14 | Dream

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Btw the dreams Hajime has are from his POV.

Hinata was feeling horrible. His whole body ached and he felt like he was gonna throw up. Komaeda sat next to him, rubbing his back while Hinata held a bucket on his lap in case he did puke.

"I wish I knew how to help you..." The pale boy whispered. "Not even Tsumiki-san knows what's up with you,"

Hinata groaned in pain. Komaeda hated seeing him suffer.

Suddenly, Hinata had a strange... hallucination? Vision? Dream? He wasn't quite sure. But in the dream, he sat next to Komaeda on a rooftop. The world looked like there had been a war. Hinata saw long, black hair coming from his head. Komaeda wore an iron collar with a chain attached around his neck.


"Yes, Kamukura-kun?"

"They're looking for us. They will find us. We will be separated. Possibly forever,"

Komaeda sighed. "I-I know... I'm scared..."

"I will miss you. I love you,"

"I'll miss you too, Kamukura-kun. A lot. I-I don't want to loose you!"

"I truly am sorry, my love. I am sorry very sorry,"

Komaeda looked away from him. "You're-" A strange sound could be heard. It sounded like the noise a TV makes when it loses connection. "And I don't know how I'm gonna-" The noise came again, making Hinata unable to hear what the other boy said. "I'm so-"

Then, the dream stopped. Hinata was breathing heavily.

"Hinata-kun! What happened just now! You were all... weird,"

"Wh-what... what do you mean?" He whispered.

Komaeda had tears in his eyes as Hinata looked at him. "Your eyes... turned red and- and... you said scary things... I'm so confused,"

"What did I say?"

"You said someone will find us... and that we'll be separated. I don't want that! What do you even mean?"

"I... I have no clue. I just... had this d-dream, I guess? It was odd,"

Komaeda pulled him into a tight hug. "I-if you need anything, Hinata-kun... tell me, okay? I want to help you,"

"I will. Let's just... try to sleep, yeah?"

His boyfriend nodded and they laid down, pulling the covers over themselves. Komaeda put his head on Hinata's chest and the brunette wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm scared, Komaeda..."

"You'll be fine. We'll figure this out, Hinata-kun..." He yawned. "I promise,"

Hinata pulled his boyfriend closer, sighing. He didn't think he'd sleep well, so he wanted to make sure at least Komaeda did.

What was that dream about? Why was Komaeda there? Why did he wear that strange outfit? He was the world like that? Why did Hinata have such long hair?

He felt the pale boy relax in his arms. He was asleep now. Hinata kissed the top of his head. Komaeda meant so much to him.

Suddenly, the brunette began shaking again. His entire body trembled and tears rolled down his face. He sat up, trying to ground himself. Then, he had another dream.

He was walking past a bunch of dead bodies. "Boring..." He muttered. He got inside... an airship..? Immediately, a high-pitched voice yelled at him.

"Who allowed you inside the Excalibur?!" A pink-haired girl in cute clothes ran towards him. "You're a filthy, ugly, grown man!" She screamed.

"And you're boring,"

"Kamukura-kun!" Komaeda scolded, walking towards the two of them. "You shouldn't speak to her like that,"

"Exaclty! Fight him, Servant!" The girl cheered, putting her fist up in the air.

"He will not," Hinata said.

"Pfft! Bo-ring! I hate you guys!" With that, she ran away.

"Why did you come here? I'm pretty busy at the moment," Komaeda asked him.

"I know. You and Monaca are planning on using Naegi,"

Komaeda smiled. "So far, Fukawa-san hasn't seemed to have told her anything. I'm glad. Naegi-san's hope will shine even brighter than that of her brother! It's amazing! To think that a disgusting Servant like me would be able to witness such an event... haha... ahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha!" His laugh kept getting louder. He couldn't stop laughing, it seemed.

Hinata got annoyed and put a hand on his shoulder. Immediately, Komaeda stopped, still giggling slightly.

"Hehe... Sorry, Kamukura-kun. Back to my question: Why are you here?"

"What... do you know about-" The strange noise again.

"Your past self? Well..." Komaeda's face got sad. "I-I did know you... I really... cared about you, you know?" He sighed. "Your name was-" The noise kept interrupting Komaeda. "You were a reserve-"

Hinata woke up again, sweating.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now