15 | Tricked

349 11 19

Hinata kept having those dreams. It scared him. He couldn't relax for even a minute. The worst part was not knowing what they meant.

Well... maybe the part about not being able to relax for even a minute was overexaggerated. He still had his amazing boyfriend helping him calm down after all.

"Hinata-kun!" He ran up to the brunette and hugged him. "How are you?"

"I'm... alright,"

Komaeda frowned at how tired he sounded. He hadn't been able to sleep well lately. "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Komaeda." He kissed his cheek.

"Y-you can't distract me with kisses!"

Hinata grinned and kissed his lips. Komaeda kissed back at first, then pulled away. "I-I know what you're trying to do!" He scolded.

"But you kissed back. It's not like you hated it, right?"

"N-no, but still!" Hinata kissed his forehead. Komaeda's blush got darker. He leaned down to whisper in his ear. "If you really want me to stop kissing you though, tell me,"

The pale boy seemed to start malfunctioning at that. Hinata was so close to him. The brunette chuckled and kissed him again. He shakily put his hands on Hinata's shoulders and the taller boy grabbed Komaeda's waist to steady him.

The kiss got more passionate and now Komaeda was pinned against a wall. Hinata loved kissing him, but... the it started again. Another dream.

It was a similar situation. Only that Komaeda was on a bed instead of against a wall. Hinata leaned down and kissed him. Komaeda closed his eyes. When Hinata pulled away, he whispered. "I love you..."

"I love you too." He kissed him again. Komaeda looked at him. Hinata seemed to know what he meant. "Do you want me to take off the collar?"


Hinata pulled out a small key and freed Komaeda's neck. It had bruises from the metal continously rubbing against it. The pale boy sighed in relief. Then, he began yelling, concerned.

"Hinata-kun!" He shouted. "What's wrong? Hinata-kun, please answer me! Please! L-let me go at least!"

Hinata woke up.

"Hinata-kun, you're scaring me! Let go!" He pleaded. So it had been the real Komaeda yelling, not the one in the dream.

Hinata let go of him. "I'm... so sorry." He began walking away.

"P-please don't go!" Komaeda said, running after him. "What's wrong? I wanna help you!"

"I c-cant do this right now... I-I... I keep having these d-dreams and- and you're always in them... and I'm too... it's so weird! I-I..."

Komaeda put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. Don't worry, I'll help you in any way I can," He promised, pulling his boyfriend into a hug.

Hinata began to cry. "Thank you... I love you,"

"I love you too." Komaeda smiled and rubbed his back. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm... hungry," He said, sniffling.

Komaeda grabbed his hand. "I'll cook you something!" He grinned and brought Hinata to the dining hall.

"So, what do you want?"

"Anything, really,"

Komaeda frowned. "Warm or cold? A snack or a whole meal?"

"Something warm... Hm... I want noodles,"

"Alright!" He clapped his hands together, smiling. "Just wait here. I'll be back in a few minutes." Komaeda went into the kitchen and began cooking.

Hinata was thinking about him. Their kiss today had been pretty... passionate, right? Was Komaeda okay with that? He needed to talk about boundaries with him. Hinata decided to do it that night.

After twenty minutes, Komaeda came back and placed a plate in front of him, kissing his cheek. "There you go!"

"Thanks, babe,"

Komaeda blushed bright pink. "'B-babe'?"

Hinata looked at him. "Y-yeah... that's what I called the girls I used to date. Do you not like it?"

The pale boy shook his head. "No, no! I like it!" He sat down in front of him as Hinata began to eat.

"This tastes really good," He told Komaeda.

"I'm glad," He smiled, blushing slightly.

The door to the dining hall opened and Nanami, Pekoyama, Koizumi and Mioda walked inside.

"Hey hey," Nanami said. "You guys already started eating dinner?"

"Hinata-kun got hungry, so I made him something,"

"I see." She sat down, playing a game on her console. The other girls went and got some food.

"How come you all came here at the same time?" Komaeda asked.

"We all hung out today," Nanami explained.

Komaeda chuckled. "That's nice,"

The others came back, carrying plates. "What did you two do today?" Pekoyama asked.

Hinata tried to think of a lie. There was no way he could tell them they made out and then he had some sort of panick attack.

"We were in my cottage most of the time," Komaeda said. "And just kinda talked,"

Nanami spoke up. "Maybe this comes out of the blue, but... do you guys think there's some sort of romance going on on this island?"

"Absolutely!" Mioda squealed. "And I think I know a couple of people that like each other,"

"R-really? Who?" Hinata nervously asked.

"Sonia-chan and Gundham-chan for sure! Hm... Mahiru-chan and Peko-chan!"

Koizumi blushed. "Th-that's not true!"

"Hehehe... Nagito-chan and... hm..."

Komaeda tensed up as she thought.


"Nidai-kun?! B-but-!"

"Seeee?" The musician grinned. "You're all embarrassed! That's a symptom of having a crush on someone! It's okay, we all accept you,"

"I don't like Nidai-kun like that!"

"Gahaha! Like what?!" Surprisingly, the man himself came into the dining hall at that very moment.

Komaeda's cheeks turned pink. "Like... you know... like that..."

Nidai laughed. "Come on, gimme some details!"

"Nagito-chan liiiikes you!" Mioda sang.

Komaeda shook his head. "I don't!"

Hinata felt conflicted. He didn't exaclty want to come out, but he also didn't want anyone thinking Komaeda and Nidai would make a cute couple.

"Gahaha!" Nidai's boisterous laughter filled the room. "That's sweet, Komaeda! No need to be shy about it!" He sat down next to the pale boy.

"I'm not shy, she's just wrong! It's not that I dislike you I just... don't like you romantically,"

He ruffled Komaeda's hair and Hinata gritted his teeth. The rest of the students entered the room.

"Can you stop? Oh my God..." Hinata hissed, annoyed.

"Haha! Caught ya!" Mioda grinned.


"This was a test! We were trying to find out if you and Nagito-chan are together by making you jealous! And you totally were!" She giggled.

Hinata's eyes widened. Oh God... they knew now.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now