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They found themselves travelling through the darkened woods, searching for Nancy's home where she promised things in the sort of a deadly projectile. Amanda found herself next to Eddie, Steve trailing behind them as Eddie sent her a soft smile.

"I thought you were gone." Eddie whispered, looking to his feet as he carefully walked around the vines which wrapped themselves around the world they found themselves in.

"Yeah, well I'm still here. I can handle myself, y'know." Amanda pointed out, to which Eddie sarcastically nodded.

"I saved your ass, Johnson. First time in the past few days that I haven't ran." Eddie joked, though part of him was being serious. Amanda could hear it in his voice, the regret.

"If I were you I would have ran, too. Until today, I'd mastered the art of hiding. But Eddie..." Amanda stopped, her hands gripping onto his as she looked to him with a smile.

"This is our time. Our time to prove that we don't run, okay? I know you're brave, Eddie. I can see it in you. You saved my life. It takes courage to jump into a dangerous situation, and it takes even more courage to understand the risks you're taking before you take them." Amanda spoke confidently, Eddie's lips reluctantly turning upwards. His grip loosened as he continued to walk forward, Amanda beginning to frown at his reluctance to respond.

"You inspire me, you know? You just charge into battle like nothing is holding you back, I don't think I could ever do that." Eddie chuckled, gripping onto her left hand, rubbing his thumb lightly against the back of her hand. Amanda's lips turned upwards as she felt a warmth in her body she'd never felt before.

"You know, Eddie, for the longest time I felt somehow empty, like I always knew I was missing something important. For my entire life I thought it was my father... but it was you. When I came back, I didn't remember you. The only thing I remembered was playing with mud in my front yard with you, watching you play with that yellow truck. Then, it all went blank," Amanda began, her eyes beginning to water as she reminisced. Eddie stood in front of her, placing his hand on her shoulder as his eyes softened. 

"After you, I never had another best friend. I was just the shell of a person, somehow unable to feel emotions clearly. I don't remember why we became friends, but I'm glad that whatever it is between us still exists. I'm glad I have you again."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm glad to have you too, freak." Eddie pulled her in for a hug, the warmth of the embrace being something Amanda would never forget. 

"Have I ever told you why my hair's like this?" Eddie asked as he began to walk once more. Amanda followed behind, eager to hear the story. 

"When I was younger, I had a nice haircut. I mean, man was I smokin'," Eddie joked, furrowing his eyebrows with a goofy smile as he looked to Amanda, causing her to laugh. "Well, my father, not being fond of my look, took his hair clippers to my hair and... bam. Bald headed, showing off my large noggin to all the girls who came knocking at my door, right? Well, ever since my uncle started taking care of me, I decided I never wanted to cut it again. In spite of my father, y'know? That was my way of making sure I never ended up like him, even if he raised me to be like him. And with you, I couldn't feel any less like him if I tried. You make me brave." 

"Right, because your dad never fought monsters from another dimension." Amanda joked, Eddie's lips turning upwards as he looked to her with loving eyes. 

"No, but because he never had somebody like you next to him. Someone who forces him to be better." Eddie responded as Amanda tried her best not to tear up. 

"Jesus, Eddie, you're a total softie. But... thank you." Amanda sighed, planting a kiss on his cheek. 

"Hey, Eddie? Eddie!" Steve called out, walking closer towards the two. Amanda turned to look at Steve, her smile fading quickly. 

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now