9 | Teenagers

427 13 22

Usami had gathered everyone in the dining hall again.

Komaeda was clinging onto Hinata.

"What do you want?" Kuzuryuu asked.

"Having you guys be little kids... is a bit very young. I decided to make you a tiny bit older, okay?"

"But whyyy? I like playing with Hinata-kun!"

"I know, but it's hard for the others since they have to take care of you guys," Usami explained kindly.

Komaeda pouted. "B-but we were gonna go to the amusement park today..."

"Exaclty!" Hinata agreed.

"You went to the amusement park yesterday. And the day before that and before that and-,"

"But we wanna go again!" Saionji shouted.

"P-please don't yell..." Tsumiki whispered.

Usami sighed. "Let's just get this over with,"

"Noooo!" Komaeda held onto Hinata's arm tightly as Usami began.

When he opened his eyes, he was taller, but couldn't remember anything that had happened. He looked around and saw a bunch of strangers.

"Yo... can you let go of me?" Hinata asked.

"Eek! Sorry!" He put his hands to his sides.

"It's alright,"

They were all wearing school uniforms. Hinata had a sort of punk look. His sleeves and pants were torn up and he wore wristbands with spikes on them. A belt and two chains were wrapped around his waist and fingerless gloves hid the palms of his hands.

Komaeda wore a girl's uniform with a skirt, but he wore a big sweater jacket over the actual uniform.

"Who are you guys..?" Komaeda asked.

Souda sighed. "We all got teleported here, y'all are our classmates, you got turned younger and that's the situation,"

"Teleported? The fuck?" Hinata rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Y-you can't... t-turn people younger..." Tsumiki said.

Souda groaned. "We don't know either! It's just how it is,"

Komaeda sighed. "I suppose so. Crazy things happen all the time,"

"So you're just okay with this? Dude, what's up with you?!" Hinata turned towards him.

"P-please don't yell," Komaeda said, frightened.

Hinata rolled his eyes once again and stormed out of the dining hall, followed by Kuzuryuu and Saionji, who also seemed to be annoyed.

Komaeda gulped. "U-uhm... would you guys mind introducing yourselves?" He asked the others.

Everyone told him their names and now it was his turn.

"I'm, uhm, Komaeda Nagi...sa," He lied. He was too scared to say a boy's name when he looked so much like a girl. "I'm gonna... leave now..." Komaeda exited the building and walked around the island.

He arrived a the beach and saw Hinata sitting there. Should he approach him..? It wouldn't hurt to try. Komaeda walked towards him.

"C-can I sit here?" He asked, nervous.

"Do whatever the fuck you want,"

Komaeda nodded and sat down. "S-sorry for... a-annoying you earlier,"

Hinata sighed. "It's fine, I guess,"

The other boy smiled. "What's your name?"

"Hinata Hajime," He glared at him, making Komaeda nervous.

"I'm K-Komaeda Nagisa..."

"I didn't ask,"

Komaeda sighed. Hinata was so cold towards him.

"Uhm-" He got cut off by Hinata.

"God, you're lucky you're a girl or else I'd punch you right now! Can't you shut up for a second?!" He yelled.

"D-don't yell at me," He muttered, pulling his legs to his chest.

"Komaeda-san!" A boy called out. He ran towards them.

"Hanamura-kun? Can I help you?"

The chef was panting from running. When he finally caught his breath, he spoke up. "I was just wondering... would you be up to eat dinner together tonight? Like a date,"

Komaeda blushed. For some weird reason, Hinata was bothered that it was Hanamura who had made him blush.

"A date? W-with someone like me? Hanamura-kun... You're so kind," He said, smiling shyly.

Hanamura smirked. "So? Would you like to?"

Komaeda turned even more red and looked down. "W-we've only known each other for today..."

"It's not that serious. There's no rules for dating after all,"

"U-uhm... I suppose... we could try it out,"

"Perfect, mon cherie." Hanamura lifted up Komaeda's hand and kissed it. Komaeda let out an embarrassed squeak.

Hinata rolled his eyes. "Dumbass romance..."

Apparently, Hanamura had told everyone about the date, because later that day, a few of the girls walked up to Komaeda and talked to him about it.

"Be careful with him, Nagisa-chan," Koizumi warned him. "He might be a pervert. Honestly, you should just settle for liking girls. They're pretty and always nice,"

Komaeda gulped. "U-uhm..."

"You have to wear something nice!" Sonia said, smiling. "Come along, we will find you a perfect gown for your first date, girly!"

They all went to the store.

"Ah, this one's cute!" Nanami said, holding up a pink dress.

"Kyaaa! She'd look absolutely adorbs in it!" Mioda squealed.

Komaeda looked around. "I like that one." She pointed to a flowy looking blue dress with clouds on it.

"You have good taste!" Sonia clapped her hands. "Yass queen!" She grabbed the dress and handed it to him.

Dresses made Komaeda feel feminine, which he didn't like. He couldn't deny that it was pretty though.

When the evening came along, they all wished him luck on his date. He took a deep breath and opened the door to the diner.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now