21 | Together forever (Last Chapter)

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Komaeda went outside to get a bit of fresh air. It was hot and loud in there. That was overwhelming. Outside, it was cool and quiet. The wind brushed through his hair. It was dark already.

Everyone was so nice to him now. He even had a boyfriend. He wasn't lonely anymore. Maybe... just maybe he wouldn't have to die alone. That was his worst fear. Dying alone and being forgotten. He hated the thought of that. It made him want to cry. But now... he had hope. He had a reason to belive he wouldn't be alone.

Komaeda let out a chuckle. He wished that, even when he got home, it would stay like this. He would stay with Hinata.

"Komaeda," He heard footsteps. "Are you alright?"

The pale boy nodded. "I'm okay. It's just a bit loud in there, you know?"

Hinata put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, you're right. You guys did a good job planning this though,"

"Thanks." He smiled.

"You seem kind of... odd. Are you sure you're not sad?"

Komaeda pulled Hinata into a hug. "I love you..."

Hinata hugged him back, despite being surprised. "I love you too, babe." He lifted his chin up and kissed his forehead.

"I can't belive it... someone actually loves scum like me..." He muttered. "I'm so happy!"

"You're not scum, Nagito." He pulled him into a kiss. When they were done kissing, Komaeda was bright pink. He still wasn't used to this.

"I, uhm, want to thank you, Hinata-kun,"

"For what?"

"I don't feel so lonely anymore now. I'm happy and... I'm not so scared anymore. I used to be, but... you make me feel safe,"

Hinata smiled. "You make me feel safe too,"

"I'm happy to hear that." Komaeda kissed his cheek. "We'll stay together even when we get out of here, right?"

"Of course,"

"We'll stay together... e-even if bad luck catches up to me... r-right? I understand if you wouldn't want to keep dating then..."

"Of course we will! I love you!"

Komaeda blushed and began to tear up. "You won't abandon me?"


"You won't hate me either?"

"I couldn't, even if I wanted to,"

Komaeda began to cry. Hinata whiped his tears and kissed his cheek.

"I like to think soulmates exist, you know? And we're pretty good proof," Hinata said.

The pale boy kept on crying. "You really... l-love me... I-I... woah..."

"I love you with my whole heart,"

"Thank you... Hajime-kun..."

The brunette laughed. "You can drop the honorific, Nagito,"

Komaeda turned pink. "Sh-shut up! I know what I'm doing!... H-Hajime,"

Hinata smiled.

"Yeah... we're definetly gonna stay together forever,"

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now