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Each of the young adults searched the kitchen, Eddie checking behind the curtains while Amanda looked out of the window above the sink. They could all hear him, his voice becoming more clear the more they focused on it.

"Either Dustin can't hear us or he's being a total asshole." Amanda sighed, turning to the rest as they'd all seemingly given up.

"Will found a way. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." Nancy spoke hurriedly, rushing towards a nearby lamp and twisting it's knob. Though, the light did not flash.

"Try the light switch." Steve suggested, Nancy quickly flipping the switch multiple times. Defeated, Steve turned around, pointing his flashlight at the light which hung from the ceiling in the kitchen, his eyes captivated by what he saw.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Steve asked, walking closer towards the glowing particles. Amanda walked closer to it, being the first to attempt to touch what she saw, feeling a tickling sensation against the tips of her fingers as she moved them. The particles following behind her movement gorgeously, as if they were golden flakes.

"It... tickles." Amanda smiled as the others began to touch it.

"It kind of feels good." Robin spoke breathlessly, smiling widely at the glowing particles.

"Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy turned to the four, to which they all responded 'No' in unison.

"Wait, does SOS count? Is that... is that good?" Eddie questioned, to which all the girls stared at him, dumbfounded by his stupidity.

"Eddie, take a moment and think about that question. I mean, really think about it." Amanda's eyes narrowed, Eddie responding by rolling his eyes.

"You could've just said yes." He muttered as he began to tap against the glowing flakes. Amanda let out a small sigh, watching as the light grew brighter with each tap.

Kneeling by Nancy Wheelers bed, the teens anxiously waited for some sort of light to show up in front of them. Following Dustin's orders, it would happen any minute.

"Come on, come on Dustin." Amanda muttered to herself, praying that there was some sort of way they could communicate with the younger teens.

"You guys seeing this?" Dustin's distorted voice broke the silence, causing Nancy to gasp slightly as she extended her hand. As her hand touched the particles, they began to glow beautifully.

"Were not going to move it, but we're going to unplug it. Stand by." Dustin shouted, the particles instantly dimming as he unplugged it. "Try it now." His voice called out.

Nancy brought her hand back towards where the particles were, writing out the word HI.

"That worked!" His voice graced the group, each erupting into cheers as relief washed over them. Nancy began to trace her fingers against the light once more, writing the word STUCK.

"Yes, yes." Eddie nodded enthusiastically, causing Amanda to chuckle lightly.

"We are indeed stuck." Amanda nodded, feeling a sense of euphoria as she knew they'd be able to find a way out with Dustin's help. Nancy continued to explain their situation, before Dustin quickly grew annoyed.

"How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?" Dustin shouted, aggravated with the teens.

"Jesus Christ this kids gotta get his ego in check." Steve shook his head, squinting his eyes.

"It's his tone, right?" Eddie looked to Steve, who nodded.

"The little shit's gotta chill for once." Amanda muttered, Eddie laughing lightly.

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now