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Her eyes peeled open, rays of sunshine nearly blinding her. She could feel an emptiness in her heart, hearing nothing but silence. She began to imagine her home as desolate, just as she'd imagine her town. Each passing day she found herself falling into the cycle of a father in his late forties. Getting off work, and sitting permanently on her La-Z-Boy until it was time for bed.

It had been a week since Steve had heard her speak freely, and to say it didn't bother her would be a lie. Out of all people, Steve was the last person she wanted to confide in. He was annoying to her, a dumb jock.

She knew he was no longer considered a jock, but that image never really seemed to fade unless she gave some thought to it. She could see why every girl basically threw themselves at him, but she never felt the urge to. She never sought after guys she found attractive, assuming it wouldn't ever work out or she'd be rejected on the spot. Sometimes she even wondered if it was because she was never truly in love with them.

Before work, Amanda decided to go on a walk through the woods near the high school. Each tree she passed looked like the last, the only difference being the heights.

Amanda found herself approaching an area, one with a picnic table surrounded by trees. Standing there was a cheerleader, her eyes somewhat rolled into the back of her head. Of course, Amanda didn't think much of it. After her own process of elimination, she assumed the girl was using some sort of drug.

Approaching her was Eddie Munson, someone Amanda was surprised to see. He was making crackling noises as his feet stomped over fallen twigs and leaves, as if it were fall.

She watched as the two interacted, the way his eyes lit up as he spoke to her. Amanda didn't fully realize she was staring, she was too caught up in what she was watching that she forgot it was considered creepy.

All she could hear was the cheerleaders laugh, and realized that they must've been dating. That was until Eddie pulled out a steel box, opening it and taking out a bag of weed.

Amanda rolled her eyes, being completely unamused with what they were doing. And so, she found herself walking back home.

"Amanda?" Dustin called out, standing next to him was a tall longish haired boy she'd never met before.

"What do you want?" Amanda's voice was unamused, her eyes nearly drooping from exhaustion.

"So, we have a proposition for you." Dustin began, sending her a wide smile.

"Is there money involved?" Amanda was quick to ask, which earned her a dirty look from the taller boy.

"No, but I'll be willing to help you out here for a whole day without pay over break." Dustin sent her a smile once more, trying to keep himself from being discouraged. Though it quickly faded once he saw the face Amanda had made.

"Speak." Amanda nodded, earning a confident smile from the boy.

"We need someone to come to one Dungeons and Dragons game with us. You get off in what, twenty minutes? All we need is for you to just come with us and we'll explain how to play."

Amanda noticed how desperate both of the boys looked, and as much as she wanted to say no, she realized that she would be doing something different for once. Something other than sitting on her La-Z-Boy watching TV.

"Fine." Amanda groaned, earning a surprised look from Steve.

"What- you said yes? Weren't you just telling me the other day that you hate Eddie the freak? Why are you nicer to them then you are to me?" Steve nearly pouted at her answer, which encouraged her to crack a smile.

"Maybe because you're just... how do I say this... super annoying? They're nerds, I mean look at them! You're Steve 'the hair' Harrington. I'd much rather spend my night with nerds than you." Amanda teased, though she never really meant it.

"She's right." The tall boy spoke up, causing Steve to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"You know what? I don't have to take this." Steve spoke harshly as he walked to the back, before pulling a broom out and placing it against the wall.

As Amanda drove to the high school, she began to think about how unlikely it was she'd ever talk to Eddie Munson again. Throughout high school she made a point to stay away, which she did successfully.

As she pulled into the parking lot, she found herself to be nervous. She had absolutely no idea why, but she could feel her palms begin to sweat. She knew that Dustin would be grateful, and she would never admit it but sometimes she liked to see him happy. Even with all the nasty words he'd spit back at her, she could see the innocence behind his eyes. As if he'd never truly felt pain. At least, that's what she assumed.

As she entered the school, nostalgia filled her body. The walls had a familiar look, though were painted a brighter white. The lockers were still beaten down, and the trophy case had now held two new trophies.

Amanda reminded herself that this was just for one day according to Dustin's deal, which left disappointment to bubble up in her stomach. She found herself searching for the room, and once she'd found it, Dustin and Mike were outside.

"Have you ever met Eddie?" Mike asked nervously, as if she was supposed to be scared.

"Trust me, I know Eddie. He might not remember me, but I know him." Amanda assured the boy, whose face grew even more concerned.

"Have you ever spoken to him? Heard him talk? Have you ever played D&D?" Mike's voice was full of hope, though her answer had made it all disappear in a puff of smoke.

"We used to be friends. Trust me, I can handle Eddie 'The Freak' Munson." Amanda sent him a confident nod before opening the doors, sauntering in as multiple sets of eyes watched her.

"Who is this?" Eddie questioned the boys, watching as they followed behind her.

"Keep pretending you don't know and see what happens, Munson." Eddie belted out a laugh, as if he found her presence to be funny.

"What, you expect me to let her play? Believe me, if I wanted some nobody to play D&D I would've invited Jason Carver." Eddie nearly laughed in shock as he looked Amanda up and down, his face unimpressed. The boys around him snickered, though Amanda had no idea who Jason was.

"I'd much rather spend my night anywhere but here, hanging with Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. I tried civil, but I guess that doesn't work now, does it? The agreement Dustin made with me requires me to be here, so why don't we start the game?" Amanda's eyes narrowed, to which Eddie's did the same.

"Do you even know how to play?" He retorted, annoyance radiating from his voice. As he crossed his arms, he leaned slightly back as if talking to her was a horrible thing.

"If I didn't wouldn't that make the game easier for you? I wouldn't expect you to know that, though, Munson. What is this, your third year of senior year? You know what they say, third time's the charm." Amanda's comment caused Mike's eyes to shoot wide open, as if she'd somehow put herself in danger.

Eddie took a step closer, his face stone cold. As he stared her in her eyes, he extended his hand with a small smile, as if he found their bickering amusing.

"Welcome to Hellfire."

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now