13 | Nap

377 12 32

Sorry for the short chapter. The next ones gonna be longer.

"Hng... H-Hinata-kun... t-too much..." Komaeda whined.

"I know you can do it!"

"Nooo... give me a b-break... I'm too weak for this," sweat rolled down his face. He was exhausted and wanted to rest, but Hinata was merciless.

"Come on, just a few more minutes!"

"That's what you said..." He panted. "after the l-last round... Wait, hold on! D-don't start without a warning! Hinata-kun!"

The brunet had already started running again. Today was the day Komaeda found out that he absolutely despised running laps.

"You need to get fit again! Cancer's aftereffects aren't gonna fight themselves, you know!"

"Wah... I'll pass out..." He lazily dragged himself around behind his boyfriend.

Hinata sighed and stopped. "Do you really need a break that badly?"

Komaeda nodded desperately. "Please!"

"Fine." He walked towards the fluffy-haired boy. "Let's get you to your cottage,"

He leaned onto Hinata on their walk back.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise. Why do you look so tired, Komaeda-kun?" Hanamura asked, after coming out of his cottage.

"Hinata-kun absolutely killed me... H-he wanted to go ten more rounds! There's no way I'd have survived that!" He exclaimed.

"T-ten?! Who knew Hinata was that kind of guy?" He asked, smirking.

"Exaclty! Now my whole body aches... I can't even walk properly anymore..." He whined.

Hanamura stated at Hinata in disbelief. "You went that hard on him?!" He whisper-yelled.

The brunette rolled his eyes. "We're talking about running,"


"Hanamura-kun, I told you about that!" Komaeda scolded, embarrassed after having realized what Hanamura thought he meant.

"Well, sorry! The thought of you guys doing that is more interesting that sports,"

Hinata groaned. "Dude, ew. Gross. Let's go, Ko,"


They went inside his cottage and Komaeda got into bed. "Hi-kun... I'm sleepy..."

Hinata kissed his forehead. "You're so cute,"

"Are you gonna leave?" Komaeda sounded sad.

"Not unless you want me to,"

"If you leave I'll eat your hair..." He yawned. Hinata laughed and laid down next to him. Komaeda cuddled up to Hinata and put his head on his chest.

"Your heart is beating fast," He stated.

'Obviously it is when there's an adorable boy on my chest!' He thought with red cheeks. 'Yeah... I'm definetly into guys...'

His eyelids got heavy and he fell asleep eventually. That was the best nap he'd taken in a while.

HA!! I know what you thought at the beginning!!

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now