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They explained their association with Owens, which didn't come as much of a shock to Amanda as she thought it would. The only shocking part was that he wasn't necessarily a bad person, and instead advocated for Eleven. If anything, it made Amanda trust him without even meeting him. 

Amanda looked to the three, who stood impatiently waiting for her answer. 

"I have no intentions meeting with Owens or my mother, especially since they think I don't know how to use my powers. I know how to use them, and I don't want to risk being away from you guys especially since you're actively working on a way to get this curse to... vanish." Amanda decided, looking to the three. Eddie nodded in agreement before walking back into the house, still obviously upset about the fight from before. 

"Okay, well stay here. We're staying at Nancy's for the night while they head to the library and look for some sort of lead." Steve decided as Nancy walked towards the car. Robin, Dustin and Max had already situated themselves in the car, awaiting the two teen's arrival. 

"Are you serious, Harrington? We've already decided I'm not going to Nevada, so why do I have to stay in this shithole of a house?" Amanda nagged the man as he walked out of the front door with the rest of them, excluding Eddie. 

"Do I really have to explain this again, Amanda? I don't need another damn person to babysit, and if Eddie stays here alone I'm pretty sure he's going to go insane." Steve sent her an annoyed look, which she immediately reciprocated. 

"I don't need to be babysat, Harrington. In fact, I babysit you. Technically, if you don't let me go, I can fire you." Amanda threatened, narrowing her eyes at the boy. 

"I don't have time for this. Just listen for once, please?" Steve shouted as he ran to his car, leaving Amanda alone on the front porch. 

Amanda, in all honesty, did not want to be left alone with Eddie. Nancy's words rung in her ears, nearly taunting her as she tried to sort her own feelings. She'd barely talked to him, yet the second his voice softened it was as if he held some sort of grip on her. She could feel herself weaken by his voice, as if she'd never heard anything like it. 

As Amanda walked back into the house, she could notice that Eddie was willfully ignoring her. She couldn't decide whether it was because of their small dispute earlier or the fact that she so desperately wanted to leave, but she was determined to make things right. 

"Eddie, can we talk for a moment?" Amanda questioned, walking closer to him. He had been sitting on the couch, reading over a magazine that he'd found laying on Rick's bed. 

"Here to tell me I'm wrong again?" Eddie mumbled, causing Amanda to roll her eyes. 

"No, Eddie. I'm here to tell you that you're right. I mean, you could have made your point without yelling but... for the most part you're right." Amanda sighed as she sat herself inches away from him, his eyes lifting from the magazine in shock. 

"You're telling me I'm right? Honestly, I never expected you to admit you're wrong. It doesn't seem like you." Eddie smiled, nudging her softly. 

"Yeah, well I don't know what's gotten into me in all honesty. If it were anyone else I might've been yelling by now, but I suppose it's different with you." Amanda spoke softly, her eyes meeting the ceiling as she began to think about what she'd been saying. Different scenarios played through her head as she began to regret saying anything at all. 

"What do you mean by that, freak?" Eddie smiled, amused as he watched her sit silently. 

"What is this, an interrogation? I said what I said, how much more clear could I be? And since when am I the freak?" Amanda retorted, though she couldn't help but smile. 

"Why don't you just answer the question, huh? What's so difficult about that?" Eddie's voice showed nothing but pure amusement, something Amanda had found dreadful in that moment. 

"You know, I don't even remember you as a kid. All I can remember was when I called you a freak. If I had even the slightest understanding of how hurtful that would've been for you-" 

"Amanda, it's okay. I mean, look at me, somebody would've eventually called me a freak anyway." Eddie grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it gently, watching as her gaze fell onto him. 

"Eddie, I'm not like Chrissy or any of them. I mean, I'm rude... constantly. I say things most people think are offensive and I am definitely as far away as possible from the social norm. I don't obsess over my hair, I mean that's why I basically don't have any and-" 

"Amanda, what is this about?" Eddie cut her off, squeezing her hand once more. Amanda's gaze grew more intense as she felt the electricity flood through her as if it were a tsunami, though even with that feeling fear somehow overpowered it. 

"I don't know, just forget I said anything." Amanda sighed, standing herself up as she released from the grip Eddie held. And in that moment, Eddie could feel his heart drop slightly. 

"Amanda..." Eddie spoke, watching as she walked to the other room. He was shocked to see her slam the door without actually touching it, and rather just pointing her hand at it. 

Amanda couldn't understand her feelings, and she'd never truly experienced feelings like this. She never felt anything extreme, her life was always dull. She would never feel in extremes, and suddenly Eddie had changed that. In one instant, she'd began to learn what love had felt like. Though, she never truly wanted to feel it with Eddie. 

Huddled on the floor, Amanda could feel tears begin to form. Maybe it was because she felt as if she didn't deserve Eddie's love and attention, or maybe it was because she hadn't had a single chance to process anything, but she began to loudly sob. This quickly caught Eddie's attention, though he was cautious to approach her door. Instead, he stood outside of it and called out her name. 

"Listen, it doesn't matter what you are compared to those ego-maniacal freaks. People who obsess about their hair and clothes and," Eddie paused, before saying the next word with a high pitched, funny voice. "Makeup, you have something they don't. You have the balls to be yourself. I mean, do you even know how many people I've met that have been so incredibly fake about who they are? It's in the millions, Amanda. You're not like them at all, and that's a good thing. To me at least." 

Amanda wiped away the tears that collected on her bottom eyelid and eyelashes, her vision slightly blurry as she stood herself upright. Turning her head to the right, the door swung open at her command, revealing Eddie who stood there with a weak smile. 

"I don't even know why I'm crying, honestly. I never cry." Amanda sniffled as she wiped away the remains of her tears, watching as Eddie chuckled slightly. 

"What, is this funny to you?" Amanda tilted her head, to which he did the same. 

"You've cried two times today, Amanda." Eddie chuckled, taking a step into the room. 

"Yeah, well today is different." Amanda crossed her arms, trying to avoid smiling once more. 

"Yeah, is it? You know, I cry all the time." Eddie spoke with a playful tone, causing Amanda to giggle at his words. 

"Yeah?" Amanda chuckled, sniffling once more as she watched Eddie move in a funny way. It was as if he was running, taking oddly long steps to the side with his arms pointed downwards. 

"Oh, like a baby," Eddie sent her an assured nod, "I cry when there's no cereal left, oh... and while watching the movie Testament." 

"I can accept the movie Testament, but cereal? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" Amanda giggled, watching as Eddie nodded in agreement. 

"Oh, I'm a total maniac, didn't you know? Crazy as they make 'em." It became clear that Eddie would say anything to make her feel better, and Amanda had felt nothing but enchanted by the effort. 

"You're a total freak, Munson." Amanda smiled, to which he smiled back. 

It was this moment that would be burned into both of their memories for the rest of their lives.

The timeline is a bit funky and I'm so sorry about that, but trust me it'll start making a bit more sense.... 
ALSO Eddie and Amanda crushing on each other??? Who saw that one coming amiright???
Anyways they're so cute i love them :)

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