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They each poured out of Eddie's trailer, holding their gear to their sides confidently. Stepping outside of the trailer, Amanda took in the sight of the darkness that wrapped around her. How dead and desolate this world was, and how dangerous it was about to become for her and her friends. Amanda stood by Eddie as Steve turned around, sending Amanda a sour smile.

"Hey, guys. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats," Steve turned to look at Amanda, his eyes scanning her body with confidence. "Amanda, keep them busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute, or be a hero or something, okay? You guys are just-"

"Decoys." Dustin interjected with an annoyed tone, cutting off his speech. "Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve."

"Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We are not heroes." Eddie said with a chuckle, a lighthearted smile tugging his lips upwards.

"Amanda, I'm especially talking about you." Steve sent her a somber look, knowing Amanda's motivations and actions may lead her to take unnecessary risks.

"Steve, I'll be fine. Don't you worry about me." Amanda soothed him, watching as he nodded and turned away, walking towards Nancy and Robin.

"Hey, Steve?" Eddie called out, taking a few steps towards him. "Make him pay."

Steve nodded slightly, Eddie returning the nod as Amanda turned towards the trailer, letting out a sigh as she began to work. Dustin and Eddie followed behind her, dragging a tarp covered in wood and metal towards Eddie's home. Amanda gripped onto the metal, pulling it upwards as Eddie grabbed the other end, lifting it off the ground and shoving it against the trailer. Dustin drilled nails into the metal, the metal covering any glass windows that could be penetrable by the bats.

It was grueling work, Amanda nearly out of breath as she held up the strong rusted metal. As she was finally able to let go, she aided Eddie in spreading out black wired fence, covering the porch and leaving a safe space which would protect the three once their plan had been put into action. For the most part, it seemed as if the plan would work. Though, as Amanda had set up their base of operations, she couldn't help but imagine all the ways it could go wrong. Fear overcoming her as she shook away the thought that she wouldn't be able to save Eddie.

After nearly thirty minutes, the three stood back, admiring their work with exchanged positive feedback.

"It'll do." Amanda shrugged, walking towards the wired fence and pulling the fence door open. The two followed behind as she opened the door to his home, leading the two towards Eddie's room. Eddie rushed in front of her, eager to open the door as his eyes laid on his guitar, hanging against the mirror.

"Jesus Chr..." Eddie let out a small whimper, mesmerized by his beautiful red and black guitar. "It's like... she was made for an alternate dimension." Eddie walked closer to it, reaching his hand out as he was about to grab it. "What do you say, Henderson? Johnson? Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"

Eddie turned to the two, his eyes open wide as a smile crept on his face. Amanda nodded eagerly, Dustin taking a step closer to his older companion.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Dustin said, in awe. Eddie slug the guitar wrap over his shoulder, the guitar laying against his chest and abdomen.

"Let's do it." Eddie said eagerly, whipping his guitar over his shoulder and behind his back.

"Eddie, do you know what song you're going to play?" Amanda questioned, following behind him as he sprinted out of his bedroom. Eddie turned dramatically, a wide smile forming.

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now