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"Amanda! Hey, Amanda!" Eddie shouted as he tried his best to catch up with her, though she'd already been speed walking to her car. 

"Amanda, I know you're not deaf." Eddie shouted, anger soaring through his words. 

"God, what do you want? Seriously, Eddie? What the hell do you want?" Amanda shouted back, turning around to see his face. 

"I'm surprised, Amanda. I mean, seriously, you showing up to a club filled with losers? I thought losers weren't your thing? Huh, what's all that about?" Eddie tilted his head as he awaited her response, but quickly grew impatient. 

"You know, I still remember it. The day you called me a freak in front of all of first grade. It took you thirteen years to speak to me again, and you're no different. Still the psychotic bitch you were when you were seven." Eddie's eyes narrowed as he stared at her. Amanda, at this moment, did feel remorse. She had carried that guilt for years, but knew that there was no way of fixing it. Of mending his reputation. 

"You know what, I should be thanking you honestly," Eddie took a pause, an eccentric smile forming on his face. Amanda felt her heartbeat quicken, afraid of what he may say or do. 

"You made me famous. I'm widely known as the freak of Hawkins. You know, I could say the same about you. About how much of a freak you are." Eddie's tone changed angry to playful, as if it was something he found joyous. 

"So then why did you let me play tonight?" Amanda's voice was harsh, her eyes glancing to Dustin and Mike behind Eddie. Their eyes shot open, eyebrows furrowed. 

"I thought you might've changed. Maybe you didn't mean it, hell, maybe you were even sorry. I mean, if you hung out with Dustin and Mike maybe you weren't so obsessed with what people thought of you. I guess I was wrong." Eddie chuckled, watching as she reached for her keys in her pocket. 

"Yeah, well maybe I am sorry. And, to be fair, I was seven. I had no idea what I was saying, but I'm glad I didn't hang out with you any longer. I mean, you might think I'm psychotic but at least I graduated and take care of myself and my family. You, however... well I'm sure you already know. Actually, I might be overestimating you." Amanda gripped onto her keys, jamming them into her car door. 

"You're a horrible person, just like your father." Eddie spat before walking away, Mike and Dustin left in pure confusion. 

Amanda had no idea who her father was, and the fact that Eddie knew made her skin crawl. As if he knew more about her than she did. She began to wonder what he meant, but there was no way to figure it out. Her mother was in Nevada, there was no way of reaching her. 

"You two losers getting in or what?" Amanda sent them an annoyed look, watching as they scrambled towards the car. 

As they all settled in, Amanda began the drive to Mike's house. 

"You never told me you two hated each other." Dustin spoke with annoyance and confusion, as if Amanda had told some horrible lie. 

"I did what you asked, Dustin. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Amanda woke up the next morning feeling upset. She'd run out of breakfast foods, and she had no intentions of driving to the store that day. She was exhausted, feeling the weight of the day before fall onto her. She spent the night searching through the house, trying to find some sort of answer as to who her father was. 

As she wandered her house, she decided to look again. Entering her mothers room, she began to search through her drawers. Pulling up stacks of neatly folded shirts, she found a key. It was smaller than her house key, one she'd never seen before. Shoving it in her pants pocket, she began to search for what it might belong to. 

As she searched the closet, she heard a creak in the hardwood flooring. Her eyes darted to the floor, noticing a wood panel was loose. Kneeling down, she gripped onto it's edges and pulled upwards. After a few attempts, she was successful in taking it out of the floor. Amanda set it aside, looking through the dark space it's absence had left. Laying there was a rectangular safe with the handle facing upwards. Reaching in to grab it, she began to worry it wouldn't fit. Though, as she pulled it upwards she noticed it fit just enough for the sides of the safe to rub against the wood. 

Setting it next to her, she noticed how light the safe was. Amanda shoved the key in the keyhole, twisting it as the lock unleashed and it opened slightly. Pulling the top up, a manila file laid in the safe. Her hands gripped the file as she sat herself down on the floor, adjusting herself to get more comfortable. As she opened it, a picture of an old man showed up. Next to him were women in hospital gowns, looking exhausted and slightly upset. 


Under that news article, another showed with the title;

'They took my daughter'





As Amanda read through these news articles, she began to notice a theme in each. They all correlated to the same man, Martin Brenner. And so, she knew who she had to go to. Though, she never wanted to. 

Eddie Munson. 


This chapters kind of short, I know. I just thought it was a nice cliffhanger. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter along with the other ones, and if you have any suggestions for new friendships with Amanda let me know. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like reading it as much as I like writing it. :)


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