds of silence, Hinata spoke up. "Wanna go back to the beach now?"

Komaeda nodded. "Mhm,"

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now