Chapter 7: Steven

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Steven slumped in his seat, his fingers rubbing his temples in an attempt to subside the ever growing headache. He sat upon a barrel in the busy marketplace, everyone going about their day as usual, except for him.

It's been at least two days since Valor's disappearance. He's asked townsfolk around the marketplace regarding the whereabouts of his nephew, but they knew little about the boy. He couldn't blame them, after all — the young man disappeared when visiting Elizabeth. He's already informed Lithian of this, and they agreed on exploring the woods nearby Elizabeth's house along with the area around it.

They refused to have any other guards accompany them, as they expect the young man to be impersonating his father or at the least have his white eyes on when venturing through the woods, or smudge his face in soot again. Even then, he'd return back to Hadleigh or try to get in contact with Steven or Elizabeth's family if he was in the outskirts of the town.

Steven doesn't know what to expect for his nephew to do when he's out there. Perhaps do something foolish, get himself kidnapped by another supervillain, or kill innocents he's misunderstood to be a villain. What else could he truly do?

"Don't stress ye'self, what kind of trouble could he truly be in?" Lithian tried to reassure, putting a hand on Stevens shoulder.

"I don't remembe' him being yer nephew."

"He isn't, but I think the lad could manage 'imself out the'e."

"By smudging 'is face in soot—"

"It's affective."

"Ye both seriously sha'e the same brain cell."

Lithian crouched slightly, letting out a short wheeze before straightening his posture. " me at the gate later?"


"Valorrr!!" Lithian shouted as he hung the oil lantern in his hand up, shining the treeline before him.

The sun was just setting, Steven suggested that they search for Valor when it gets dark as the boy would mostly likely roam about when the towns and cities are calm and quiet, especially when little to no people would be seen out in the streets.

They searched through drier area's, even climed several trees expecting valor to inhabit at least one of them, but it was unsuccessful. They were only equiped with their respective weapons and one oil lantern each, Lithian even insisted in having at least one or two guards accompany them throughout this journey, but it was denied.

Unlike Lithian, Steven was more than determined to find his nephew. Wether it'd be traveling to the ends of the earth, search the entire nether dimension, or go one-on-one with Null again. He just wants to see his nephew again, or Herobrine — even though he can't physically see him, the thought of his old friend being at his son's side reassured him.

Before their search, Steven questioned his sister's family. Grace admitted to have glanced outside the door — but the only thing she remembered seeing was Valor hopping on the stones to pass the lake.

They were half unsuccessful in finding anything after that, keyword half as they did infact find a small spot on the grass that looked to be burnt. Of course it could be the remanence of a campfire but the family didn't recall on seeing any travellers setting up camp near the area.

Now they're travelling through the woods aimlessly, yelling out Valor's name like he's a lost dog of sort. Of course, they weren't gonna get anywhere by using this method. But it was worth the try.

Steven checked his pocket watch, it was getting later and longer, darker and colder while they're out here. Per the request of their tired and aching legs, the two made their way back to Elizabeth's home for rest.

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