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Exiting the vehicle, the group separated into their assigned groups, leaving Amanda with Eddie and Dustin. Amanda sat herself against the grass, jamming nails through a garbage lid as Eddie and Dustin did the same. Amanda felt a sickening feeling build in her stomach, a bottomless abyss forming within her body as she processed the image Vecna had displayed earlier that day. She had no intentions of telling Eddie about his fate, especially since she had been determined to change it. Even if that meant sacrificing herself for the man she loved.

Though, she knew it wasn't the right thing to do. To shield such important information from a person in hopes that the information would somehow change. There was something eerie about his vision, as if it had already been set in stone.

"What do you think, Johnson? Good enough to shield bats? Give 'em hell?" Eddie pointed his shield outwards, his hand gripping on the handle as he gave her a goofy smile.

"I don't know how the bats could even go after you in the first place. You're too cute to hurt." Amanda blurted, her cheeks turning a bright pink as she realized what she'd just said.

"I could say the same for you, but unfortunately they'd already made their mark on you," Eddie said, motioning towards her torso with a hurt smile. "But not to worry, we're gonna give 'em hell. Make them pay for all this bullshit."

"Yeah, make them pay!" Dustin cheered, forcing his shield into the air confidently. Amanda smiled at the boys enthusiasm, Eddie doing the same as he watched Dustin wander off towards Steve.

"I don't want you doing anything stupid down there, okay? You're there to help distract them, not charge into battle. That's what I'm for." Amanda sent him a frown, her eyes wetting as she looked at how happy he'd been. She took a mental image of that moment, deciding to never let it go.

"Do I look like a hero to you? The only person here that's a hero is you." Eddie smiled, his hand cupping her jaw as his eyes drowned in hers. It was that moment that he felt his cold heart thaw for her, simply at the sight of her eyes. How beautiful she looked against the sunlight, how determined she was to save everyone.

"I don't know if I'm a hero." Amanda looked down, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"Are you kidding me? You're not just any hero, Amanda. You're my hero." Eddie soothed, Amanda's eyes meeting his once more.

"As a wise man once said, just because I want to be a hero doesn't mean you have to be. I can't lose you, Eddie. I really can't." Amanda blinked away her tears, Eddie wiping under her eyelid with his thumb as he sent her an assured smile.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

Amanda sent him a small smile, her eyes falling to his lips as his eyes did the same. After a small moment of hesitation, their lips clashed with passion, Amanda tasting cigarette residue along with a small hint of graham crackers. The taste would have nauseated her, but for the most part she didn't notice. She was caught in the moment.

Eddie pulled away, his thumb running against the outline of her jaw lightly. A wide smile was shared between the two, before being rudely interrupted by their young friend.

"That's so gross." Dustin whined, pretend gagging himself as he looked at the two. Eddie pulled his hand away, sending Dustin an annoyed look as he turned his body towards him.

"Ever heard of privacy, shitbird?" Eddie retorted, Dustin crossing his arms against his chest in disproval.

"We're in an open field!" Dustin's high pitched voice erupted as he defended himself, Amanda giggling at the flustered boy.

"Get to work, kiddo. We have about an hour until sunset, then it's go-time." Amanda ordered the boy as he mumbled an annoyed 'whatever', Dustin sitting himself down as he hammered more nails into the trash can lid. Eddie sent Amanda a look, as if he were showing his disappointment and love for the boy all at once.

"We should get back to work then, huh?" Eddie nearly whined, pulling his shield off the ground and towards the two.

The next hour had been spent building a great defense, though Amanda had been left to do most of the work as the boys roughhoused behind her. Her mind shuffled through all the possibilities the night may bring, how many failures could happen along with victories. She knew their plan was reliant on nothing but a miracle, but she also knew a miracle was their best chance.

"No more retreating from Eddie the Banished, huh? Does that mean when all of this is over you'll take me out to dinner? Here's the kicker, you can't say no, Munson. If you say no that would be retreating, would it not?" Amanda questioned the boy, to which he eagerly nodded. Grabbing her hand, he nearly bent down as he planted a kiss on it, his other hand extended as if he were bowing to her.

"As long as you're okay with being seen with Eddie 'The Freak' Munson." Eddie joked, sending her a lopsided smile.

"Oh, it's social suicide. But I guess I'll take that chance." Amanda said in a fake snobby tone, Eddie snickering at her sarcasm.

In the van, Nancy went over the plan once more, strictly enforcing that they must go through with it no matter what. Amanda was hesitant to agree, but knew that her agreement wouldn't matter much. Everyone else had already decided what they were going to do and she had no intention of ruining their plan and jeopardizing their safety.

Steve began the drive back, which took around ten minutes. They first stopped at the Creel house, dropping off Max, Lucas, and Erica. Amanda sent Max a confident nod.

"Good luck, sister of death." Amanda sent her a small smile, Max returning it graciously.

"Jesus, I can't wait until this is over so you stop saying that." Max whined, sending her a wave.

"It's never going to stop, Mayfield. Get used to it, kid." Amanda shouted behind the girl as she closed the door. After another five minutes, they had arrived at their final destination. Pulling next to Eddie's trailer, tensions rose as they all understood what may happen next.

Each filed out of the van, rushing towards Eddie's house in an attempt to remain unseen. As they all made it in, they crowded around the gate, their eyes staring down at the dark version of their own beloved world. Steve was the first to jump in, landing on his feet as he sent them all a quick emotionless look.

"What, does he want us to applaud him?" Robin whispered to Nancy, Amanda holding back a chuckle as she watched Eddie drag over Eddie's infamous stained mattress.

Amanda was the first to jump in, gripping onto the white sheet as she pulled herself up. And suddenly, she'd fallen backwards onto the mattress, accompanied by Steve who extended his hand.

"Never would I have thought I'd willfully go into an alternate evil dimension with Steve Harrington." Amanda mumbled as she gripped onto his hand, pulling herself up as the others slowly made their way to them.

As the last person had made it in, each stood by their group. It was this moment, this battle that would change Amanda's life forever.

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now