Chapter 1: Suspicions

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I meant 079 not 073 :')

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I meant 079 not 073 :')

Valor was dragged further down the halls — confused, overwhelmed, scared, every emotion you could imagine experiencing while a breach is taking place.

The armed men are the only guide he has in such an unfamiliar place, lights were flickering, doors opened and closed on its own, etc. At the moment one of the guards got so frustrated because of the door refusing to open, he ended up kicking it several times and throwing a fit.

"You!— sick!— motherfu– 079!"

"Insult detected. Deletion of unwanted file."

A sudden voice could be heard, muffled, distorted, and slightly hard to decipher. Valor merely spun in his place, trying to figure out the source of it.

"What was that?"

"That was SCP-079, a sentient AI computer – thing made in 1981. I think it must've gained access to the facility's network and is causing a breach on purpose, that menace." A guard answered, pausing several times.

Valor blinked, he doesn't seem to understand half of the things the guard said to him. But nodded regardless, he'd have to discover the SCP himself then.

What is an SCP though?

Either way, the small group of three went down a hall, then another, and another. His legs are going tired, yet these two guards are holding heavy looking weapons with ease. Several times they've discovered bodies of other guards or D-classes — as these guards call them, most are seen laying limp with their necks snapped to an unusual angle.

One of the guards had concluded that It was the work of SCP-173, a statue made out of concrete and rebar; that can apparently move when it is out of a living organism's line of sight. Even a mere blink could instantly kill you.

..can I just teleport away?

Wait no that's stupid – they'd probably see me anyway.

Valor pushed the thought away, glancing around the blood bathed halls. "Luckily, 096 doesn't seem to be out of its containment."

"Which one is that?"

"Uhh.. it's very tall, like, very very tall." The guard puts an awkward hand up. "White skin, creepy hands. If you see it's face it will kill you instantly, can't even glance at the guy."

"That's why we call him; shy guy."

Ah, makes sense.

"Uhh, kid?"

Valor glanced back, at the two men behind him. The guards looked at him confused, they were standing outside of the door he just went in while he was quite far upfront.

"Can you even see in there? It's like – pitch black."

Oops. The boy glanced around, everything was as clear as day in his vision. However when he looked up, the light bulb was completely destroyed. Therefore it's impossible for him to navigate through the various objects in the room without tripping once.

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