8 | Kids

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When they get turned into kids, they're supposed to be 7-8 y/o. Even if Komaeda doesn't know he's a boy yet, I'll still refer to him by he/him pronouns. By the way, I will not have Hanamura be a pervert at an age like that, so he'll only really like romance, nothing sexual.

Usami had gathered everyone in the dining hall. She said she had an announcement to make.

"So, what do you want?" Hinata asked.

"Seeing how you guys are mean to each other makes me sad, so I decided to do something about it,"

Komaeda frowned. He had a bad feeling about this. Hinata rubbed his shoulder to calm him down.

"I decided to turn some of you into your child-selves! That way, you'll learn more about each other and feel respect for one another,"

Komaeda gulped. This was bad. He held onto Hinata's arm, scared. If he got turned into a kid, everyone would know he was Trans. He didn't want that.

As everyone began complaining, Usami began. Komaeda shut his eyes tightly, hoping not to be one of the unlucky ones. His hopes were crushed, however, when his body began glowing and he felt himself shrinking. Then, it felt like he passed out.

"Holy fuck!" Souda screamed. "They're actually kids!"

Komaeda looked around, scared.

"Why's Komaeda... wearing a dress?" Koizumi asked.

Sonia smiled and walked towards the kids.

"Hey there. Do you guys remember me?"

"I don't," Hinata said.

"Alright. I'm Sonia. And what's your name, sweetie?" She asked Komaeda.

"U-uhm... K-Komaeda Miyako..."

"Oohh..." The older people said in unison.

"Alright, and yours?" Sonia asked Hinata.

"I'm Hinata Hajime,"

The other children introduced themselves as well.

"I'm Saionji Hiyoko!"

"M-my name is... Tsumiki M-Mikan,"

"I'm Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko, you jerk!"

"My name's Hanamura Teruteru,"

"Alright." Sonia stood up, smiling. "These are my friends: Souda, Nidai, Koizumi, Mioda, Nanami, Togami, Pekoyama and Owari,"

"Where are we?" Hinata asked.

"I don't exaclty know for certain, apologies. We were all sort of... teleported here. You were as old as I am too, but got turned into children. It is hard to believe, I am aware,"

Komaeda was trembling slightly. "I-I want to go home..."

"How about we find you guys a few toys, hm?" Nidai asked. "That'll comfort you for a while, right?"

"Toys sound good!" Hanamura grinned.

"Alright then! Hop on!" Nidai held out his arms and picked them all up. He brought them to the toy store and set them down. "Grab anything you want! It's all for free!"

"For free?!" Hinata gasped.

"Yep, have fun!"

Komaeda grabbed a bag and immediately walked over to the section with plushies. He grabbed as many as he could.

"You like plushies, huh?"

"Eek!" He shrieked at the sudden voice.

"Sorry!" Hinata giggled. "I didn't mean to scare you,"

"I-it's okay. Ah... I do like plushies, mhm,"

"Wanna play?"

Komaeda tilted his head. "Play what?"

Hinata showed him an action figure he got. "We can play with your plushies and my super awesome Superhero figure!"

"Who's that hero? I've never seen him before," Komaeda asked.

Hinata grabbed his hand. "Let's go to the beach. I'll explain everything there,"

They began walking and Hinata began explaining who that guy was to Komaeda.

"His name is Awesome Man. He's super cool and awesome, just like his name. He's even got a cool girlfriend. She can cook really well and fights crime just like he does. They kiss a lot, which is yucky,"

"How romantic!" Komaeda said dreamily.

They sat down in the sand and began playing.

"Alright, one of your plushies is the bad guy," Hinata said.

"Does it have to be like that? I-I don't want them to be mean..." Komaeda frowned.

"Well, who is Awesome man gonna fight if not your plushies?"

Komaeda's eyes began to water. "B-but... Can't we play tea party?"

"But that's lame!" Hinata frowned.

"I-it's not lame..." He began to cry.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" Hinata rushed towards him and rubbed his back.

Komaeda whiped his tears. "Mmh..."

"We can play whatever you want, okay?" Hinata proposed.

The other boy looked up at him, sniffling. "Really?"

"Mhm, I'm fine with playing tea party!" He grinned, grabbing his toy again. "There, let's sit down,"

Komaeda smiled slightly and they sat down. He sniffled again and whiped the remains of his tears. "Hm... okay let's say Ms. Rose invited Awesome Man,"

"Ms. Rose?" Hinata asked.

Komaeda held up a pink bunny plushy. "Her. She invited your Superhero,"

"Alright." Hinata brought Awesome Man into a sitting position.

They played until it got dark.

"Eek! They forgot about us!" Komaeda shrieked.

"What do you mean?"

"No one's coming to get us... oh no... not again..." He put his face in his hands.

"H-hey, calm down, Komaeda!" Hinata grabbed his hand. "Let's try to find our way back to the cottages."

They began walking, Hinata in the front. It took a while since they had short legs, but they did actually find the cottages.

"You did it! You're amazing, Hinata-kun!" Komaeda smiled. "This one's got a photo of me, so it's my cottage, right?"

"Well, I'd think so. I'll go to my cottage now then. Good-"

"No! Don't go! I-I mean... please... I don't wanna be alone..."

Hinata gulped. He'd never been to a sleepover before. "A-alright!"

They walked inside. There were plushies everywhere. On the bed, in the shelves, on the floor. You name it.

"That pretty lady said we used to be as old as her and got turned into kids. If that's true, your older self still likes plushies a lot," Hinata laughed.

"I'm glad! They're so adorable!" Komaeda smiled. "But... what's the last thing your remember before coming here?"

"Hm... I think... I... I don't know. I don't remember," He sounded frightened.

"Me neither. It's odd..." Komaeda sat down on the bed next to Hinata. "I'm sure we'll get out of here eventually, right?"

Hinata nodded. "Of course! Let's try to sleep, okay?"

Komaeda nodded and laid down next to his new friend. "Night, Hi-kun..." He yawned

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now