Chapter 15: Gunshot

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His feet stomped on the rusted metal, black smoke bursts through the pipes sarrounding the corridor. His arms protruding his face from the corrosive smoke, swiftly punching the button as he passes through the door.

Previously, Valor had gotten no luck into finding any more items that may aid him during this journey besides empty cups and papers. The papers in question being useful in a way, informing him of do's and don't's with SCP's, even highlighting parts most necessary.

He was grateful they took their time to do that while working at one of the most dangerous job in the world, the scattered papers and obviously dysfunctional sorting system seems to be one of the facilities number one flaw.

Out of frustration, he went back to the heavy containment zone via one of those moving boxes, again. Despite his lack of knowledge about technology in this universe, all he really does is fiddle with them until they do something interesting. That worked for the moving box, though, he couldn't help but notice how when he stands inside one and it starts moving, the platform below him felt empty.

Like nothing was there to support him.

He found one of those platforms with the pipes spewing black smoke, swiftly running past while covering his nose, closing the door behind him. And now he's here, coughing out the last bit of smoke that manage to crawl it's way in his nostrils, he straightened himself and advanced down the murky hall.

Carefully peeking every turn and corner whenever he could, he found a fairly large open room with assortment of huge boxes and containers, before he took a step in however—

"Hello?" The voice chirped, a sense of hope radiating off of it.

Valor's head snapped to the darkness which plagued the area, squinting his eyes in hopes of seeing someone— anyone really. "Where are you?" They spoke again, it sounded erratic.

The young man was hesitant to answer, he took carefully stepped into the abyss. his vision slowly shifting, the usual darkness around him becoming more clearer. he stood on his tippy toes, stretching as far as possible above the giant containers, in hopes of finding another survivor. Or see his friend and uncle once again, luck is still sticking around, right?

He sees that resembled of a red snout, poking out behind another giant container, it wasn't far away. Choking on his breath, valor ducked down out, hearing another voice chirp. "Hello? Is anybody there..?"

Valor peeked the corners, seeing yet another red snout peeking just behind him. He retracted, holding in his breath to not catch its attention. He might be immortal but that doesn't mean death is enjoyable, whatever...that is, he doesn't want to get eaten by it. He stepped out of his spot, all the while keeping his uper body low.

He grimaced slightly, considering that there may be cameras in the room watching him, he felt a sense of embarrassment having to walk around like a person on crack. shaking the thoughts away, he continued on careful steps. "Huh, maybe I'm just hearing things."

He stopped. "Hello? Who's there..?"

"Hello?.. hello??"

"Who's down here?"

"Where are you?"

The voices continued, he heard thumping of heavy footsteps lingering on the metal floor. Valor stood up, seeing nothing near, he continued to slowly walk across. "Who the hell is there?!"

The sudden voice startled him, jumping slightly in place and craning his neck towards every direction he knows. "I thought I lost you for a moment there." Snapping his neck to the side, he sees a red creature advancing towards him.

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