Chapter 2: Stress

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If valor is an SCP. Is he an Euclid, Keter, or safe class?

Also art by me ☝️

Ethan spun in his chair.

That day he was assigned to observe SCP-V24 and document on his behavior. However, the boy did nothing uneventful besides sleeping as no other form of entertainment was given to him. Ethan did however supplied the boy with an old tales book, but he grew bored, and argued that he is not a child.

The young male skimmed over addendums, observational logs, anything related to SCP-V24. He picked up one paper, the first observational log.


Observational Log V24.OL.1 SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-V24

Preface: one D-class (D-591) was introduced to SCP-V24. The purpose of this is to observe SCP-V24's behavior towards an ordinary human before moving onto other entities.

Observation notes: SCP-V24 shows distrust to the test subject, not engaging in a conversation whatsoever. However, the D-class mentioned a fictional character that goes by the name 'Herobrine' the mention of the name seems to catch SCP-V24's attention. The SCP suddenly became interested in D-591's explanation of the fictional character.

D-591 mentioned how SCP-V24 and 'Herobrine' has a clear similarity in looks. Mainly the blank, white eyes SCP-V24 can change it's eyes into.

Further observation shows that SCP-V24 seems to have an interest in this 'Herobrine' similarly to SCP-079's interest in SCP-682. SCP-V24 seems to be offended when the D-class personnel called the fictional character a villain, after a short rant by the D-class about this villainous character SCP-V24 refuses to engage further more.

During their conversation there were instinces where SCP-V24 would defend 'herobrine's actions such as murder, and other villainous acts. but was immediately put down when D-591 assured SCP-V24 that it was only, and only, a fictional character.


Ethan stared at the paper, his mind piecing everything together. With that, he picked up an addendum attached to the notes.


Addendum V24.1: Observation Log

Staff members have reported finding SCP-V24 in a state of distress, this occured when one of the foundation staff have told SCP-V24 of it's belongings being locked away. Before the start of tests - where it has to interact with a personnel, or the start of interviews; SCP-V24 is seen anxious and paranoid.

The SCP tried to bribe the foundation staff into returning its belongings, but its wishes were quickly denied. Further observation of SCP-V24-A and SCP-V24-B will be conducted later on.


Dang, What could've caused all of this? Does the amulet and pickaxe mean so much to him?

"Are you sure of this?"

"Of course I'm sure!"

"Yeah - using SCP-■■■ like a metal detector! You're not even authorized to use that thing!" Sarcasm was over his first sentence, frustrated.

"Calm down Marco, we're already suspicious of this object being - well - not an object. But an entity."

Marco sighed in frustration, the guard only stood in the testing room. The room used most commonly to test object SCP's, currently SCP-V24-B is sitting on the table.

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