20 | Halloween

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"Stupid costume..." Komaeda muttered. "Cats aren't even scary! And what's the rest of the outfit supposed to be? A witch?"

"I don't know, but we should put the costumes on soon. We spent hours preparing the party, I'd hate to be late to it," Nanami said.

"Right. Do you think everyone will come?"

"Kuzuryuu-kun and Saionji-san probably won't." She shrugged. "I'll put in my outfit now. Bye bye!"

Komaeda went to his cottage to change. You could never tell the season on the island since the weather was always the same, but Usami had told them today was Halloween so, Komaeda, Nanami and Hanamura prepared a party together. Sadly, there was only one costume in Komaeda's size. It kind of looked like a witch robe, but with cat ears and a tail. He hated it. It looked dumb.

"I've seen worse things," He tried to cheer himself up, putting on the cat ears. "And done!"

He left his cottage and hurried over to the old building that he'd spent hours cleaning. Nanami had taken care of the decorations and Hanamura made the food.

"Ah, Komaeda-kun!" The short chef smiled at him. "Your outfit makes you look truly delicious-"

"I hate wearing stuff on my head..." He sulked.

"But cats are cute! Just like you," He said in a weird voice.

Komaeda rolled his eyes. "Are you done with the food yet?"

"I am! Can you help me carry the plates here?"

"Of course!"

They quickly put all the food on the tables. Just then, Nanami came into the room, wearing her costume. She was dressed up as a zombie. Her makeup looked really well done.

"I didn't know you were so good at doing makeup!" Komaeda said excitedly.

"I loved it when I was in middle school and still practice for fun sometimes now... I think,"

"It looks amazing, my lady!" Hanamura said. "If only the clothes were ripped apart a bit on the chest-area too..."

That earned a spoon thrown at his head by Komaeda. "Don't you have manners?!" He scolded.

"Ow..." Hanamura rubbed his head.

"You've got no respect for women, or anyone for that matter," He said, dissapointed in his classmate.

Nanami chuckled. "The party begins soon, guys. Is everything ready?"

"Should be," Komaeda said. Then, they heard footsteps.

"Ah, here they come!" The pink-haired girl clapped her hands together.

The doors opened and Sonia and Tanaka stepped inside.

"Boo!" The princess shouted. "We have come to take your souls!"

They sure seemed excited. Both of them were dressed up as demons.

"Tanaka Gundham and his dark queen will not spare you!"

"Nice outfits!" Komaeda clapped his hands together.

Then, the doors opened again. Mioda, Tsumiki, Koizumi, Owari and Nidai walked inside.

"Gahaha!" The bodybuilder laughed. "Good job!" He wore... not a lot, to be honest.

"What's your costume, Nidai-kun?" Nanami asked.

"I'm a werewolf!" He said, pulling ears out of his bag and putting them on his head.

"Ooh..." Komaeda said. "At least I'm not the only one who has to wear animal ears,"

"Kyaaa! Cute outfit, Nagito-chan! Can you say 'nya' for me?" Mioda squealed.

"Absolutely not,"

"Aw, you're no fun..." She was dressed up as a murder victim with fake-blood splattered over her clothes and one of those Headwear things that make it looked like there's a knife in your head.

"I-I think h-his outfit is a bit... odd. What's it supposed to be?" Tsumiki nervously asked. She wore a bloody nurse costume. Not one of those revealing ones though, a normal one.

"I have no clue." He shrugged, making the nurse giggle.

"So far, even the boys did kind of well on their costumes. Let's hope the rest of the guys don't ruin it for you," Koizumi said, wearing a bloody bride's dress and holding a fake chainsaw.

The doors opened once again and Souda, Hinata, Pekoyama and Togami walked inside.

"Hey there!" Komaeda greeted them.

Hinata looked at Komaeda and blushed, probably because of those stupid cat ears.

"Hi!" Souda grinned. He wore a masked-killer-looking outfit. His clothes were ripped apart and bloody, he held a weapon in his hand and wore that classic white mask with the holes inside.

Pekoyama was dressed up as a ghost and Togami wasn't wearing a costume at all.

Hinata wore a vampire outfit. The fangs looker super realistic and there was fake-blood dripping down his chin.

"Awesome costume, Hi-kun!" Komaeda grinned brightly, hugging his boyfriend.

They soon began the party. Kuzuryuu and Saionji decided to stay home, which Nanami had already kind of predicted.

Komaeda and Hinata were sitting on a couch, talking.

"I'm hungry," Hinata said.

"Well, food's over there- AAAAHH!!" He shrieked as Hinata bit into his neck. "Wh-what the-?!"

The brunette chuckled. "Relax, babe, I was kidding,"

"Those fangs are sharp..." Komaeda complained.

"Yeah, yeah." Hinata got up. "Do you want anything?"

Komaeda thought for a second. "Hm... Pizza!"

"Alright." Hinata ruffled his hair. He couldn't help it. Komaeda was too cute, especially with those cat ears.

He walked up to the table and grabbed two plates.

"You and Komaeda are a thing, right?" Souda asked.


"So like... do you like the ears?"

Hinata's cheeks turned a tiny bit red. "Why do you ask?"

"'Cause like... you know how I said I was straight?"

"I do,"

"Okay, soul bro, don't tell anyone else,"


"I don't think I am..." He whispered. "I like girls, but... boys are nice too... I think I might be... the same as you,"


"Mhm, or bi, I don't know..." He muttered.

"What does that have to do with Komaeda's ears?"

"I wanted to know if it was, like, a gay thing that I think he looks... pretty with them," He admitted.

"You think he looks pretty?"

"Y-yeah... I don't like him or anything! Don't kill me! I won't steal your man!"

Hinata rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know. He doesn't like you back,"

"Okay, ouch." Souda chuckled. "But... thanks for listening,"

"No problem, bro." Hinata grinned and slapped his back in a friendly way. Then, he walked back to Komaeda.

"There you go."

"Thank you!" He began to eat.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now