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Ah yes, nature.

Takes up a vast majority of the earth, muddy dirt covered the surface after heavy rain took place the previous night. Affectively staining Valor's boots, what a waste of some good shoes. Cringing at the noise it make, he stared off out the front door after stepping out. Civilians doing their daily activities, nothing more.

"Val!" Steven called for the young man. After locking the door of his uncle's home, Valor speed walked over to catch up to his uncle.

Slightly audible voices could be heard inside the home of Elizabeth, Valor wandered about the farm. Taking his precious time to jump and step on the pathway like a child would, approaching the barn and looking inside - doing the same to everything else.

It ended with him crouched down Infront of a single flower, staring quite attentively at a lady bug. Everyone was inside, so no human interactions to worry about.

A crow flew past, his gaze following the animal as it flew over to the treeline, mildly disinterested. However, once it made contact to the edge, he notice how it immediately disappeared. A warp affect in thin air where it flew threw, it emitted a noise similar to throwing a rock to a lake, but with a much deeper pitch.

He jumped back, squinting at the area like it's a disgusting bug he was about to squish. Later on, a butterfly flew in and experienced the same fate.

He drew closer, and closer. Jumping on stones in order to get over the river, drenching his pants almost. As he drew even closer - faint whispers could be heard, swirling in his mind like pairs upon pairs of hands desperately pulling him in.

Without a second thought, the boy stuck his hand in - followed by an arm, and then his whole body.

Stepping through, he sees himself in a dark gray room; Made out of concrete and metal lining. Sucking in a breath, it felt obnoxious to make any sound at the absolutely quiet atmosphere, several footsteps could be heard traveling nearby.

However, a loud voice could be heard coming from - seemingly out of nowhere. "Unknown anomaly detected. MTF units please enter site-■■ to SCP-■■■ containment and capture the anomaly." The voice was a male's, scratchy and slightly hard to decipher. Wait-

They know I'm here.

Oh no. Not even a second passed and the metal door slid open, making a small sizzling sound as two armed men stepped in.

Valor felt his heart stop - this is it. He thought. I'm done, I'm so done. They're gonna kill me, or do something worse for intruding such a place. He shook his thoughts away. That's ridiculous, they don't know anything about me.

Not knowing what else to do in order to prove himself harmless, the boy puts both arms up in surrender. The armed men look nothing like others he's seen, they wore thick chest plate.. looking.. things, a helmet of sort. And held up a long weapon, black rectangle looking base with a thinner one pointed at him. The design itself looked like a crossbow covered in pure metal.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" One of the men spoke, his voice muffled slightly.

The boy tried to reason; he pointed towards the warp like portal.

"You have no business here, leave immediately or you will be terminated."

However - before he could do exactly that, it seems like the world wants to watch the boy burn as the warp like portal immediately shuts down. The surface of the room shook slightly, it was loud, the alarms were loud. Valor crouched slightly and covered his ears, well - elf looking ears, nobody noticed that? Or am I just over analyzing like MatPat would?

"Attention to all staff members, SCP-079 and 173 has escaped containment. Ple - " the voice was cut off.

A guard grabbed the boy by the wrist, he glared at him like he's a burden to this world. "You're coming with us."

The boy took one last gulp before he was dragged out to the dark hallways.

Captured And Contained - 'Heir to a bloody throne' fanficWhere stories live. Discover now