Chapter 8: Search

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This is not gonna be gamely accurate because I don't have time to watch an hour and a half video of the actual playthrough.

Steven pressed his the level three key card, he held his breath as the metal door opened with a sizzling sound. Stepping into a rectangular shaped room with what he assumed to be more strange devices with blinking lights, several chairs were stationed along with cabinets and sheets of paper scattered messily. A large glass window could be seen, behind is a pitch black room, sadly - only one lightbulb could be seen as their light source.

Steven approached the glass, pressing a hand and staring into the black abyss before him. He squinted, hoping to see the figure of his nephew. He swiped the key card, opening the door and entering the chamber.

"..Valor?" He spoke quietly.

A head poked out of under the bed, white glowing eyes blinking and staring at him. Stevens let out an inaudible gasp, he didn't waist time and immediately dashed towards the boy - picking him and hugging him tightly.

"Val!" Lithian said with a happy chuckle in between, proceeding to the two. "Aye, ya found 'im!" He puts a hand on Stevens shoulder.

Val emmited a chuckle and a relieved sigh. Steven releases the boy, tears pricked the corner of his eyes. "We've been lookin' for ye, boy."

"You were?" Valor puts on a half-hearted smile.

"Yes! Ye've been gone fer like.. two days 'r so."

"We got pretty worried, lad." Lithian commented.

Valor looked confused, almost puzzled. "Two days..? I've been here for two weeks!" even though he doesn't have access to a watch, he did scratch several lines on the wall to determine exactly how long he's been stuck in this place.

His uncle gazed at the scratched wall, it made his cell look more like a jail cell. Steven furrowed his eye brows, trying to scan the room on the other side – only to see that it was a mirror instead of a window.

", a day 'n Hadleigh equals a week — here?" Lithian voiced his process, raising an eye brow.

"I believe so." Steven answers grimly.

"Either way, we should get goin', this place is not safe to begin with." Lithian trudged out the door. The other two men following suit.

The walk was quiet to say the least, it lasted up to more than two hours. Still, they hear the occasional roaring that could be heard shaking the entire facility, along with dead bodies found practically everywhere.

Lithian have previously questioned valor on where they currently were, the boy only responded saying that they were in 'site 19' and didn't elaborate further. Steven had snatched valor's file, skimming over the long paragraphs and occasionally asking Valor for answers.

Even though he is placed in site 19 his file redacted it for unknown reasons, of course the researchers and 05 council knows. But the way he figures this out is by eavesdropping the guards conversations and even asking the more 'foolish' and 'newer' scientists for answers.

Lithian and Steven felt kind of - impressed by the amount of effort the facility is putting into containing the boy.

Yet, it took him a minute to Finnaly realize the pressure on the situation. It made his heart sink to the bottom once he remembered how cruel the foundation could be, overthinking every little detail, specifically on how the foundation would treat his uncle and friend.

Now, he's dealt with plenty of guards, and he is not too fond of them at all. Especially the 05 council in which - he is yet to face, the only one member of the council he's met was demanding and controlling, almost like they don't care how many guards are sacrificed, how many scientists and researchers sacrifice their lives and sanity. Of course, he could be misunderstood, that not all of them are bad.

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