Chapter 3: Run

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Tests were conducted later on, focusing on his behavior near safe and dangerous SCP's, along with more smaller tests the researchers came up with.

"I am not gonna be in the same room with that thing."

"Neither do we, but it's for research purposes."

"I don't care."

Ethan and Valor had been arguing for a good few minutes, a few hours before Valor's transport to 049's containment cell. The boy refuses to cooperate because of 049's lethal touch and is afraid to die again, but the staff obviously isn't aware of his previous death.

"You'll be fine once you put this ring on." Ethan held up a jade ring, aka SCP 714.

"I do not plan on getting married."

"You're not! Ughh.. this is SCP-714, otherwise known as the jaded ring. Those who wear it is practically invincible against a number of hazards. So put it on."

Ethan snatched the boy's hand, putting it on his ring finger. The ring momentarily adjusted to fit his fingers size, however, the boy was immensely startled when feeling extremely fatigued right after. He immediatly ripped the ring off and threw to the ground.


"What did you just do to me??"

"It didn't do anything!"

Valor frowned slightly, his trust to his captors growing even more slim than before. The boy turned his body to face the wall, arms crossed.

"Aw come on Val, you wouldn't stay mad at your best friend would you?"

"..I don't remember calling you a best friend, now leave my cell." Valor spits out the name like poison.

Ethan sighed, turning over to the two way mirror stood on the far wall, he shrugged. "Sorry guys, I think he's in a mood right now."

Dr Lincoln held up the microphone to his mouth. "SCP-V24, we ask for you to cooperate with the staff members."

"I don't care."

"SCP-V24, if you keep up this behavior — all privileges will be revoked. That includes visits from your father."

He took a moment to process this, piecing things together like a puzzle.

"Do you understand?"

They can't just take his father away—well, they can but still. He's not their guinea pig, but if it means getting to his father again..



His steps could be heard loud and clear in the half empty halls. blindfolded, three guards, one behind and two Infront. At first the boy tried to listen in on his sarroundings, however, their steps were so loud it covered every other noise around them. Dr Lincoln gave in when Valor wouldn't stop pestering him to let him wear the amulet, he worries the reactions of the researchers when he respawns however.

Once Infront of what he assumed is 049's cell, the boy was pushed in, his blindfold swiftly pulled off as the door closed the last second. The boy sucked in a breath, slowly craning his head to the table and chair.

The room was dark, that's a first. squinting his eyes, valor is able to see a black robed figure, standing tall a few feet away from the table and chair. Both hands clamped Infront of him, the atmosphere became tense.

"My.. you are certainly a new face, aren't you?" He said in amusement.

Valor kept quiet, staring intently at the entity Infront of him. He spared glances at the two way mirror just beside them, praying there's actual people behind there.

"You are not human, I can tell that.. " putting his hands behind his back, the entity circled the table and over to Valor. Using that slow scary walk.

Instinctively, Valor pressed his back against the metal doors. Half expecting the entity to close in the distance and kill him instantly. To his surprise however, 049 only stood just before him.

"How astounding.. you don't seem to have the pestilence in you."

"..what?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Of course you, much like the others, are not aware of the pestilence. Do these fools not tell you anything of my work? Or perhaps even.. ridicule my work itself."

"..I don't understand what you're saying."

"Ah yes.. let me tell you, young one."

The entity went on a rant about the pestilence, it's cure, it's work, what is the pestilence, all the like. Valor was puzzled of what it was saying, sometimes accidently ridiculing his work and agitating him, But the entity stayed composed and friendly.

Valor still refused to stand less than six feet away from the entity, he wasn't scared, well kind of is — he's just very wary of the anomaly.

"Not a conversationalist are we?"

"Not really.. " Valor rubbed his arm.

"Well that's alright, my boy. Silence can be enjoyable at ti—"

A voice could be heard from the speaker, cutting the conversation, from Dr Lincoln.

"Alright, I think it's time for the ultimate test."

"What test are you speaking of, doctor?" Valor was not informed of this 'test'. He thought it was gonna be any other tests.

"If SCP-V24 is able to die from your lethal touch."

Fear struck through him, the boy's head snapped to the two way mirror. "No! I—"

Before he could argue, however, the plague doctor already closed the distance between them.

Valor could feel life draining from his body, like someone ripped his soul out without a speck of gentleness, he felt numb. Then as if life was thrown back into his body, he immediately caught his fall before standing upwards again.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, him coming back to life startled the entity, same as the researchers as he heard a thud from the other room. The boy lurched to the metal door once he heard it sizzle open, running past the puzzled guards.

"Oh no — you get back here you son of a!"

Valor teleported to the end of the hall, running from corridor to corridor, making a small stop at a scientist to snatch their key card. Opening the next few doors with it.

He ran, and ran, he could feel his legs aching as the guards only seem to chase him from behind. Bullets flew past, some hitting him but that only slows him down because of the excruciating pain and exhaustion. The person in the intercom is already alerting everyone, the sirens blaring loudly.

The boy turned to a stop once he gets a glance of a window, inside stood his father's pickaxe. A pang of hope struck through him as he teleport in, snatching the item just before the door of the room was immediately thrown open, A sea of armed guards barged in.

"SCP-V24 put the weapon down this instant." One of the guards repeated, pointing his gun at Valor.

The boy wasn't sure if their weapons, armor — thing is made out of metal or any conductors, but he hopes so. Readying his weapon, the boy hesitantly sent a bolt of electricity to the closest guard who surprisingly — was shocked. The electricity somehow shocked almost every guard, almost. most of their weapons he assumed are made of metal, along with the metal doors they stood close to.

Valor dipped, running from corridor to corridor, desperately trying to find somewhere to station himself. A closet, unused cell, heck — even a dirty bathroom. He quickly thought against it, opening every door he sees with the key card. Once he found a closet, the boy shuts himself in.

His back slid down the door, letting out a long drawn breath.

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