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Amanda rubbed her index finger against her walkman, feeling against the ridges of the object that kept her safe. She sat still, awaiting a response from anyone in the group, yet they all sat dumbfounded. The silence was nearly deafening, and Amanda could feel the tension building between her and them. 

"You said you didn't remember any of this, right?" Dustin questioned, shifting in his seat. 

"Yeah, I couldn't remember. It just... played like a movie." Amanda explained, waiting for Dustin to come up with some sort of answer. 

"I think the worst part is that I don't know how to control it. I mean, earlier today, I threw Eddie against the wall after it happened. I didn't mean to, it just happened. Maybe Vecna has trouble reaching me because of my powers?" Amanda could feel herself fall into a void in that moment, realizing that nothing would ever be the same. She was now known as a murderer, she had powers which she could not tame, and her mind had been infested by a monster from another dimension. 

"Vecna thrives off of trauma, things that haunt us on a day to day basis. But this didn't haunt you. Maybe from his previous knowledge he cursed you and made you remember." Dustin spoke his thoughts aloud, ones in which Amanda was grateful for. Lucas nodded in approval, before pointing his index finger outwards with a spark behind his eyes. 

"Maybe that's why it took him longer. He had to gain power, and maybe this was harder for him." Lucas bounced his idea off Dustin, who nodded in agreement. 

"As much as I love sitting here and theorizing with all of you, doesn't this mean we have a bigger problem? I think all of you missed the part where Vecna told Amanda he was going to kill all of us. This means none of us are safe." Robin interrupted, her reminder sending shivers down each of their spines. 

"Max, you said you saw a flower on a door, right?" Nancy spoke up, looking to Max who had nodded slowly. 

"I think I might know where that is. From what Amanda described, and you too, it sounds like pieces of a house. A door, windows... and I know exactly what door that is." Nancy shot up, leading to the others following in her movements. Amanda stood herself up, only to be met with Steve's hand held out towards her. 

"No, if we're going anywhere you're staying here. We don't have enough room in the car and you need to keep Eddie company. Seems like you've been doing a good job so far." Steve pointed out, causing Amanda to let out a low groan. 

"Come on! I could be a big help to this, you know? I hold information you need, Steve! Let me help for once." Amanda nearly begged, to which she was shot down immediately. 

"No. When we need you... and we will need you, we'll let you know. I promise you'll be able to help later, but now you shouldn't come. Especially since you have like zero control over your powers." Steve decided, before heading towards the door with the rest of the group. Nancy sent her a sympathetic look, while Robin waved a happy goodbye. 

"See you later, sister of death." Max sent her a wave before stepping out, being the last to leave. As she shut the door, Amanda was left with the same scenery she'd gotten bored of. Though, the only joyous part was that Eddie was there to bathe in the misery with her. 

"You really thought I'd think differently of you? I mean, it does come as a shock but... you grew up without remembering that. You grew up a different person, okay? I don't hate you, and I don't want you to hate yourself either." Eddie spoke quickly, his eyes melting into hers. Amanda stood there for a moment, almost unable to catch her breath as it had been taken away by his unwavering gaze. 

"I'm a monster, Eddie." Amanda whispered, taking a step closer to him. It was then that his hand found it's way to her jaw, his palm touching against her skin lightly. 

"You're not a monster, Amanda." Eddie whispered, sympathy evident in his eyes. Maybe they had gotten lost in the moment, but both had failed to hear the front door open. 

"Sorry, I forgot my-" Robin spoke, standing still with her eyes wide as she took in the scene in front of her. Amanda pulled away quickly, turning to Robin with an awkward smile.

"Oh! We were just... I had something on my face." Amanda chuckled lightly, looking to Eddie who had began to walk away. 

"Right... well I forgot my ring. I took it off somewhere over here... ah! There it is!" Robin rushed to her ring, shoving it onto her finger as she quickly made her way out. Amanda looked back to Eddie, who looked extremely frustrated with her. 

"What?" Amanda questioned, walking closer to him. 

"You confuse the hell out of me, Amanda. I mean, what was that?" Eddie seethed, sitting himself on the couch dramatically. 

"What the hell do you mean, Eddie?" Amanda crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing as she grew frustrated. 

"You had something on your face? Seriously, if you still think I'm a freak just say it!" Eddie shouted, harshly waving his right arm. 

"Oh, so that's what this is about, then? I'm not going to get on my hands and knees and apologize to you over and over for something I did when I was seven. Grow the hell up, Eddie." Amanda retorted, her voice lowering as anger soared through her body. 

"Grow up? You want me to grow up? Last I checked-" Eddie paused, before shaking his head. 

"What, Munson?" Amanda shouted, watching as he stood himself up, grabbed the walkie, and walked towards the back door. 

"Nothing. Screw off." Eddie mumbled, opening the door and heading towards the shed outside. Amanda watched as he walked off, before slamming the door violently. 

Amanda spent the next few hours laying around in the bedroom she'd claimed for herself, flipping through the magazines she found laying around. As she began to read a new one, she heard the front door open. Amanda dropped her magazine, her heartbeat quickening as she assumed it was Eddie. As she opened the door, she was met with a blond haired boy with fury sparked in his eyes. Amanda's body went cold as they locked eyes, his head tilting as a smile formed on his face. 

"Maybe Sinclair was right." The boy took a step closer, followed by another behind him. 

"Who the hell are you?" Amanda spat, her mind overflowing with thoughts about Eddie's safety. 

"I'm sure you know Chrissy, huh? Hiding out here with the freak?" The boy's voice turned cold, taking another step closer. Amanda noticed they were both wearing black tuxedos, and her heart dropped. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Amanda stated, crossing her arms as if she were offended. 

"I'm sure you know. Here, I'll even be nice to you and give you a chance to confess." He concluded, awaiting her response. 

"Are you deaf, kid? Were you dropped as a child? By the looks of it, maybe you were." Amanda snapped back, taking a step closer to them. "You need to leave." Amanda demanded. 

"I didn't ask for your goddamn attitude, I asked for a confession." He spoke calmly, as if he was threatening her with his tone of voice. She looked to the other boy who showed himself behind the two, leaving the fight 3-to-1. The boy behind the two held some sort of tool in his hand, which she assumed would be used to hurt both her and Eddie. 

"Oh, don't worry, the attitude is on the house." Amanda chuckled, before tilting her head downwards. 

"What, you gonna scare us away with an angry look?" The other blond haired boy joked, causing the rest to laugh along with him.

"No." Amanda smiled as she lifted the boy in the front off the ground, the rest left with wide eyes and rapid breathing. 

"Jason!" One boy shouted, noticing the visible struggle Jason held against her. 

"You're going to leave, okay? You're going to leave and never-" Before Amanda could finish her sentence, her vision was obstructed by an object flying at her face, clashing between her eyes and forcing her head backwards, falling onto the ground as everything went black. 

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