Chapter 11: Family

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"Satisfied?" Dr Lincoln echoed through the speaker as he repeatedly flicked his pen to his clipboard.

Inside the containment cell, in the center, Valor sat in a criss cross manner as the workers fixed the damages he caused. He was occupied with a pop up book, he held a sour look on his face which they just wouldn't stop laughing about.

"What is this?" He said flicking the pop up pieces.

"That's a pop up book, dummy." Ethan chimed in, not-so-menacingly looming above him.

"And its use?" Ignoring the remark, he continued on to flip though the pages.

"Doesn't really have a use to be honest. It just looks cool, and the pages are 3D which is why we call it 'pop up' books." Ethan explains the object in a proud like manner.

"You mortals sure love to waste your time for any form of entertainment..." Valor murmured.

Ethan puts a finger on his chin. He huffed out a 'fair enough' before trudging back to the observation room. The head researcher took note of Valor differencing himself and us 'mortals' it almost made him cringe at the title, even if it was true.

He glanced to a small pile of papers aside him, after Valor was classified as an Euclid class SCP – paperwork has become a pain to the researchers, even though there was only three of them assigned to conduct research on Valor, it was still a pain to do so. They even have a specific folder filled with theories, conspiracies, and various questions.

They were, infact, delayed due to his unwillingness to cooperate with the foundation staff. It has even been considered wether or not Valor should be restraint during interviews and cross testings, but they knew better than to treat him as a mere prisoner, even though the facility is a prison itself.

Valor was, interesting, at least in Lincoln's perspective.

"SCP-V24? Did you hear my inquiry?" The doctor echoed again, he received a small hum from the man.

"Yes.. I am satisfied, in a way."

"Good, and how do you feel right now?" Lincoln glances at his clipboard in which a short list of questions could be seen written down.

He was quiet for a moment. "Oddly.. fatigue."

"Well, you did kind of.. throw a tantrum just mere hours ago, that must've taken a lot of your energy." Again, he received a hum from the man.

"Why haven't you killed them?" He lifted his head and continued to gaze at the two way mirror, practically staring at his own reflection.


"Why didn't you kill Steven and Lithian? I wouldn't think that they'd be any use, besides— you'd always threaten to snuff them out! What happened to that??"

The doctor took a moment to digest his question, the young man flailed his arms at the last few words, as if questioning the purpose of all this. All of the containment, researching, studying, only to contain Valor.

"I.. do not have a proper answer for that."

At that moment, Valor flipped to another page on the pop up book which displayed a 3D cut out of a family, complete with the mom, dad, and two kids. It looked childish at first, that is until until he stared at the father stick figure.

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