12 | First kiss

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Hinata was head over heels for his boyfriend. He was constantly thinking about him and staring at him with a stupid smile on his face. He also wanted everyone to know Komaeda was his, especially Hanamura.

"There you go, Hinata-kun." Komaeda smiled, setting down a plate in front of him.

"This cake is awesome, Nagito-chan!" Mioda squealed.

"Thank you!"

"You'd make a good housewife!" She said.

"Huh?" Komaeda tilted his head.

"I've told you before, you can cook and clean. All the right qualities,"

"Haha... I see..."

Saionji rolled her eyes. "This cake tastes like actual ass!"


"Don't apologize, Komaeda. And just don't eat it if it's so bad, Saionji," Hinata hissed.

The short girl just snickered. "You always defend him! Does Hinata have a cruuush?"

He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, shut up,"

Komaeda sat down next to him. "That's right. Hinata-kun would never like trash like me! He deserves someone way better!"

"Pffft! You guys are equally worthless!"

Komaeda glared at her. "Don't ever say that! How dare you even think about comparing an ultimate to absolute scum!"

"J-jeez... no need to get so mad,"

He shook his head. "Admit you're wrong!"

"Ew!! Why do you want me to insult you?! Are you some kinda masochist?"

"No, what the hell! You're just wrong is all!" He argued.

Nanami groaned. "Enough. Komaeda-kun, you're not worthless. And Saionji-san, shut up,"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "Nanami-san! You can't possibly disagree with me too, right? I doubt I'll ever forget this tragic moment..."

Hinata chuckled. "Calm down, Komaeda. It's fine,"

"H-Hinata-kun! You too?! How can I trust anyone anymore?!"

"For the record, I think you're worthless," Kuzuryuu said.

"Ah, thank you!" He smiled. "Finally, someone who hasn't lost their mind!"

After they finished eating, Hinata cleaned everything up for Komaeda. The other  boy sat on the counter, seemingly deep in thought.

"What's the matter, Komaeda?"

He stayed silent a bit longer, before speaking up. "Have you ever felt like... everything good and bad that happens to you... balances each other out?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like... imagine if you lost a bracelet you really liked and, the next day, your friend gives you a different bracelet as a gift. It's like nothing good can ever just happen to you. You can never just be lucky without also being unlucky. The other way around as well! You get a bracelet from your friend first, but loose another one you really liked later,"

"That's never happened to me,"

Komaeda sighed. "I see..." He hopped off the counter.

"Why'd you ask?"

"Just... I don't know. Just because." He shrugged, leaning against a wall.

"Can I kiss you?"

Komaeda immediately turned bright red. "R-right now?"


"Uhm... sure. I've never done this before though..."

Hinata smiled and walked towards him. "That's fine." He put his hand on the wall, next to Komaeda's head. With each centimeter they got closer, Komaeda got more nervous. Then, their lips finally touched. Hinata took the lead, knowing Komaeda wouldn't want to. After a minute, they pulled away.

Komaeda stared at Hinata, not moving at all.

"Uh... earth to Komaeda?" He waved a hand in front of his face. Komaeda blinked.

"Hm... that was... a kiss for sure,"

"D-did you not like it?"

He shook his head and looked away in embarrassment. "It was really nice... are all kisses like that?"

"I mean... Not unless you want them to be,"

"There's no rules for kissing?"

"Of course not!"

"Can we... do it again?"

Hinata leaned forward and they kissed again, longer this time. Hinata put a hand on his boyfriend's waist and slightly pushed him against the wall to give him some hold. Komaeda put his hands on the other's shoulders.

Hinata pulled away and looked at the shorter boy. "Was that... still good?"

Komaeda pulled him into a hug. "I love you,"

Hinata blushed, a bit startled. The pale boy practically burried his face in Hinata's chest and mumbled something that the brunette couldn't understand.

"What did you say?"

Komaeda looked up. "I said 'thank you',"

"For what?"

"For loving me,"

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now