Valor on crack

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[compilation of funny moments between Valor and the Foundation staff.]


Dr Lincoln: (sets down a cup of hot coffee Infront of Valor) be careful, it's hot–

Valor: (chugs it down without a second though)

Dr Lincoln: (silence)

Valor: (silence)

Dr Bright: y'all I think I have a great idea—

Dr Lincoln: no.


(Dr Ethan Finch tries to put SCP 714 – aka the jaded ring on valor to paralyze the boy.)

Ethan Finch: Just put the dang thing on!


Ethan Finch: JUST PUT IT ON!—

(The boy continues to teleport away from the doctor. Once he runs out, Ethan has to wrestle him just to put the ring once. However, once it is on – the boy was already fatigued. As the guards dragged him back to his cell one of them — known as Marco Astor barked into the walkie talkie stating that the entity was crying.)

Marco: the kids cryin'—

Dr Lincoln: what?–

Marco: THE KIDS CRYIN!— Hey! Hey it's okay buddy!– here I have sum candy— you like candy right?

Dr Lincoln: Marco, why is the entity crying?

Marco: I don't know!

Dr Lincoln: what do you mean you don't know?!

Marco: I'm not his father hshshd— hey, it's okay– you don't have to cry it's okay—

(Further questioning of this incident is being reconsidered.)


(A guard had walked into SCP-V24's containment cell, the cell itself was pitch black. However, the guard reported seeing a pair of glowing white eyes in the corner of the room, staring at the said guard who — was creeped out and left the containment cell.)

(The incident kept repeating, the entity standing in the corner of his cell, the lights are off, and he had his glowey white eyes on. Yet, it has slowly turned into the norm around here.)


(During a containment breach, a researcher that was found unconscious near SCP-V24's containment cell — has doodles drawn over him. soon after, Valor has admitted to have done this to the poor researcher. His reasoning is still unclear.)


Dr Vinsky: So, from our examination, you are..somewhat human.

Valor: of course.

Dr Vinsky: Then, does that mean you are able to experience feelings such as sorrow, joy, rage and so on?

Valor: ..yes, dumba—

Dr Lincoln: stay passive SCP-V24.

Valor: (silence)

Dr Vinsky: alright then. Are you able to experience romantic or..intimate attraction towards others?

Valor: (silence)

Dr Vinsky: ..SCP-V24?—


Dr Lincoln: you kinda stink—

Valor: —you have not provided me with any other form of clothing for the past two weeks— of course I'm gonna smell like ■■■■!

Dr Lincoln: (⌐■-■)

Dr Lincoln: (ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-


(Dr Ethan Finch attempts to teach SCP-V24 various modern day devices. He was supplied with a notebook and pencil.)

Ethan Finch: err— what are you writing?

Valor: (holds up notebook. On the page it says 'your foundation is dog ■■■■')

Ethan Finch: (throws notebook away) no seriously— WHO TAUGHT HIS KID FRICKIN' CUSS WORDS?!


Ethan Finch: Hey, hey— wanna hear a dad joke?

Valor: what's a dad jo–

Ethan Finch: What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet?

Valor: (silence)

Ethan Finch: reali-tea.

Valor: (looks at a corner) how come that made my father laugh but not me?

Ethan Finch: phh— what?

Valor: He's laughing and wheezing over there in the corner.

Ethan Finch: That's why it's called a dad joke, king.

Valor: for the last time I'm not a king—


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