19 | Boundaries

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"It's okay. I wanted to talk to you about boundaries and stuff anyway,"

"O-okay..." Komaeda felt nervous. He'd always had trouble setting up boundaries. He had read that that happened a lot to people who were neglected or left alone as children.

"So... what's stuff you wouldn't be okay with? Romantically,  I mean," Hinata asked.

"Well... I'd like it if you didn't force me to kiss you and stuff..."

The brunette's eyes widened. The bar was super low, holy shit. "Obviously I wouldn't do that,"

"And what about you? What's stuff you wouldn't want?" Komaeda asked.

"I love you, but you seem like you can't read the room sometimes, you know? I want you to try not to act romantically during inappropriate times,"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know that!" Komaeda wanted to curl up and die. Had he made Hinata uncomfortable like that before?

"It's alright, just try, okay?"


"What about petnames?" Hinata asked.

"I like them, but... I don't like using them. It makes me embarrassed... but you please keep using them! I-if that's okay!"

Hinata giggled. "Of course it's alright. And calm down, okay? You're way too nervous about everything. Let's do this all at a slow pace since you've never been in a relationship, okay? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me,"

Komaeda nodded. "You're so kind..." He sniffled. "I don't deserve it... I'm just trash..."

Hinata glared at him. "You deserve the world!"

The pale boy shook his head.

His boyfriend sighed. "What about first names?"

"Mm... you can use mine..."

"You can use mine too,"

Komaeda gulped. "I can't promise it though... I feel so nervous when I think about it. I truly don't deserve that right..."

Hinata groaned. He loved this boy to death, but he could be so damn exhausting to deal with. Instead of using words, he kissed him on the lips.

"You do, okay? Stop saying you don't." He pinched his cheeks.

"Owww!" Komaeda whined. "Let gooo!"

Hinata pinched harder. "Say you're not worthless!"

"That would be a lie!"

"Say it!"

"Oww! F-fine, I'm not worthless!" He rubbed his aching cheeks.

Hinata looked at him and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Komaeda huffed, puffing out his cheeks.

"You're, ah, super cute,"

The pale boy froze and turned pink in the face. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Good job!" Hinata grinned.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now