Chapter 5: Aggression

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Is it wrong that i'm introducing Herobrine to my 3 year old cousin?

Valor stood still. In his perspective, it was awkward, though he kept his head down and tried to persuade the other two men in the room to get out.

They kept shaking their heads, whispering 'its blocking the door' valor shot them a look of annoyance.

Now, he's dealt with endermen before, well — Lear specifically. But still, he wasn't all too sure what to expect from this entity. The boy turned to face the entities pale white feet, and made a gesture similar to shooing away a fly, head still hanging low.

"Err.. could you — could you please move?"

He politely asked, from the corner of his vision he sees the creature lowering its hands from its face. He grimaced slightly at the half dried blood coating it's sharp fingers, now he understands why even a guard is scared of this thing.

It let out a mournful sound, almost like a low sob. "..I know you can understand me.. but please err.."

He turned to Marco, not knowing what the creature is called. "What's his name??" He mouthed.

"096!—" another low sob could be heard right after. Valor sucked in a breath.

"Okay.. 096, please move out of the way. Me friends need to leave." He said, a small quick pause between words as he picked them carefully.

The sobs and mournful sounds stops as the creature complied, moving away to the sides with small thuds from it's clawed feet. Valor pried the door open, gave Ethan and Marco one last look before fleeing as fast as he could.

"Oh no you don't!— get back here you son of a white eyed man!" Ethan hastily stood up, slipping on his feet before going for the door, Leaving Marco in his own advances.

Valor didn't dare to use any of his teleports, in fear that once he run out his chance of slipping away from the dangerous anomalies would grow slim. So he ran, memories slipped in of that time he ran through the mines from the guards. It felt like it, but instead it's just one man, one man he could take in a simple fight.

His thoughts were split into two, one tugging him, encouraging him to kill Ethan and not look back. While the other tugged him, prying him to not hurt the man.

Thoughts are distracting, that's a first as the man was immediately lifted off the ground by Ethan who easily caught up with him. He kicked his legs, flailing his arms like a mad man.

"Let me go–let me go–let me go—LET ME GO!!"

Valor tried, like — actually tried to escape, nevertheless, he was knocked into unconsciousness. Ethan sighed, letting the young man's body slump into an unusual position.

"SCP-096, 173, and 035 Have been successfully contained. Awaiting for Containtmnet of one SCP Subject."

Ethan sighed, this is gonna be a long day.

Once valor was back at his cell, he was pushed right into tests — Well, smaller tests because Dr Bright kept suggesting them to Dr Lincoln and the rest of the crew.

The first test conducted was requested by Dr Vinsky who was known to have a strong interest in cooking, so what did they do? They set up a whole counter top with vegetables and other goodies.

The test itself was mostly for laughs and giggles.

Valor only stood as he watched Dr Vinsky cook chicken tenders, as he calls them. Helping every now and again, the boy thought he looked ridiculous by wearing an apron written 'No I'm not herobrine's twin brother' on it. Now the doctors are just straight up bullying him.

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