3 | New area

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Komaeda knocked on Hinata's door.

"Not right now..." Hinata sounded like he was in pain.

"Are you sick? I can bring you medicine,"

After a few seconds of silence, the door opened. Hinata looked exhausted.

"I don't know, dude... my head is pounding. It hurts... so bad,"

"I can go get you painkillers. You should drink something in the meantime,"

Hinata nodded and Komaeda hurried to get him the right stuff. When he came back, Hinata was sitting on his bed, his head buried in his hands.

"There you go." Komaeda handed him the pills and Hinata took them with some water. He let out a sigh.

"Thank you..."

Komaeda smiled. "You're welcome! Why do you have a headache though?"

"I've had migranes for like... I don't know how many years now. It really sucks,"

Komaeda sat down next to him. "Do you want me to go away or stay?" He whispered so it wouldn't hurt his head.

"I... Ugh, I don't know..."

"The painkillers should start working any minute now," Komaeda tried to calm him down.

"Ugh... this might sound weird, but... can I like... lay down on you for a bit?"

"On me..?" Komaeda asked.

"On your legs I mean,"

Komaeda nodded. "Sure,"

"Thanks, dude." Hinata put his head on Komaeda's thighs and sighed. Eventually, he fell asleep. Komaeda looked at his face. It was peaceful now, not tense like before. He smiled. He was glad Hinata felt better now. He just hoped this nap wouldt take too long or his legs would fall asleep.

The more he looked at his friend, the more his noticed that Hinata was... good looking. Komaeda's cheeks heated up. He shouldn't think about him like that! Well... it's not like he's never noticed it before. Hinata was so nice too... Ah, he would never like Komaeda like that though. He should stop thinking about Hinata in that manner!

After half an hour, Hanamura kicked open the door. "Hinata-kun, you need- Komaeda-kun?"

Komaeda looked at him. "What do you need?"

Hanamura smirked. "Is there some boy-on-boy action going on here that I don't know about? If you ever need a third party, I'd be happy to-"

Komaeda turned bright red. "Sh-shut up! Th-that's not- Hinata-kun just felt bad, so-"

"Ngh..." He woke up with a groan. "Hanamura? The hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question,"

"This is my cottage." He sat up.

"But you're here with Komaeda-kun. Sleeping on his lap. That's suspicious,"

"Ugh... can't I even hang out with my friend in peace?"

Komaeda's eyes lit up. "We're... friends?"

"Well... yeah?"

"I've never had a friend before!" He hugged Hinata tightly, startling the other boy. Hanamura walked towards them and put a hand on Komaeda's arm, making him look at him.

"I could be your friend too if you know what I mean,"

Komaeda tensed up. "I'd rather not,"

"I bet we would make a good duo thou-"

Hinata glared. "He said no. Why are you here anyway?"

"Usami told me to gather everyone at the dining hall,"

Komaeda raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"No idea." He shrugged.

The three of them nervously made their way over to their destination. Almost everyone had already arrived there. Even Kuzuryuu, who rarely ate breakfast with them.

"What do you need from us?" Nidai asked.

"It better be important. I was just about to get my second breakfast," Owari hissed.

"I decided to open up a new area for you guys to explore!" Usami exclaimed.

"A new area? That sounds like fun!" Mioda grinned.

"It's nothing big, really. Just a toy shop,"

Hanamura smirked and suddenly got a nosebleed. "What kind of toys do they sell there?"

"Ew!" Hinata hissed. He then sighed. "This is so dumb... I'm a high-schooler, I don't play with toys anymore. The only one who might do that is Saionji,"

"I-I don't play with toys either you filthy whoreson!" She shouted.

Hinata glared at her. "Don't use that language!"

They began fighting. It was loud and annoying. Saionji was so, so annoying. Komaeda couldn't help but... dislike her personality, even if she was an ultimate. Komaeda felt tired all of a sudden. Cancer sure did a number on him. He used to be so full of energy.

Suddenly, an image flashed before his eyes. He remembered lying in a hospital bed, alone. Nurses were discussing something in the hallway.

Komaeda's breath hitched.

"Ugh, just shut up!" Hinata yelled. "You're such a- Ngh, whatever!" He crossed his arms and turned away from her.

"Don't treat a girl like that!" Koizumi scolded.

Hinata completely ignored her and left the dining hall. Komaeda stood still, frozen in place as the others left.

When he finally gained consciousness again, he decided he might check out the toy shop in a while.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now