Chapter 12: Alliance

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Valor held his breath.

The soft thumping of footsteps nearing the office is taunting him, he froze himself in that uncomfortable crouching position of his, with his head slightly angled to the side due to the low ceiling of the desk.

"Ring-a-ring o' roses, a pocket full of posies, a-tishoo! a-tishoo! We all fall down."

The entities voice echoed off of the walls. The footsteps came to a stop, a single click could be heard as the door of the office creeks open, the footsteps continued as the all too familiar entity mumbles to himself. He could've sworn he heard an audible 'I am the cure' from him.

He heard something emit an unnerving creek, followed by a scream that ended all too quickly, a huge thump, then silence. As the atmosphere grew heavier and quieter, valor hears heavy breathing and something being dragged across the floor. Valor stuck his head out from underneath, seeing a black robed entity drag a limp body to the door.

"Ah," the entity spoke, lifting his head an inch to eerily stare at the other man. "I didn't notice you there."

"I didn't think you would." Valor grimaced slightly at the corpses face, mouth and empty eyes wide open, no life could be seen in them.

"What did you do?"

"He was ill." The plague doctor whined. "I need to cure him before the disease spread even more." He proceeded to prop the body on the outside wall, pulling out his large doctors bag and fiddling with the contents.

"..right." just like many others, Valor doubt the existence of what he calls the pestilence. Still, he wasn't too keen into getting on the entities bad side. He could be a valuable ally, and maybe a burden at some point but oh well. Ride or die am I right?

Valor held his hand to the plague doctor, the said doctor retracted his hand immediately before making skin to skin contact as he remembers his lethal touch. "Sorry." Valor rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"No need, I assume that you wish to form an alliance with me?" The doctor stood on his own, towering above the man.

"Yes, you obviously know this place more than I do." He glanced at a corner. "Not implying that you're old or anything."

"Oh, all is forgiven. Even if you are, you wouldn't be wrong either way."

Valor gave him a suspicious look. "Really? How long have you been trapped?"

"Ahh.. I believe the foundation captured me during the fifteen hundreds, and i've been contained here ever since."

Valor hummed, turning and making his way through the halls. The plague doctor followed suit, a few steps behind him. The doctor attempts to make small talk, as he quickly noticed the man's anxious and tiring look.

"We've met before haven't we?"

"Yes, we were in a.. what is it called again?"

"Cross test?"

"Yes, a cross test — and you killed me."

"Right." Valor gave him an offended look, almost glaring at him. The plague doctor looked away sheepishly, not showing much remorse for his initial death.

Valor huffed before continuing his speed walk, again, small talk was attempted and Valor tried his best to answer some of them. His attention was more onto the layout of the foundation, memorizing the hallways they've passed, even skimming through the papers scattered across the facility. At one point, he passed the same room more than five times before noticing the never changing hallways, the foundations messy layout is hurting his brain.

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