7 | Boys!!!

504 17 6

Hinata wanted to kiss Komaeda so bad. He was so pretty and cute and smart and funny and sweet and-

He sighed. How would he tell Komaeda he liked him? How would the others react?

Komaeda said he was a hopeless romantic, so he should confess in a romantic way. Maybe in the amusement park? No... hm... Ah! He got an idea. The perfect idea. Unfortunately, he'd have to ask Hanamura for help.

Hinata went to the chef's cottage and knocked.

"Oh, Hinata-kun? What a pleasant surprise to see you. What do you need?"

"Can you help me make food?"

"Of course, what kind of food?"

"I'll explain when we're in the kitchen, okay?"

While they made food, Hanamura kept explaining things to Hinata in weird ways, but he ignored him.

"What do you need all this food for, Hinata-kun?"

"I wanna go hang out with Komaeda,"

"Hang out, huh? Well, if you'd ever like me to come along-"

"No thanks." Hinata put the food in a basket and walked away. Now he had to set the picnic up. He went to a field and put a blanket on the grass. He decided not to unpack the food yet since flies and wasps might land on it. He grinned proudly, despite being nervous. Now, he only had to put the gift he had prepared somewhere in the grass where he could easily grab it. Hinata put it on the right, next to the blanket. He'd just have to make sure to sit there.

Finally, he could go get Komaeda. He knocked on the boy's cottage door and was greeted by that smile he had grown to love.

"Hinata-kun, hi!"

"I have a surprise for you,"

"For me? How kind,"

"Yeah, follow me,"

He lead Komaeda to the field. With every step, he got even more nervous.

"A picnic? That's so cool!" Komaeda's eyes sparkled.

Hinata made sure to sit down first. "You can eat whatever you want." He gave Komaeda the basket.

Komaeda got out the food and they began eating. Hinata was nervous. He was scared of getting rejected. He didn't want Komaeda to think he was weird.

"This is really good!"

"I'm glad you like it,"

When they were done eating, Komaeda laid down on the blanket, looking at the sky.

"You're so nice to me..." He whispered. "It's odd. Why would you be kind to someone like me? I just don't get it,"

"It's because I like you, Komaeda,"

"Huh?" Komaeda rolled over to look at Hinata and saw that the other boy had placed a gift in front of him.

"I like you... as more than just a friend," He nervously admitted.

Komaeda sat up. "You... do?"

Hinata nodded. "Do you feel the same?"

The other boy stayed quiet and Hinata saw his eyes getting teary. Komaeda whiped the tears and smiled. "I do,"

"Are you... crying?"

Komaeda shook his head. "I'm just happy!" He hugged Hinata. "No one has loved me in years!"


Komaeda pulled away and smiled.

"So... like... what does this mean then?"

Komaeda just continued smiling at his... friend? Boyfriend?

"Do you... do you wanna be my boyfriend, Komaeda?" Hinata asked.

"Yes!" He said enthusiastically. Then, Komaeda looked at the gift.

"That's for you,"

He gently grabbed and unwrapped it. It revealed a box, that Komaeda quickly opened. Inside, was a necklace with a four-leaf clover attached.

"It reminded me of you," Hinata chuckled.

Komaeda immediately put it on, blushing. "That's so sweet of you,"

Hinata couldn't stop his heart from beating rapidly. He was so excited. He let out a sigh. His boyfriend looked up at him and tilted his head.

"How long have you liked me?"

Hinata turned red. "D-does that matter?"

"I guess not." He grinned. "Are we gonna tell the others?"

"I don't know... how will they react? That's what im worried about,"

Komaeda frowned. "Symbols of hope should believe in each other, Hinata-kun! Distrust is never good, it only leads to despair!"

Hinata rolled his eyes and pinched Komaeda's cheek.

"Ow! Hey, I'm only telling the truth, Hinata-kun!" He crossed his arms. Hinata laughed.

"Wanna go back to the others?"

"Oh, sure!"

♡ Come be lonely with me | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now