16 | Sexuality

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These are all my headcanons. Feel free to disagree.

Hinata hadn't come out of his cottage since the incident in the dining hall. He didn't want to be seen. He didn't want to admit it to everyone. He wanted to stay inside forever.

It was late at night when he heard a knock on the door.

"Go away!" He shouted.

"Hinata-kun... it's me," Komaeda sounded worried. God, Hinata had missed his soft voice.

He lazily dragged himself towards the door and opened it. Komaeda stood there, looking sad. He quickly went inside and Hinata closed the door.

"Hinata-kun... no one's weirded out by you, I promise,"

"But I am!" He yelled, making Komaeda flinch. "S-sorry,"

"It's okay. I miss you though. I'm all alone without you, you know?" He sat down on Hinata's bed next to him. "Do you... uhm... sorry if this sounds like I don't trust you, but... do you still love me?"

"Of course I do,"

Komaeda let out a sigh of relief. "Please... just leave your cottage, Hinata-kun. We're all worried." He gently grabbed his hands and gave him a pleading look.

"Ngh... I know what you're doing," Still, it was hard to refuse when Komaeda looked at him like that.

"Please? For me?"

Hinata blushed. "Fine..."

"Thank you!" Komaeda kissed his cheek and dragged him outside by his arm. Hinata frowned as he saw the others waiting outside.

"Hey hey," Nanami said.

"Hajime-chan... I'm sorry, I didn't know it'd make you feel so bad," Mioda said.

"We all accept you, soul bro!" Souda grinned. "You're not alone with this!"

Hinata smiled slightly.

"Pretty sure a bunch of us aren't straight either," Kuzuryuu admitted. "So... wanna talk about it or just... continue like before?"

"I'm kind of curious to be honest," Koizumi said. "About who everyone's into, I mean. How about we just sit down and discuss it? If someone doesn't wanna say anything, they don't have to,"

Everyone agreed, some more hesitantly that others, and they went inside the old building. The students sat down in a circle.

"So... do we just say our sexuality, or what?" Owari asked.

"I guess," Souda shrugged. "B-but I'm not gonna take part in this... I won't say anything. I-I'm straight,"

"Guess I'll start." Owari shrugged. "I like girls. Sometimes guys, but not often. I'm bi,"

"I'm a lesbian," Koizumi said.

"Me too," Nanami admitted.

"Same here!" Saionji grinned, happy her and Koizumi were in the same boat.

"I'm bi..." Kuzuryuu muttered.

"Me as well," Pekoyama smiled. "Though, I do prefer women,"

"I'm bi too, with a preference for girls. Only a slight preference though," Hanamura said.

"I'm gay!" Nidai grinned brightly.

"Me too," Komaeda said.

"Kehehe... Fuahahaha! Behold, for the overlord of ice may make people of any gender fall for him!" Tanaka laughed.

"So... You're pan?" Souda asked.

"Exaclty, my foolish friend,"

"S-so am I... I'm pan too..." Hinata said, finally coming to terms with it. Komaeda showed him a proud smile.

"I-I like g-girls! They're pretty!" Tsumiki squeaked.

"Ibuki's bi!" She yelled. "I love cute boys and girls!"

"I, too, am bisexual," Sonia said, smiling gently.

"I like who I like," Togami said. "I haven't found the right label yet,"

"And anything else you guys wanna get of your chests? Someone might be Trans or asexual or something like that," Koizumi asked.

Komaeda nervously spoke up. "I-I am Trans... you guys know that already though. B-but I'm also asexual and uhm... yeah," There was something else he wanted to say, but was too nervous. Well, he didn't have to.

"Ibuki's asexual too!"

"I... am nonbinary." Togami admitted. "Please... use they/them for me... not he,"

"I'm- a... n-no... I can't say it yet..." Souda groaned, frustrated with himself.

"It's okay, Souda-kun. You don't have to say anything," Komaeda told him.

"I guess now that we're already talking about it, I can come out. I am a Trans woman!" Sonia proudly stated.

"You are a beautiful lady, my queen," Tanaka said, blushing.

"Why thank you,"

They kept talking for a while. Hinata felt more relaxed now. It was nice to know he wasn't anywhere near alone with not being straight. And now he could kiss Komaeda in front of the others too. Which he did. A lot.

Komaeda was bright pink because constantly received cheek and forehead kisses from his boyfriend. Hinata leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"You guys are so... so... romance-y!" Souda groaned. "Why don't I get to date someone?!"

"Because the only person you ask out is a girl who has a boyfriend," Hinata said, rolling his eyes as he pulled Komaeda closer.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now