6 | Boys?

554 17 38

Komaeda was tense and Hinata noticed it. He never seemed relaxed and it was bugging him, so he decided to do something about it.

After breakfast, he invited his fried to come to the sauna, which Usami had recently installed on the island. They went there together and walked inside the changing room.

"So, what did you want to do?" Komaeda asked.

"You're always like... on edge, you know? You never just... chill out,"

"Does it bother you? I apologize, Hinata-kun,"

"No, that's not what I mean. I wanna help you relax." He began taking off Komaeda's jacket.

"Uhm... what are you doing?"

"Just taking off your jacket. You need to take off your clothes anyway when you're in a sauna,"

Komaeda gulped. He couldn't be shirtless, obviously. Should he just wear a binder? He could certainly try.

"Y-yeah..." He took off his shirt, revealing a binder.

"What's that?" Hinata asked.

"It's like... a medical thing, my doctor told me to wear it to... straighten out my back," He lied.

"I see. Do you have to wear it now too?"

"Yeah, always. Uh, can you turn around? I need to... take off my pants to put the towel around my waist,"

"Yeah, of course!" He turned around and quickly undressed too.

Once they got into the actual sauna, they sat down.

"Do saunas even help people relax?" Komaeda asked.

"I don't know, but this isn't what I meant when I said I'd help,"

"Oh, then what did you mean?"

Hinata took a deep breath. "If you're fine with it, I could massage you,"

"Massage me? That's so kind, but don't worry about me,"

"Well, I am worried. You're my friend, Komaeda,"

He sighed. "I mean... if you really want to... fine,"

Hinata got behind him and put his hands on his shoulders.

"B-but be gentle... my pain tolerance isn't very high," Komaeda said.

"Of course,"

As soon as Hinata began, Komaeda put his hands over his mouth.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

Komaeda shook his head. "N-no... I just... you know..."

Hinata thought for a second. Did Komaeda not want Hinata to hear him? People do usually make noises when they get a massage.

"Hey, it's fine. I want you to relax, so I don't care if you make sounds or whatever,"

Komaeda blushed. "...okay..."

Hinata began again.

"Mm..." Komaeda whimpered. "Ah..."

Hinata turned red in the face, but kept going.

"Ahh... y-you're good at this..."

"Y-yeah... thanks,"

"Aah! H-hey, I told you not to go so hard on me!"

"Sorry!" Hinata moved down to his back.

Komaeda shook his head. "No... do it where you did it before... that felt better,"

God, what he trying to make it sound like they were doing... something else?!

Hinata decided to just keep going.

"Ahh... Ngh..." Komaeda winced.

"Does it feel good?"

"Y-yes... very- Aah!"

"Is it okay if I go a bit harder now, or..?"

Komaeda thought for a second. "Hm... alright,"

He immediately shrieked when Hinata began. "Ahh! Th-that's- eeh..."

After a while, Komaeda spoke up again.

"I-I'm honestly kind of nervous since it's my first time..." He whispered the next part. "...getting massaged by a friend," Komaeda still seemed unsure when he called Hinata his friend.

"Hey, don't be. I've done this with plenty of people before. A friend of mine was always super tense so I learned this to help her out,"

"That's very kind... Mm... haha, is this weird, Hinata-kun? Is this what friends do? I wouldn't know... I don't wanna do anything wrong..."

"There aren't any rules for friendships, Komaeda. If we wanna do this, we will,"

"Okay, but I feel all relaxed now. Can we go to the beach?"

"Oh, of course!"

They both got dressed and walked there. They sat down in the sand, next to each other.

Komaeda nodded. "I, ah, saw a movie about two best friends,"


"They were both girls, but I don't think that matters. They often talked about romance,"

"I mean... we can do that if it makes you feel more secure,"

"Okay... do you like anyone, Hinata-kun?"

"Not really... I mean, the girls here are very cool, but I just don't see them in a romantic way,"

Komaeda nodded. "I see,"

"What about you? Do you like anyone?"

"I don't like like any of the others. I wish I had a boyfriend though, I'm a hopeless romantic!" He laughed.

"Do you like guys?"

"Yeah, girls just aren't my thing,"

"So you're... gay?"


"Woah..." Hinata couldn't help but admire that confidence. Komaeda even trusted him enough to tell him.

"You only like girls though... right?" Komaeda asked.

"I've never kissed a boy..." He said, absentmindedly.

"Would you?" Komaeda looked at him.

Hinata stared for a second. 'I would kiss you,' He thought.

"That would be weird... wouldn't it?"


Hinata gulped. "I don't know... I just... don't know,"

"You don't have to know,"

The wind brushed through Komaeda's hair.

"I was scared when we got here," Komaeda admitted. "I don't have good experiences with islands,"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing important, Hinata-kun. Maybe I'll tell you one day though,"

Hinata looked at him. He didn't wanna have to come to terms with it, but he liked Komaeda.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"No. Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"A few. Have you ever kissed someone?"

"No. You?"

"Yeah, not a lot though. Have you ever wanted to kiss someone?"

"Yes... one time." Komaeda pulled his knees to his chest. "He wouldn't have wanted that though, so I didn't even try..."

"You won't know if you don't try,"

"I can't kiss him now, Hinata-kun," Komaeda said. "I wouldn't want to loose a good friend." He got up. "This was nice. Let's hang out again, Hinata-kun!"

"For sure." He watched as Komaeda left the beach. When the realization of what he meant hit him, it was too late. Komaeda was already gone.

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now