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"Eddie! Come on, what are you doing?" Amanda sobbed, screaming at the boy as he fumbled for his makeshift sword, though it looked more like a long knife. With a shout, Eddie sliced the rope, the fabric falling into Dustin's hand. 

"No! Eddie, no!" Amanda screamed after the boy, Dustin screaming after his friend, his hands lifting to each side of his head as they both watched him push the mattress away. Amanda looked to the loveseat next to her, extending her hand as she moved it under the gate with one swift movement. 

"Eddie, what are you doing?" Dustin screamed. Eddie looked up to them, holding his shield over his shoulder. 

"Buying more time." He said confidently as he ran out of sight. Amanda drowned out the sound of Dustin's pleading, her body shaking as she climbed on top of the loveseat. 

"Push me up." Amanda ordered, looking to Dustin who had been hyperventilating, his chest heaving as his eyes began to wet. Dustin rushed to her, holding his hands out as she placed her foot on top of them, his arms shaking greatly as he carried her weight. Amanda gripped onto the edges of the gate, feeling the slimy tendrils against her skin as she pushed herself up. Amanda grunted as she began to fall, her back hitting the ground harshly. Amanda looked up to Dustin who had been trying to get back into the upside down, Amanda sending him a sorry look as she extended her hand, throwing the loveseat against the wall, the boy falling to the ground harshly. 

Amanda turned towards the door, sprinting as she pushed it open, watching as the bats swarmed him. He'd taken one of the bikes.

Amanda's eyes darted to the other bikes as she began to rush towards them, jumping onto the seat, peddling quickly behind him. She followed behind until he'd fallen onto his knees, jumping up as he began to run away from them. And, in that moment, he'd stood still. As if he were sacrificing himself. 

"Eddie!" Amanda screamed, Eddie's eyes meeting hers, his focus falling on her. The bats flew towards him, crashing against his shield. Amanda held her hand out, tilting her head down as she focused on holding each bat, but she could only hold half. Twisting her arm, with another loud scream, she harshly brought her arm down, the bodies of the bats clashing against the ground with a loud thud. As she looked back to Eddie, she noticed Eddie battling the rest that had begun to swarm around him. She ran closer, her hand extended as she held a handful more, harshly slamming them against the ground. 

Looking back to him, he'd been on the floor, the bats gnawing at his skin. 

"Eddie!" Amanda's blood curdling scream nearly broke his heart, and in that instant the rest had fallen limp, their wings spread as they fell to the ground. Amanda ran towards him, nearly tripping as she met him by his side. Amanda kneeled down, tears falling as she looked into his eyes. 

"Eddie, you idiot!" She cried, propping Eddie's head onto her lap. A weak smile formed on his face as his eyes began to wet. 

"I didn't run away this time, right?" His voice strained as he looked into her eyes, holding his smile with whatever strength he had left. Amanda's eyes began to blur as she blinked away the tears. 

"You didn't run, Eddie. You just need to hold on. You need to stay with me, you need to stay alive. Come on, Eddie. You're going to be fine... you're- you fought once! You can fight again! Fight for me Eddie. Please, just fight for me." Amanda begged, stroking his hair lightly as she looked down to the weak man. 

"Have I ever told you how- how absolutely beautiful you are? Seriously," Eddie gasped for air, smiling as blood covered his teeth. "You make me believe in myself. Nobody's ever done that before." Eddie choked out, blood spurting from his mouth. Amanda let out a small sob, watching as his face grew pale. 

"You can tell me tomorrow, Eddie. Tell me how beautiful and amazing I am tomorrow." Amanda let out a sorrowful chuckle, demanding that he stay with her. 

"Look after Henderson for me, okay? That kid- he's something special." Eddie's hand gripped onto her arm, refusing to let go. 

"No, Eddie. You can look after him yourself, okay? Look after him yourself." Amanda could feel her hope begin to drain as his grip grew weaker. 

"Say you will. Say it." Eddie begged, a single tear falling from the corner of his eye. 

"I will." Amanda said in defeat, using all the strength in her body to stay strong in that moment. 

"You're a superhero, Amanda," Eddie choked, coughing up blood as he gasped for air. "You're my hero." 

"You're the hero, Eddie. You're the hero." Amanda stroked his hair in a quicker pace, examining every facial feature he had. 

"I love you, Amanda. You'll be alright. You'll be okay." Eddie managed to say, blood trickling from his mouth as blood began to pour from his neck. 

"No, Eddie, I wont. I wont be okay. I need you, Eddie, do you hear me? I need you." Amanda sobbed. 

"You don't- you don't need me. You're brave, Amanda. You're brave." Eddie let out a weak breath as he lost his grip, his chest rose and fell, but did not rise again. His eyes no longer focused on hers. In that moment, she could feel her body give in. 

"Eddie? Eddie, wake up! Eddie, I love you, please! Please Eddie, I love you." Amanda sobbed, shaking his body as she repeated those words over and over again. Her body heaved forward as she gasped for air, tears streaming down her face, her body growing weak.  With anger and sadness, she let out a loud scream, one which caught the attention of Dustin who'd found a way to Eddie himself. 

"No." Dustin spoke in disbelief, running towards Eddie and Amanda. But it was too late, Eddie had already died. 

"No." Dustin screamed, tears streaming down his cheek as he sobbed over Eddie's body. 

Amanda placed her hand on his chest, closing her eyes as she focused on the moment she'd remembered just yesterday. How happy they were as kids, how they had planned to build a fort, to fight imaginary monsters. 

And maybe she was too caught up in the moment, maybe that's why she didn't notice, but blood began to trickle from her nose. 

a bit of a short chapter, but the next one will be longer, i promise! thank you for reading!

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