Chapter 14: Memories

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Valor slides another black tape into the slot, a beat passed before a voice cuts in. He positioned himself Infront of the screen and patiently listened to the logs.


"Log-■■■■ SCP-V24-B. The object has been identified as an anomalous entity, or, anomalous object? I don't know. We're currently reconsidering wether or not it should be placed near other anomalous objects. as far as we know, it has yet to shown any other anomalous properties "

"Log-■■■■. SCP-V24-B. Dr E. Finch has made a discovery. At ■■/■■/20■■ an unauthorized test has been conducted inside B's containment chamber, involving Dr E. Finch and agent Marco. The two has used SCP-■■■, in order to communicate with an entity that as said to be— bound to the object. No other researcher or guard was near during the test." The speaker sighed.

"Finch said the entity is apperently..related to V24. He said it looked human, a bit too human. He described how it showed concern when asking for the whereabouts of V24. O5 is currently questioning Finch and Marc for more information."

"Log-■■■■. SCP-V24-B." A sigh could be heard from the speaker. "The anomaly is kind of.. unsettling, to put it at best. not the appearance, but the fact that it is constantly watching our every move while being invisible just — sounds unsettling. heck, I'm standing on the other side of the glass and i feel like I'm being watched!"

"The anomaly is very quiet, not a nice quiet, but a more.. unnerving kind of quiet. I can feel its eyes on me."

"We're not quite sure of its nature, but Dr Lincoln is asking for permission from O5 to interview the thing." Another sigh. "I'm outta here, that thing is creepy as heck."

"Log-■■■■. SCP-V24-B. As Finch has mentioned before, the entity is related to V24, it admits to be his— I mean— its father."

A distant voice called out. "Then who's the mother??"

"Don't know. Their origins, for all I know, is probably gonna be along the lines of— 'a woman sleeps with an anomalous entity and produces a heir! HoooOooO!' Or something like that. Still, it'd be kind of weird."

"Log-■■■■. SCP-V24-B. Plans on moving B to a better containment chamber is finnaly happening, yay... Well, after we found out that the pickaxe can produce electricity, and because most of the facilities structure is out of metal and other conductors, it is a high risk for people to be electrocuted."

"For the sake of safety, the the containment chamber is restricted to only be made of non-conductive material, as it is to be kept in a far location from SCP-V24's containment chamber."

"Log-■■■■. SCP-V24-B. The object is now classified as an Euclid class anomaly, greaaatttt..."

"Log-■■■■. SCP-V24-B. Finnaly, after a lot of delays the object has been interviewed. From what we've learned, it is quite vague with its answers and sometimes it wouldn't answer them at all. Though, when V24-A was mentioned, it was erratic and sounds kind of.. stressed?"

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