Chapter 6: SCP-V24 'Herorbrine's son'

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Ayo credit to P0tat0-g0ddess for some of these paragraphs cus I'm dumb 🗿🤙

Also correct me for any mistakes-


Item #: SCP-V24
Clearance Level: 2 - Restricted

Object Class: Euclid
Disruption class: 3 - Keneq
Risk Class: 1 - Notice

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-V24 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell in research sector ■■ at site-■■. Two armed guards of level 3 clearance Level or above is to be stationed outside the holding area at all times, equipped with a stun gun to immobilize SCP-V24 if he still manages to escape his containment chamber. Any windows are to be replaced with two way mirrors to prevent SCP-V24 from teleporting out. The containment cell is to be cleaned only once every week to get rid of any germs, dust, and such.

In order to ease SCP-V24 during his ongoing containment, the entity is provided various forms of entertainment, modern day devices were an exception as it shows little to no knowledge of modern day technology. Besides that, he is provided with books, puzzles, art supplies, etc. SCP-V24 is to be kept under close supervision during interviews, any form of transport, or anywhere out of his containment cell.

SCP-V24 isn't necessarily hostile in nature, but will not hesitate to use violence when needed or provoked. even then he is considered powerless without the pickaxe.

Description: SCP-V24 is a humanoid 19-year-old male with tanned skin and dark hair. His features are unnoteworthy with the exception of his eyes, which he can change from standard brown eyes to blank, glowing, white eyes at will, and his ears, the tips of which are slightly elongated. SCP-V24 is cool to the touch, and has extremely low body temperature, but all other body functionality has so far shown to be normal and he shows no sign of suffering from it.

Note: this kid is a walking dead body smh -Dr Finch

SCP-V24 has exhibited few anomalous properties, the most noteworthy of which being his ability to teleport to anywhere he can see. V24 Is to be kept blindfolded during any form of transport or whenever the door of his containment cell is opened to avoid containment breach.

Note: this kid is a literal menace when causing a breach -Everyone

SCP-V24 claims to be from a parallel dimension, and has little to no familiarity with many modern inventions and devices. Further research will be held to determine exactly what exists in this other dimension, and, if possible, what caused V24 to travel here.

SCP-V24 is generally cooperative with foundation staff, though ever since his interaction and death caused by SCP-173 it has shown immense distrust with the staff members, Not doing what is told, multiple escape attempts, and even ridiculing the staff members when doing their work, Because of this SCP-V24 is deemed nothing more than a troublesome child. During transport it is often necessary to handcuff the entity as it can be quite reckless towards the foundation staff.

Even then, food is required to be given to SCP-V24. Three meals a day, and if the cafeteria staff was kind enough, they'd give him a little treat. Wether it'd be a small piece of candy, or a whole chocolate cake.

SCP-V24 has been momentarily moved to a different containment cell after escaping 049's cell and triggering a massive breach, resulting in three SCP subjects escaping their containment and causing pure havoc across the facility and has been successfully contained ever since. After recent reports from several Mobile Task Units, SCP-V24 is restricted from interacting with SCP-V24-B as the guards claim that it is able to shock anyone around it with a bolt of electricity. Because of this the containment cell of SCP-V24-B is to be replaced with non-conductive materials, such as wood and rubber, both containment cells has to be far away from each other to avoid giving SCP-V24 easy access to the obviously dangerous weapon.

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