Chapter 9: Human

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It all happened in a mere minute.

Lithian had sprinted towards the other man, sword at hand. Relentlessly swiping him down with the weapon, the said man having to swiftly dodge his attacks Ending with tears in his garments and gashes on his skin. He instinctively backed away, two arms held held out as a form of shield for his face.

Quicklu, Steven and Valor held him back. What a guard am I right?

"Lithian! Get a hold of yerself!" Steven scolded, the scarred man ceased his movements with a huff.

A pause — that is before the metal door behind the researcher whirs open. A group of guards stood tall, one proceeded to shout into his walkie talkie, several others aimed their weapons to the three opposing men, whilst this another assisted the injured researcher.

The three men turned and sped down the halls, occasionally tripping as armed guards chased after. The chase was cut short by bullets being sent to their way in the blink of an eye, valor fell down with a thump after one guard had taken it upon himself to knock him down and hold him to the ground. Lithian, Steven, both suffering the same fate.

They were held at gun point. From the edge of Valor's line of sight, he was able to see both Lithian and Steven thrashing and struggling against the guards who – obviously – outnumbered them both in strength and number. He quickly learned from his minor escape attempts that the guards or 'MTF' as they call them, are armed with far more dangerous weapons.

They were right at deaths door.

"Valor—!" The called one was knocked out by a guard, the last thing he heard before being consumed by darkness was his uncle shouting his name.

Steven snapped awake, the bright light of the cell blinding him.

"Morning." A static, slightly muffled voice could be heard. Steven turned his head to see another guard standing next to the metal door of their enclosure, he looked just like any other guard around here.

He heard a small 'tsk' coming from the other side, craning his head yet again to see his apprentice mustering his best glare. Comparing the two guards side by side — Lithian looked weak, his weapon was taken away, while the unnamed guard stood taller than him, geared and heavily protected. He concluded that it would only be useless to try and go against these guards, they were most likely highly trained and experienced soldiers if it means keeping these anomalies in.

He scanned the room or, a more appropriate name – cell. They were sleeping on what looked to be cots, the walls were dull and gray. Quite the luxury for them to even be given something to sleep on. a single lightbulb illuminated the room, a table with three chairs was set on the far wall. A small window stood just behind their cots heads, where – he assumed to be the observation room.

"Where 'r we?" Steven asked.

"That doesn't matter."

"Yer avoiding the question."

"I don't need to answer, assuming that you both already know."

The two men exchanged a grim look. "Well..?" A pause. "Well?" The guard answered.

"What're ye planning to do with us? We're caught, held hostage 'n all.." Lithian said, swinging his legs off the cot.

"You guys know too much, I don't know what else they're planning for ya though."

A pause. "But aren't ye a guard?" Steven questioned.

"Yes, buuuttt i'm not assigned to guard your cell. We've got others to do jus' that." He said half-heartedly, Steven furrowed his eye brows.

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