Chapter 13: Disappointment

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"Are you feeling alright?"

049 suddenly chirped, he was a few steps behind as Valor anxiously held his necklace.

"I'm fine." He groaned, the man decided to search for his father in the heavy containment zone. Not to re-contain 049, but the area was closest as Herobrine has described his chamber being in, the brownish metal, the cylindrical hallways, the decontamination gas.

He choked, midway – two vents in the pipe began spewing black gas. Quickly the SCP behind him pressed the button to prevent the gas from spilling out, the man who accidently inhaled the gas coughed, his eyes felt irritated as he waited for himself to recover from the exposer. "Wha— hh– what was that for?" He wheezed out.

"I believe it is for security reasons." He glanced at the coughing man. "We can't go that way."

"We need to find something to cover our face!"



"I know you're exhausted, perhaps we could search for a room to rest—"

"We are not wasting the little time we have! My father could still be there– we just have to look for him!"

"Val, calm yourself." The SCP held valor by the shoulders, making sure to avoid the exposed area's of his skin. "I may not know much of your father, but I assure you he is able to take care on his own." Under the ceramic mask, the plague doctors eyes squinted slightly. "He wouldn't want to see his son in such a state, would he?"

In the background, the eye pods emitted high pitched squeaking noises, much to add into Valor's distress. The man felt a small pang of guilt, it almost felt like the doctor was guilt-tripping him for his eagerness to see his father. The doctor led him to a corner at the end of the hallway, he sat there, hugging his knees to his chest, staring at the rusty metal floor beneath him.

The doctor tried to make conversation in an attempt to distract Valor from the pressure of the situation, he wasn't sure how long the Breach has lasted, hours, or maybe even days? He wished he had a watch on him. He spent the rest of his time stroking the tip of the eye pods, still, he was uncomfortable by their unblinking stare, either way, he appreciated the sense of support they gave.

"Nourishment?" The doctor offered a small piece of cheese to the man.

"Where did you get that?"

"I passed the cafeteria earlier, they have quite the assortment of goods." The young man hesitantly took the cheese, munching on it as crumbs littered the floor.

"Speaking of food, can you eat?" His voice slightly muffled by the cheese currently in his mouth.

"I can actually."

"Wouldn't doubt you peck your food." The young man snickered. judging by the plague doctors appearance, he must've recieve plenty of remarks on his bird-like appearance. Valor was no different.

The doctor huffed. "How blunt of you."

"Sorry it slipped out!" In defense, Valor held both hands up whilst a grin masked his face.

With the little time they had, the two men laughed and joke whilst they still have the time before having to deal with the reality of the situation. At times, it's nice to forget the gravity of the situation and have a good laugh with a friend, enjoy the little time you have to enlighten yourself and forget the stress you've felt before.

The group decided against traversing the heavy containment zone, as it appears that in most rooms they will automatically spew black smoke at their faces. They made their way back to the light containment zone, in which is where they previously come from. The area was quiet, not a calming on but — an eerie quiet, as if all of the SCP's have grown bored of hunting valor down.

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