Chapter 16: Hopeless

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Valor's vision blurred.

The world was spinning, his head felt heavy, an ever so present ache located on the back of his head. His arms scrambled to the ground in an attempt to hold himself up, he felt nauseous, almost.

Once he was up, the man stared at his sarroundings, still trying to process the death he just experienced. Instinctively, his hand floated over to his collar bone, attempting to hold the jewelry once again. Sadly, all he felt was the collar of his shirt. In a panic, he looked down and around, a huge lump of anxiety now settling in his stomach, starting to eat away at his heart.

His amulet is missing.


His gaze swept through the area, it was nowhere to be found, his head snapped to the wide open entrance. Fear is clawing at him, without that amulet— he's mortal again. That haunting realization shook him to the core, being inside such a horrific facility, death hiding at every corner, every room, every hallway he had to pass through, dangerous anomalies scattered throughout this hell..

Steven sat on the cold ground anxiously, a thin blanket draped over his shoulders, his hands shakily held a plastic cup of water. He looked exhausted, a bit of redness around his eyes.

Earlier, the foundation staff managed to evacuate him and Lithian once the containment breach had occured. They had been relocated in an evacuation shelter nearby, soldiers gathered around them, along with a few medics and doctors, no signs of any other SCP's however. They had been waiting for hours, maybe even days. " okay buddy?" A doctor whispered to steven, kneeling to his level.

"Where's- where's valor?" He quickly asked, despite it being the hundredth time or so. The doctor's smile dropped, he furrowed his eye brows, unfamiliar of the name.

"Valor..? Who is this...valor?"

"SCP-V24, one of the most recent SCP's we've contained." A guard cuts in, holding his weapon with such professionalism. He took off his helmet, his grey-blue eyes looked stiff, as if he'd been glaring for hours on end. "Recent..? Well, what is the anomaly? I was not informed of its existence in the facility." The doctor mused.

"Wait– really? Huh, I thought he was well known... But anyways, he's uh– SCP-V24. Yeah, I know, kind of weird to see letters in an SCP's name without the usual dash, but besides that— he is a humanoid entity with a striking resemblance with the popular Minecraft myth: Herobrine." Marco explains, Steven and Lithian not understanding half of it. The doctor couldn't help but frown.

"..did you just refer to it as a 'he'?" Marco furrowed his eyes brows under the black coth layering that was protruding his face, gesturing his hands in a disappointed way.

"That's what caught your attention??"

"We both know it is highly discouraged for personnel to form bonds with the SCP's."

"Don't give a f###." He snapped back.

Steven, despite not knowing much about Marco, was amused seeing him act so hostile to his colleagues, or is it just tradition? The guards are heavily armored, giving off the impression of power, professionalism, protection, and a little pinch of arrogance and hostility. He'd heard them mention something about 'MTF Epsilon-11' and how they're coming in. judging by how the guards in the facility refered to themselves as 'mobile task forces' these elevens are undoubtedly more soldiers.

"Do you— where is valor?" Lithian's voice cracked slightly at first, before clearing his throat and speaking again. Marco's eyes softened.

"I don't know, but..the last time I saw him, he was still in his containment chamber." He explained. "Though I think he's roaming the facility by now."

"'at isn't any more reassurin'." Steven remarked.

"I know, but this is a site wide containment breach, lives are at great risk and it is best for us to stay put." The man said sternly, he wasn't lying. Multiple Keter and Euclid anomalies are out and roaming, they have even gotten word about a single D-class still alive within these walls. If valor had survived the last multiple breaches, surely he'd survive this one.. right?

"Look, we're trying our best. You'll see your nephew again." He puts a hand on Stevens shoulder, who's frowned deepened. Marco pondered for a bit, before slipping out a thin white pad and plopping it on Stevens lap. He swiped his finger over it, before taping a triangular button and playing a video.

Steven stared. On the screen displayed video footage of Valor inside his containment cell, the lad could be seen fumbling with a colourful cube as he begrudgingly tries to solve it. A doctor could be seen near him, one lock of his hair being unnaturally green, Ethan. "How do you even..." A groan came from the boy. "I dunno, takes about 3 hours for an average person to solve their first one—" Frustrated, the boy throws the Rubik's cube to the camera man.

"Rude." Marco mumbled from behind the camera. The video clip ended with it automatically playing the second one. The second footage, shows Valor hysterically laughing as a giant, orange creature latches onto him. Steven couldn't help but snort at the sight.

Valor stood still at a corner, his gaze stuck on a pile of red mush which rolled around on the tiled floor. The red mush had big eye balls sticking out, he shuddered everytime one of them shifted to stare at him back. "Eric." It says. "Eric? Eric." Its deep, masculine voice startled him, not expecting to find a pile of red flesh speaking.

It itched closer to him, he let out a high pitched yelp, jumping back and away from the creature. He high tailed down the flight of stairs, stopping to swipe his gaze over the tables and chairs neatly spread around. Walking over to a counter with glass containers, he climbed over them, digging into a box before finding a bag of chips.


He thought. grabbing a water bottle nearby, the boy plops on the cold, white tiled floor. Hungrily eating his grub, he hasn't eaten too much after leaving the heavy containment zone. As it stands by its name, it contains anomalies with heavy security. The more heavy it is, the more dangerous the anomaly is— or, at least that's what goes on in his mind. He decided against going back, he didn't want to die again.

For now, he wanted to wait and regain his confidence again, if– there's any left in him. His anxiety is slowly consuming him, completely ruining his.. breakfast?..lunch?.. dinner? He needs a watch asap, time is starting to become foreign to him now.

A pair of heavy footsteps trudged into the area, peaking from below the counter, what appears to be more of those heavily armed guards began scouting around the area. His breath hitched as he stumbled around the empty room for a hiding area. after spotting a metal closet in the corner, the man hastily tucked himself in with a small click.

He curled into himself in the small space he has, hands protruding his face and knees to his chin. Breathing in panicked breaths, hoping death wouldn't come find him again.

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